Filing of Motion for Final Approval Sample Clauses

Filing of Motion for Final Approval. If Preliminary Approval of the Settlement is entered by the Court in the Action, the Class Representative shall seek, and BPPR shall not oppose, entry of a Final Approval Order and Final Judgment and Order of Dismissal that: (i) certifies the Settlement Class pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a) and Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3) solely for the purpose of the settlement; (ii) approves finally the Settlement set forth in this Settlement and its terms as being a fair, reasonable, and adequate settlement as to Settlement Class Members within the meaning of Fed. R. Civ. P. 23 and directing its consummation according to its terms; (iii) finds that the Notice Plan constitute due, adequate, and sufficient notice of the Settlement set forth in this Settlement Agreement and the Final Fairness Hearing and meets the requirements of Due Process and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; (iv) directs that, as to the Released Parties, the Action shall be dismissed with prejudice and, except as provided for in this Settlement Agreement, without award of costs; (v) orders that the Releasing Parties are permanently enjoined and barred from instituting, commencing, or prosecuting any action or other proceeding asserting any Released Claims against any Released Party; (vi) retains with the Court exclusive jurisdiction over this Settlement Agreement, including the administration and consummation of the Settlement; and
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Filing of Motion for Final Approval. If Preliminary Approval of the Settlement is granted by the Court, the Class Representative shall file the Motion for Final Approval no later than forty-five (45) days before the original date set for the Final Approval Hearing. Class Counsel shall provide drafts of the Motion for Final Approval and proposed Final Approval Order to BANA’s Counsel for review and comment at least seven (7) days before it is filed. BANA shall support entry of a Final Approval Order and Final Judgment and Order of Dismissal that: (i) certifies the Settlement Class pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a) and Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3) solely for the purpose of the Settlement; (ii) approves finally the Settlement set forth in this Agreement and its terms as being a fair, reasonable, and adequate settlement as to Settlement Class Members within the meaning of Fed. R. Civ. P. 23 and directing its consummation according to its terms;
Filing of Motion for Final Approval. If Preliminary Approval of the Settlement is entered by the Court in the Action, the Class Representative shall seek, and Popular Bank shall not oppose, entry of a Final Approval Order and Final Judgment and Order of Dismissal that: (i) certifies the Settlement Class pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a) and Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3) solely for the purpose of the settlement; (ii) approves finally the Settlement set forth in this Agreement and its terms as being a fair, reasonable, and adequate settlement as to Settlement Class Members within the meaning of Fed. R. Civ. P. 23 and directing its consummation according to its terms;
Filing of Motion for Final Approval. Within 60 calendar days of the original mailing of the Notice Packets, Class Counsel shall file with the Court a Motion for Final Approval. At the hearing on the motion, objections, if any, may be heard, and the Court will determine the proper disbursements to be made from the Gross Settlement Fund.

Related to Filing of Motion for Final Approval

  • MOTION FOR FINAL APPROVAL Not later than 16 court days before the calendared Final Approval Hearing, Plaintiff will file in Court, a motion for final approval of the Settlement that includes a request for approval of the PAGA settlement under Labor Code section 2699, subd. (l), a Proposed Final Approval Order and a proposed Judgment (collectively “Motion for Final Approval”). Plaintiff shall provide drafts of these documents to Defense Counsel not later than seven days prior to filing the Motion for Final Approval. Class Counsel and Defense Counsel will expeditiously meet and confer in person or by telephone, and in good faith, to resolve any disagreements concerning the Motion for Final Approval.

  • Final Approval Hearing “Final Approval Hearing” shall mean the hearing at which the Court will consider and finally decide whether to enter the Final Judgment.

  • THE COURT’S FINAL APPROVAL HEARING The Court will hold a hearing to decide whether to approve the settlement. You may attend and you may ask to speak, but you don’t have to.

  • Time Limit for Filing The parties may mutually agree in writing to extend any of the time limits set forth in this Agreement.

  • PROCEDURE FOR APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT 28. Acceptance of this Settlement Agreement shall be sought at a hearing of the Central Regional Council of the MFDA on a date agreed to by counsel for Staff and the Respondent.

  • Final Approval After Acceptance, Engineer shall perform any required modifications, changes, alterations, corrections, redesigns, and additional work necessary to receive Final Approval by the County. "Final Approval" in this sense shall mean formal recognition that the Engineering Services have been fully carried out.

  • Filing of Materials All records related to a grievance shall be filed separately from the personnel files of the employees.

  • Final Approval Order and Judgment 70. Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval of the Settlement will include a request to the Court for a scheduled date on which the Final Approval Hearing will occur. Plaintiffs shall file their Motion for Final Approval of the Settlement, and application for attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses and for Service Awards for the Class Representatives, no later than 45 days before the Final Approval Hearing. At the Final Approval Hearing, the Court will hear argument on Plaintiffs’ Motion for Final Approval of the Settlement, and on Class Counsel’s application for attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses and for the Service Awards for the Class Representatives. In the Court’s discretion, the Court also will hear argument at the Final Approval Hearing from any Settlement Class Members (or their counsel) who object to the Settlement or to Class Counsel’s application for attorneys’ fees, costs, expenses or the Service Awards application, provided the objectors submitted timely objections that meet all of the requirements listed in the Agreement.

  • New Application for Licensure Any time after the three-month period has lapsed from the Effective Date of this Agreement and Respondent has paid the Administrative Penalty set forth in Section III, Paragraph 1 of this Order, Respondent may apply for a new mortgage loan originator license or, as applicable, petition for the reinstatement of an MLO Activity Endorsement in any or all of the Participating States with the understanding that each State Mortgage Regulator reserves the rights to fully investigate such application for licensure or petition for reinstatement of an MLO Activity Endorsement and may either approve or deny such application or petition pursuant to the normal process for such licensing or endorsement investigations. No license application or petition described in this paragraph will be denied solely based on the facts, circumstances, or consensual resolution provided for in this Agreement. Respondent further agrees that Respondent must satisfy the Administrative Penalty provision prior to submitting an application for a new mortgage loan originator license or, as applicable, petition for the reinstatement of an MLO Activity Endorsement.

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