Extension Ti Allowance Sample Clauses

Extension Ti Allowance. Tenant may periodically (but no more frequently than monthly) submit written requests for disbursements of the Extension TI Allowance. Each request for funding (a “Fund Request”) shall include the following: (i) the total amount of the Extension TI Allowance requested, (ii) a summary of the Extension Tenant Improvements performed using AIA standard form Application for Payment (G 702) executed by the general contractor and by the architect or other reasonable form, (iii) invoices from the general contractor, the architect, and any subcontractors, material suppliers and other parties requesting payment with respect to the amount of the Extension TI Allowance then being requested, (iv) unconditional lien releases from the general contractor and each subcontractor and material supplier with respect to previous payments made by either Landlord or Tenant for the Extension Tenant Improvements in a form reasonably acceptable to Landlord and complying with Applicable Laws, and (v) conditional lien releases from the general contractor and each subcontractor and material supplier with respect to the Extension Tenant Improvements performed that correspond to the Fund Request, each in a form reasonably acceptable to Landlord and complying with Applicable Laws; provided, however, for purposes of clauses (iv) and (v) above, with respect to subcontractors and material suppliers providing less than $50,000 in the aggregate of labor, materials or services, Tenant shall not be required to provide lien releases so long as the total amount of the unpaid labor, services and materials for all subcontractors for which no lien releases have been obtained, is less than $50,000 in the aggregate. Within thirty (30) days following receipt by Landlord of a Fund Request and the accompanying materials required by this Section, Landlord shall pay to (as elected by Tenant) the applicable contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers or Tenant the amount of Extension Tenant Improvement costs set forth in such Fund Request; provided, however, that Landlord shall not be obligated to make any payments under this Section until the budget for the Extension Tenant Improvements is approved in accordance with Section 6.2, and any Fund Request under this Section shall be subject to the payment limits set forth in Section 6.2 above and Section 6 of the Amendment.
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Extension Ti Allowance 

Related to Extension Ti Allowance

  • Extension Term The Term of the Lease is hereby extended for sixty (60) months and, therefore, the Term Expiration Date is hereby amended to mean January 14, 2023. The period commencing on January 15, 2018 (the “Extension Term Commencement Date”) and ending on the Term Expiration Date shall be referred to herein as the “Extension Term.”

  • Extension of the Expiry Date; Non-Extension Advance No earlier than the 60th day and no later than the 40th day prior to the then effective Expiry Date (unless such Expiry Date is on or after the date that is 15 days after the Final Legal Distribution Date for the Class A Certificates), the Borrower shall request that the Liquidity Provider extend the Expiry Date to the earlier of (i) the date that is 15 days after the Final Legal Distribution Date for the Class A Certificates and (ii) the date that is the day immediately preceding the 364th day occurring after the last day of the Consent Period (as hereinafter defined). Whether or not the Borrower has made such request, the Liquidity Provider shall advise the Borrower no earlier than the 40th day (or, if earlier, the date of the Liquidity Provider’s receipt of such request, if any, from the Borrower) and no later than the 25th day prior to the then effective Expiry Date (such period, the “Consent Period”), whether, in its sole discretion, it agrees to so extend the Expiry Date. If the Liquidity Provider advises the Borrower on or before the date on which the Consent Period ends that such Expiry Date shall not be so extended, or fails to irrevocably and unconditionally advise the Borrower on or before the date on which the Consent Period ends that such Expiry Date shall be so extended (and, in each case, if the Liquidity Provider shall not have been replaced in accordance with Section 3.5(e) of the Intercreditor Agreement), the Borrower shall be entitled on and after the date on which the Consent Period ends (but prior to the then effective Expiry Date) to request a Non-Extension Advance in accordance with Section 2.02(b) hereof and Section 3.5(d) of the Intercreditor Agreement.

  • Extension Terms Sublessee shall have two (2) successive options (each, an “Extension Option”) to extend the Term for periods of five (5) years each (each, an “Extension Term”), the first of which Extension Term shall commence on the termination date of the Base Term, and the second of which shall commence on the day immediately following the expiration of the first Extension Term, said Extended Terms to be on the same terms and conditions as the Lease except that (i) the Lease shall contain no further options to extend after the expiration of the second Extension Term, and (ii) the Fixed Rental Rate applicable to each Extension Term shall be computed as set forth below and not be subject to annual adjustment as provided in the reference data. Sublessee shall provide written notice (“Sublessee’s Extension Notice”) to Sublessor of its determination to exercise each such Extension Option no later than twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the then current Term (“Notice Date”). The Fixed Rental Rate for each Extension Term shall be 90% of the fair market rental rate (the “Extension Rental Rate”) for the Leased Premises, which is defined as the then prevailing fair market net rental rate for office and warehouse space at comparable property in the Portsmouth and Dover, NH markets assuming no adjustment thereto during the applicable Extension Term and no free rent period or tenant improvement allowances, excluding the value of any Alterations or other improvements made to the Premises that were paid for by Sublessee and taking into consideration factors such as (i) the percentage of the Building occupied by Sublessee, (ii) Sublessee’s obligation to pay Expenses as provided herein, and (iii) any other relevant factors either Sublessee or Sublessor wishes to bring to the attention of the other or to a real estate professional called upon to assist in the determination of the fair market rental rate. The Extension Rental Rate shall be determined as follows: in the event Sublessee timely exercises an Extension Option in accordance herewith, within ten (10) business days after Sublessor receives Sublessee’s Extension Notice, Sublessor shall notify Sublessee in writing of Sublessor’s good faith determination of the fair market rental rate (“Sublessor’s Extension Term Rental Notice”), which notice shall set forth in reasonable detail Sublessor’s determination of such fair market rental rate and shall provide separately, if Sublessor wishes, rent concessions and/or tenant improvement allowances that Sublessor may wish to offer, and the amount by which Sublessor’s estimate of the fair market rental rate would increase as a result of the granting of such concessions (the “Concession Rate Amount”) and shall set forth Sublessor’s determination of the expiration date of the Negotiation Period. Sublessee shall have ten (10) business days from the date of Sublessor’s Extension Term Rental Notice to either accept or dispute Sublessor’s determination of the fair market rental rate. In the event that Sublessee disputes Sublessor’s determination of the fair market rental rate, Sublessee shall so notify Sublessor and advise Sublessor of Sublessee’s determination of the fair market rental rate (which notice shall set forth in reasonable detail Sublessee’s determination of the fair market rental rate as well as concessions and improvement allowances it may be seeking, including an alternate Concession Rate Amount). If Sublessor and Sublessee cannot agree upon the Extension Rental Rate within sixty (60) days of the date of Sublessor’s Extension Term Rental Notice (the “Negotiation Period”), Sublessee, at Sublessee’s option, shall give Sublessor, within three (3) business days of the expiration of the Negotiation Period, one of the following written notices: (a) a written notice revoking Sublessee’s exercise of such Extension Option, or (b) a written notice stating that Sublessee wishes to submit the matter to arbitration as set forth below. If Sublessee does not provide either notice, the exercise of such Extension Option shall be deemed revoked. If option (b) is chosen, Sublessor and Sublessee shall simultaneously exchange, on the fifth (5th) business day following the expiration of the Negotiation Period, statements setting forth each such party’s final determination of the fair market rental rate (each, a “Statement of Rental Rate”), including any Concession Rate Amount (separately stated), together with such backup information as to such party’s determination of the fair market rental rate and/or any Concession Rate Amount as such party wishes to include (and, in the case of Sublessor, the fair market rental rate in such Statement of Rental Rate shall not be greater than that set forth in Sublessor’s Extension Term Rental Notice and, in the case of Sublessee, the fair market rental rate in such Statement of Rental Rate shall not be less than that set forth in Sublessee’s initial determination of the fair market rental rate provided in response to Sublessor’s Extension Term Rental Notice). If the higher of the two (2) determinations of the fair market rental rate is equal to or less than 110% of the lesser determination, then the Extension Rental Rate shall be the average of the two determinations. Otherwise, Sublessor and Sublessee shall mutually select a real estate professional with at least ten (10) years’ continuous experience in the business of appraising or marketing multi-tenant mix-use commercial office, warehouse and industrial buildings in the greater Portsmouth area (the “Valuation Expert”) to resolve the dispute as to the Extension Rental Rate. If Sublessor and Sublessee cannot agree upon the designation of the Valuation Expert within ten (10) business days of the exchange of the Statements of Rental Rate, the parties shall apply to the New Hampshire Chapter of the Appraisal Institute (the “NHAI”) for appointment of a qualified Valuation Expert as follows: (i) the NHAI shall provide Sublessor and Sublessee with a list of five qualified Valuation Experts; (ii) within five (5) business days after such list is produced, each of Sublessor and Sublessee shall notify NHAI and the other party of those proposed experts that are acceptable (and, if desired, ranking the same), each being entitled to strike up to two candidates; (iii) if one party fails to send back its selections, then NHAI shall appoint the number one ranked expert proposed by the other party; if both parties fail to send back their selections, NHAI shall appoint a Valuation Expert in its discretion; and if both parties timely return their selections, then the Valuation Expert will be proposed expert that is the highest ranked (on a combined basis) by the parties as determined by NHAI. The Valuation Expert appointed by NHAI shall be final and binding upon Sublessor and Sublessee. Within five (5) business days of the selection of the Valuation Expert, Sublessor and Sublessee shall each submit to the Valuation Expert a copy of its Statement of Rental Rate, together with any supporting material. The Valuation Expert shall not perform his own valuation, but rather, shall, within fifteen (15) business days after receipt of such submissions, select as the Extension Rental Rate the submission which the Valuation Expert concludes most closely and accurately reflects the fair market rental rate for the Leased Premises and the fair market rental rate set forth in that submission shall be the Extension Rental Rate for such Extension Term. The Valuation Expert shall give notice of his or her determination to Sublessor and Sublessee, and such decision shall be final and conclusively binding upon Sublessor and Sublessee. In addition, Sublessee shall be entitled to elect to take advantage of the concessions last offered by Sublessor and include the Concession Rate Amount in the Extension Rental Rate by notice to Sublessor given within thirty (30) days of the final determination by the Valuation Expert. Each party shall pay the fees and expenses of any real estate professional such party retains and such party’s counsel, if any, in connection with any proceeding under this paragraph, and the party whose determination of the fair market rental rate was determined by the Valuation Expert not to most accurately and closely reflect the fair market rental rate of the Leased Premises shall pay the fees and expenses of the Valuation Expert. Sublessor and Sublessee shall execute an amendment to this Lease within thirty (30) days after the determination of the Extension Rental Rate (in accordance with the procedure set forth above) for the applicable Extension Term, which amendment shall set forth the Extension Term, the Extension Rental Rate, and all other terms and conditions for such Extension Term; provided, however, any failure to execute such amendment shall not affect such Extension Term or any terms or conditions for Sublessee’s leasing of the Premises for the applicable Extension Term.

  • Expansion Premises In addition to the Original Premises, commencing on the Expansion Premises Commencement Date (as defined below), Landlord leases to Tenant, and Tenant leases from Landlord, the Expansion Premises.

  • Additional Premises Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to expand the Premises to include an additional fifteen thousand four hundred ten (15,410) square feet of Rentable Area located on the first (1st) floor, as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Additional Premises”) on July 1, 2012 (the “Additional Premises Delivery Date”). In the event Landlord determines the Additional Premises will be ready for delivery to Tenant in the Required Condition on the Additional Premises Delivery Date, within ten (10) business days prior to the Additional Premises Delivery Date, Landlord and Tenant shall enter into a written amendment to the Lease, which amendment shall provide, unless otherwise agreed in writing, (a) that the commencement date of the Additional Premises shall be the Additional Premises Delivery Date (the “Additional Premises Commencement Date”), (b) that, as of the Additional Premises Commencement Date, the Premises under the Lease shall be increased to include the Additional Premises for a total of sixty-one thousand four hundred forty-four (61,444) square feet of Rentable Area (together, the Premises and the Additional Premises shall be referred to hereinafter as the “Total Premises”), (c) the new Basic Annual Rent applicable to the Total Premises, which shall commence on the Additional Premises Commencement Date and shall be as further described in Section 4.2 of this Amendment, (d) Tenant’s new Pro Rata Share of Operating Expenses as of the Additional Premises Commencement Date, which Pro Rata Share shall equal one hundred percent (100%) of the Building and thirty-three and 51/100 percent (33.51%) of the Project and (e) that, in addition to the parking which Tenant is entitled to under the terms of the Lease with respect to the original Premises, Tenant, for so long as Tenant leases the Additional Premises, shall have a non-exclusive license to use the parking facilities serving the Building in common on an unreserved basis with other tenants of the Building and the Project at a ratio of 3.3 parking spaces per 1,000 rentable square feet of Additional Premises, which amounts to fifty-one (51) additional parking spaces, which number shall include three (3) additional Reserved Spaces. In the event the Additional Premises is not ready for delivery to Tenant in the Required Condition on the Additional Premises Delivery Date, then (x) this Amendment and the Lease shall not be void or voidable, (y) Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any loss or damage resulting therefrom and (z) the new Basic Annual Rent applicable to the Premises shall be as further described in Section 4.3 of this Amendment.

  • Extended Term Tenant shall have the option to extend the Term for two (2) consecutive five (5) year periods (the "FIRST EXTENDED TERM" and "SECOND EXTENDED TERM", respectively) on all the terms and conditions contained in this Lease including, without limitation, continuation of the adjustment of the Base Rent on an annual basis as provided in Section 3.3 below (provided only that upon commencement of the First Extended Term the only remaining option to extend the Term shall be the Second Extended Term and upon exercise of the option with respect to the Second Extended Term, no further right to extend the Term shall exist). Tenant shall deliver, if at all, written notice of its exercise of the option ("OPTION NOTICE") to Landlord at least six (6) months but not more than one (1) year before the expiration of the Term or First Extended Term, as the case may be. In the event Tenant fails to deliver the applicable Option Notice within the time allowed, Landlord shall deliver written notice to Tenant of Tenant's failure to deliver the Option Notice, and Tenant shall then have thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice within which to deliver the Option Notice, if at all, to Landlord. In the event (and only in the event) that, Tenant fails to deliver an Option Notice to Landlord within such thirty (30) days, Tenant shall be considered to have elected not to extend the Term of this Lease and thereafter, Tenant shall have no further right to extend the Term of this Lease. References in this Lease to the "Term" shall include the initial Term of fifteen (15) years and shall, in addition, include the First Extended Term and the Second Extended Term, if applicable.

  • Non-Extension Drawings If the Liquidity Facility is scheduled to expire on a date (the “Stated Expiration Date”) prior to the date that is 15 days after the Final Maturity Date with respect to the ACS Group Loans, then, no earlier than the 60th day and no later than the 30th day prior to the applicable Stated Expiration Date then in effect, the Administrative Agent shall request that the Liquidity Facility Provider extend the Stated Expiration Date until the earlier of (i) the date which is 15 days after the Final Maturity Date with respect to the ACS Group Loans and (ii) the date that is immediately preceding the 364th day occurring after the Stated Expiration Date then in effect (unless the obligations of the Liquidity Facility Provider under the Liquidity Facility are earlier terminated in accordance with the Liquidity Facility). If on or before the date which is 10 days prior to the Stated Expiration Date, (A) the Liquidity Facility shall not have been replaced in accordance with Section 3.10(d) hereof or (B) the Liquidity Facility Provider fails irrevocably and unconditionally to advise the Administrative Agent that such Stated Expiration Date then in effect shall be so extended (whether or not the Administrative Agent has in fact requested an extension), the Administrative Agent shall immediately, in accordance with the terms of the Liquidity Facility (a “Non-Extended Facility”), request a drawing under such Liquidity Facility (such drawing, a “Non-Extension Drawing”) for the Available Amount thereunder. Amounts drawn pursuant to a Non-Extension Drawing shall be deposited into the Liquidity Facility Reserve Account.

  • Additional Space Commencing on May 1, 2001, Sublessor herein grants unto the Sublessee a Right of First Refusal on any space that shall be and/or becomes available in the building during the remaining Term of this Sublease. Prior to May 1, 2001 and thereafter prior to the first day of May of any calendar year during the remaining Term hereof, Sublessor shall notify Sublessee by written notice of the availability of any such space in the building. Should Sublessee desire to exercise its Right of First Refusal and sublease such available space, Sublessee must notify Sublessor in writing of its desire to sublease the available space within seven (7) calendar days of Sublessee's receipt of Landlord's notice of availability. Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of Sublessee's notice exercising the right to sublease such available space, Sublessee and Sublessor shall enter into an amendment of this agreement setting forth the terms under which the additional space is subleased to Sublessee. The Base Rental shall be at a rental mutually agreed between Sublessee and Sublessor. Failure by Sublessee to exercise its Right of First Refusal within said seven (7) calendar day period, or if exercised, failure to enter into an amendment of this agreement within thirty (30) days of Sublessor's receipt of Sublessee's notice, shall be deemed a waiver of such right and Sublessor shall thereafter be free of any obligation under this Article 2.04 for a period of 12 months. Any exercise by Sublessee of this Right of First Refusal shall be for a minimum of 5,000 rental square feet.

  • Extension of the Term The Term may be extended at the option of NAI for up to two successive periods of five years each; provided, however, that prior to each such extension the following conditions must have been satisfied: (A) NAI must have delivered a notice of its election to exercise the option at least one hundred eighty days prior to the end of the Term, and prior to the commencement of any such extension BNPPLC and NAI must have agreed in writing upon, and received the written consent and approval of BNPPLC’s Parent and all Participants (other than Participants being replaced at the request of NAI as provided in Paragraph 6) to, (1) a corresponding extension of the date specified in clause (1) of the definition of Designated Sale Date in the Common Definitions and Provisions Agreement and of the term of the Ground Lease, and (2) an adjustment to the Rent that NAI will be required to pay during the extension, it being expected that the Rent for the extension may be different than the Rent required for the original Term or any prior extension, and it being understood that the Rent for any extension must in all events be satisfactory to both BNPPLC and NAI, each in its sole and absolute discretion; (B) at the time of NAI’s exercise of its option to extend, no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, and no Event of Default will result from the extension; (C) immediately prior to any such extension, this Lease must then remain in effect; and (D) if this Lease has been assigned by NAI, then NAI must have executed a guaranty (or confirmed an existing guaranty, if applicable), guaranteeing NAI’s assignee’s obligations under the Operative Documents throughout such extended Term. With respect to the condition that BNPPLC and NAI must have agreed upon the Rent required for any extension of the Term, neither NAI nor BNPPLC is willing to submit itself to a risk of liability or loss of rights hereunder for being judged unreasonable. Similarly, neither BNPPLC’s Parent nor any Participant is expected to submit itself to a risk of liability or loss of rights for being judged to have unreasonably withheld consent or approval to any extension of the Term. Accordingly, NAI, BNPPLC, BNPPLC’s Parent and Participants will each have sole and absolute discretion in making its determination, and both NAI and BNPPLC hereby disclaim any obligation express or implied to be reasonable in negotiating the Rent for any such extension. Subject to the changes to the Rent and satisfaction of the other conditions listed in this subparagraph, if NAI exercises its option to extend the Term as provided in this subparagraph, this Lease will continue in full force and effect, and the leasehold estate hereby granted to NAI will continue without interruption and without any loss of priority over other interests in or claims against the Property that may be created or arise after the Effective Date and before the extension.

  • Extension of Lease Term The Original Lease Term is hereby extended for a period of eighteen (18) months continuing through and including November 30, 2022 (the “Extension Term” and the Original Lease Term as so extended by the Extension Term, the “Lease Term”).

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