Financial Standing Sample Clauses
Financial Standing. The tenderer will be qualified only if they have minimum financial capabilities as below :-
(i) T1- Annual Turnover: The average annual turnover of the tenderer during last three audited financial years (2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18) should not be less than ₹ 117.49 lakhs.
Financial Standing. In addition to the Criteria mentioned in the Tender Documents, the following financial standings will also be considered.
i. T1 – Liquidity: The Bidder must demonstrate that its financial resources less its financial obligations for its current contract commitments, meet or exceed the total requirement for the Subject Contract of INR 19.29
Financial Standing. The Tenderers will be qualified only if they have minimum financial capabilities as below:
i) T1-Liquidity: Solvency certificate from any scheduled bank not earlier than one year before the last date of submission of tender may be included. Solvency of the amount equal to 40% of the Estimated Cost put to tender.
Financial Standing. The tenderer will be qualified only if they have minimum financial capabilities as below :-
Financial Standing. The tenderer will be qualified only if they have minimum financial capabilities as below:-
(i) T1- Annual Turnover: The average annual turnover of the tenderer during last three audited financial years (2019-20, 2020-21 & 2021-22) should not be less than Rs 97.13 Lakhs The averages annual turnover of JV/Consortium will be based on percentage participation of each member. Example: Let member-1 has percentage participation = M and member-2 has percentage participation = N, Let the averages annual turnover of member-1 is A and that of member-2 is B, then average annual turnover of JV/Consortium will be = AM+BN
i. Financial data for latest last three audited financial years has to be submitted by the tenderer (each member in case of JV/Consortium) in Appendix-8 of Form of Tender along with audited balance sheets. The financial data in the prescribed format shall be certified by Chartered Accountant with his stamp, signature, membership number & Unique Documents Identification Number (UDIN). In case audited balance sheet of the last financial year is not made available by the bidder, he has to submit an affidavit (As per format provided in Appendix-8A to form of Tender) certifying that ‘the balance sheet has actually not been audited so far’. In such a case the financial data of previous ‘2’ audited financial years will be taken into consideration for evaluation. If audited balance sheet of any other year than the last year is not submitted, the tender may be considered as non-responsive. All the documents or certificates which are provided by CA after 1st July, 2019, must contain UDIN thereon and the particulars of certifications must be same as mentioned on document/certification and submitted to ICAI on its website which can be verified online on xxxxx:// UDIN. However, the tenderer including all substantial members of JV / Consortium should have been incorporated more than three years earlier from the last day of the previous month of tender submission. In case financial statements for any of the financial year is not required to be audited as per any relevant section of the Income Tax Act, then, same should be supported by CA (Chartered Accountant) certificate along with all the GST returns, ITR-3/4 (including all the forms) and form 26AS for each of the financial year not liable to be audited as per relevant section of the income tax Act. Any certification or document required to be provided by CA, must contain UDIN thereon and the pa...
Financial Standing. Purchaser has the financial capacity to complete the transactions contemplated herein.
Financial Standing. Annual Turnover for the last 3 years Year 2016 USD Year 2017 USD Year 2018 USD Financial information (in US$ equivalent) Historic information for the last 3 years Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Information from Balance Sheet Total Assets (TA) Total Liabilities (TL) Current Assets (CA) Current Liabilities (CL) Information from Income Statement Total / Gross Revenue (TR) Profits Before Taxes (PBT) Net Profit Current Ratio ☐ Attached are copies of the audited financial statements (balance sheets, including all related notes, and income statements) for the years required above complying with the following condition:
Financial Standing. The Company is not subject to any bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, and no order has been made and no resolution has been passed for the winding-up of the Company or for a provisional liquidator (“Nachlassverfahren”, “Notstundung”) to be appointed in respect of the Company and no petition has been presented for any of these proceedings relating to any of the Company or the Sellers.
Financial Standing. Buyer has the financial resources to consummate the transaction contemplated in this Agreement.
Financial Standing. This clause replicates the clause in the Framework Agreement which allows for termination if there is a change in the Consultant’s financial standing which affects or may affect the Consultant’s ability to perform the contract.