External Unassisted Leave Sample Clauses

External Unassisted LeaveThe Executive Director, Human Resources or designate in consultation with the Xxxx, Director or Campus Academic Administrator Principal may approve up to one (1) year of unassisted leave to a regular employee who has a minimum of three (3) years’ service as a regular employee, if such leave is for education, professional development, skill upgrading, skill diversification, including activities in business, industry, government, or other justified opportunities. Employees having five (5) years’ service, or more, as a regular employee will be reinstated to their former position at the conclusion of the leave. Employees with less than five (5) years’ service as a regular employee will have their seniority banked for eighteen (18) months following completion of the leave. Normally three (3) years of employment must elapse between such leaves.

Related to External Unassisted Leave

  • HABILITATIVE SERVICES (HABILITATIVE mean healthcare services that help a person keep, learn, or improve skills and functioning for daily living. Examples include therapy for a child who is not walking or talking at the expected age. These services may include physical and occupational therapy, speech therapy and other services performed in a variety of inpatient and/or outpatient settings for people with disabilities. • that provides medical and surgical care for patients who have acute illnesses or injuries; and • is either listed as a hospital by the American Hospital Association (AHA) or accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).

  • Volunteer Firefighting Leave Leave without pay will be granted when an employee who is a volunteer firefighter is called to duty to respond to a fire, natural disaster or medical emergency.

  • Catastrophic Leave Program Leave credits, as defined below, may be transferred from one (1) or more employees to another employee, on an hour-for-hour basis, in accordance with departmental policies upon the request of both the receiving employee and the transferring employee and upon approval of the employee's appointing authority, under the following conditions: A. The receiving employee is required to be absent from work due to injury or the prolonged illness of the employee, employee's spouse, registered domestic partner, a domestic partner listed on an “Affidavit for Enrollment of Domestic Partners,” submitted to employee benefits, parent or child, has exhausted all earned leave credits, including but not limited to sick leave, compensatory time, holiday credits and disability leave and is therefore facing financial hardship. B. The transfers must be for a minimum of four (4) hours and in whole hour increments thereafter. C. Transfers shall be allowed to cross-departmental lines in accordance with the policies of the receiving department. D. The total maximum leave credits received by an employee shall normally not exceed five hundred twenty (520) hours; however, if approved by his/her appointing authority, the total leave credits may be up to one thousand forty (1,040) hours. Total leave credits in excess of one thousand forty (1,040) hours will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the appointing authority subject to the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer. E. The transfers are irrevocable, and will be indistinguishable from other leave credits belonging to the receiving employee. Transfers will be subject to all taxes required by law. F. Leave credits that may be transferred under this program are defined as the transferring employee’s vacation credits or up to twenty-four (24) hours of sick leave per fiscal year. G. Transfers shall be administered according to the rules and regulations of the Auditor and Controller, and made on a form prescribed by the Auditor and Controller. Approvals of the receiving and donating employee, the donating employee's appointing authority and the receiving employee's appointing authority (in the case of an interdepartmental transfer) will be provided for on such form. H. This program is not subject to the Grievance Procedure of this Agreement.

  • Searchability Offering searchability capabilities on the Directory Services is optional but if offered by the Registry Operator it shall comply with the specification described in this section. 1.10.1 Registry Operator will offer searchability on the web-­‐based Directory Service. 1.10.2 Registry Operator will offer partial match capabilities, at least, on the following fields: domain name, contacts and registrant’s name, and contact and registrant’s postal address, including all the sub-­‐fields described in EPP (e.g., street, city, state or province, etc.). 1.10.3 Registry Operator will offer exact-­‐match capabilities, at least, on the following fields: registrar id, name server name, and name server’s IP address (only applies to IP addresses stored by the registry, i.e., glue records). 1.10.4 Registry Operator will offer Boolean search capabilities supporting, at least, the following logical operators to join a set of search criteria: AND, OR, NOT. 1.10.5 Search results will include domain names matching the search criteria. 1.10.6 Registry Operator will: 1) implement appropriate measures to avoid abuse of this feature (e.g., permitting access only to legitimate authorized users); and 2) ensure the feature is in compliance with any applicable privacy laws or policies.

  • Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.

  • Medication Assisted Treatment This plan covers medication assisted treatment for substance use disorders, including methadone maintenance treatment. Please see the Summary of Medical Benefits for specific copayments for these services.

  • Religious Exemption Any employee of the City in a classification identified in Article I.A., who is a member of a bona fide religion, body or sect which has historically held conscientious objections to joining or financially supporting a public employee organization and is recognized by the National Labor Relations Board to hold such objections to Association membership, shall upon presentation of membership and historical objection be relieved of any obligation to pay the required service fee. The Association shall be informed in writing of any such requests.

  • Virus Management DST shall maintain a malware protection program designed to deter malware infections, detect the presence of malware within DST environment.

  • Rights Protection Mechanisms and Abuse Mitigation ­‐ Registry Operator commits to implementing and performing the following protections for the TLD: i. In order to help registrars and registrants identify inaccurate data in the Whois database, Registry Operator will audit Whois data for accuracy on a statistically significant basis (this commitment will be considered satisfied by virtue of and for so long as ICANN conducts such audits). ii. Work with registrars and registrants to remediate inaccurate Whois data to help ensure a more accurate Whois database. Registry Operator reserves the right to cancel a domain name registration on the basis of inaccurate data, if necessary. iii. Establish and maintain a Domains Protected Marks List (DPML), a trademark protection service that allows rights holders to reserve registration of exact match trademark terms and terms that contain their trademarks across all gTLDs administered by Registry Operator under certain terms and conditions. iv. At no cost to trademark holders, establish and maintain a Claims Plus service, which is a notice protection mechanism that begins at the end of ICANN’s mandated Trademark Claims period. v. Bind registrants to terms of use that define and prohibit illegal or abusive activity. vi. Limit the use of proxy and privacy registration services in cases of malfeasance. vii. Consistent with the terms of this Registry Agreement, reserve the right to exclude from distribution any registrars with a history of non-­‐compliance with the terms of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement. viii. Registry Operator will be properly resourced to perform these protections.

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation This plan covers services provided in a cardiac rehabilitation program up to the benefit limit shown in the Summary of Medical Benefits.