Financial Evaluation Criteria. The Financial Proposals of only eligible bidders with technically qualified will be opened publicly in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may choose to be present, at the time and place announced prior to the opening. Please provide information regarding Financials in Annex – F” and commercial envelope of the E-tendering portal.
Financial Evaluation Criteria. For purposes of award the average of the seven lowest bidders will be adopted as the final price. The Procuring Entity shall evaluate the Technical aspects of the Tender to determine compliance with the Procuring Entity's requirements under Section V 'Schedule of Requirement' and whether the Tenders are substantially responsive to the Technical Specifications and other Requirements. [The Procuring Entity will highlight herein particular details, characteristics, functional any guarantees or other under the which the Tenderer required to specifically requirements specifications, is confirm parts of the Tender or provide details as per Section V, Supply Requirements or other Document. To facilitate, a template may be attached or clearly described all information and list of documentation to be submitted by Tenderers to enable evaluation of Technical parts of the Tender] The Procuring Entity shall determine whether the Tenders are substantially responsive to the Commercial and Contractual Terms and Conditions (e.g. performance securities, Payment and delivery schedules). The CGM will sign framework agreements only with service providers with reasonable market rates on a needs basis. The Market rates will be identified after Due Diligence on service quality and capacity needs as well as a negotiated price, so as to ensure value for money through call-offs orders or mini competition pursuant to section 114 (3) on a rotation basis depending on availability of space.
i) The Tenderer must prepare this Form of Tender on stationery with its letterhead clearly showing the Tenderer's complete name and business address.
ii) All italicized text is to help Tenderer in preparing this form.
iii) Tenderer must complete and sign CERTIFICATE OF INDEPENDENT TENDERDETERMINATION and the SELF DECLARATION OF THE TENDERER attached to this Form of Tender.
iv) TheFormofTendershallincludethefollowingFormsdulycompletedandsignedbytheTenderer.
a) Xxxxxxxx's Eligibility-Confidential Business Questionnaire
b) Certificate of Independent Tender Determination
c) Self-Declaration of the Tenderer
Financial Evaluation Criteria. The Financial Proposals of only eligible bidders with technically qualified specifications will be opened in the presence of all the bidders. All bids shall be opened publicly in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may choose to be present, at the time and place announced prior to the bidding, and the person designated for PSDF shall read aloud the unit price as well as the bid amount and shall record the minutes of the bid opening. All bidders shall sign an attendance sheet at the time of bid opening. Please provide information regarding Financials in Annex – F”.