Faculty Development Programs. Second Party to train the Faculties of First Party for imparting industrial exposure/ training as per the industrial requirement considering the National Occupational Standards in concerned sector, if available.
Faculty Development Programs. TSPL to train the Faculties of SDKMV for imparting industrial exposure/ training for industrial requirements.
Faculty Development Programs. The Second Party to train the Faculties of First Party for imparting training as per the industrial requirement considering the National Occupational Standards in concerned sector, if available.
Faculty Development Programs. Second Party to train the Faculties of First Party for imparting training as per the industrial requirement considering the NationalOccupational Standards in concerned sector, ifavailable. Second Party will actively engage to help the delivery of the training and placement of students of the First Party into internships/jobs; and will facilitate placements for at least % of the students. The Second PartyWill itself absorb at least-percentage of the trained students. Both Parties to obtain all internal approvals, consents, permissions, and licenses ofwhatsoever nature required for offering the Programmes on the terms specified herein There is no financial commitment on the part of the K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce andA.M. Science College, Nashik, the First Party to take up any programmeMentioned in the MOU. If there is any financial consideration, it will be dealtseparately. Nothing contained in this MOU shall, by express grant, implication, Estoppel orOtherwise, create in either Party any right, title, interest, or license in or to the Intellectual property (including but not limited to know-how, inventions, patents, Copy rights and designs) of the other Party.
Faculty Development Programs. First Party to train the Faculties of Second Party for imparting training on entrepreneurship development.
Faculty Development Programs. Industry Partner to train the Faculties of GU for imparting training as per the industrial requirement considering the National Occupational Standards in concerned sector, if available.
Faculty Development Programs. Second Party to train the Faculties of FirstParty for imparting training as per the requirement considering the National Occupational Standards in concerned sector, if available. Placement of Trained Students: Second Party will actively engage to help thedelivery of the training and placement of students of the First Party intointernships/jobs; and will facilitate placements for students.
Faculty Development Programs. The Second Party will help the First Party by imparting the industrial exposure/ Training as per the industrial requirements considering the National Occupational Standards. Both parties to obtain all internal approvals, consents, permissions and licences of whatsoever nature required for offering the programs on the terms specified herein.