FIRE CAULKING Sample Clauses

FIRE CAULKINGGeneral Contractor is responsible for all fire caulking required by any and all work done during the process of construction.
FIRE CAULKING. Caulking at fire rated structure penetrations - elastomeric intumescent sealant, use one of the following: 1. Hilti, FS-ONE, 3MCP25, high performance 2. X. X. Xxxxx, Flame Safe, FS1900 3. 3M, Fire Barrier, CP25WB+ caulk


  • Toilets Papers, dust, cobwebs, peels, cans/bottles, cigarette butts, excrement on floor, bad smells, water pools, leaking sewage, rodents, animals (dead or alive), overflowing sanitary bins. 0 = NOT APPLICABLE 1 = UNACCEPTABLE (Toilets out of order. Toilets not cleaned on daily basis.) 2 = POOR (Toilets cleaned, but still visible signs of dirt, e.g. dust, cobwebs.) 3 = GOOD (Obvious sign that toilets are cleaned daily.) 4 = EXCELLENT (Extra effort is put in to ensure cleanliness, e.g. using detergents.)

  • Irrigation An irrigation reduced pressure zone (hereinafter referred to as “RPZ”) is required for any irrigation systems and must be installed by the Developer and/or eventual lot owner and tested in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Health Guidelines for Designing Backflow Prevention Assembly Installations (hereinafter referred to as “Guidelines”). The initial test results and certification shall be submitted to the City of Maple Grove Public Works Department. Subsequently, the RPZ must be tested, per the Guidelines, at least annually by a certified tester with the results reported to the City of Maple Grove Building Department and the RPZ must be rebuilt as needed in accordance with the Guidelines. Test/rebuilt reports shall be mailed or faxed to the City of Maple Grove Building Department at (000) 000-0000. The irrigation system shall be designed and the Plans shall be modified accordingly, prior to the issuance of any permits for the development of the Property, to accommodate a 1-inch water meter and a maximum flow of 50 gallons per minute.

  • Lavatories Cleaning and janitorial services to be provided in the common area lavatories of the building shall include: 1. Dusting, damp mopping of resilient floors, trash removal, sanitizing of basins, bowls and urinals as well as cleaning of mirrors and bright work. 2. Refilling of soap, towel, tissue and sanitary dispensers to be rendered as necessary. 3. High dusting to be rendered as needed.

  • Toilet Facilities The Employer provides the Contractor access to toilet facilities. Temporary chemical toilets are provided by the Contractor where deemed necessary.

  • GLASS The Tenant shall maintain the glass part of the demised premises, promptly replacing any breakage and fully saving the Landlord harmless from any loss, cost or damage resulting from such breakage or the replacement thereof.

  • Walls 12 Developer shall provide rustication patterns on all walls, except drainage headwalls, in Aesthetic 13 Area 3 in accordance with Exhibit L2.24 of the LAADCR. The final designs shall resemble these 14 simulations.

  • Basement Any leaks or evidence of moisture? Yes No Unknown Does Not Apply Comments:

  • Fittings 3.2.1 Landing gear attachment fittings 3.2.2 Support structure and attachment fittings for the vertical and horizontal stabilizers

  • Rubric The rubrics are a scoring tool used for the Educator’s self-assessment, the formative assessment, the formative evaluation and the summative evaluation. The districts may use either the rubrics provided by ESE or comparably rigorous and comprehensive rubrics developed or adopted by the district and reviewed by ESE.

  • Sprinklers Subject to any terms, conditions and limitations set forth herein, Landlord shall provide an operative sprinkler system consisting of mains, laterals, and heads “AS IS” on the date of delivery of the Premises to Tenant. Tenant shall pay for piping distribution, drops and relocation of, or additional, sprinkler system heads and Building firehose or firehose valve cabinets, if Tenant’s Plans and/or any applicable Laws necessitate such.