Rubric definition

Rubric defines levels of performance for each standard and provides a tool for assessing the quality of performance. There are four levels that define the level of performance on the performance standards: “Exceeding,” “Meeting,” “Developing,” “Not meeting”
Rubric means a tool or set of indicatorsof practice used to distinguish among proficiency levels or classify performance.
Rubric means a guiding symptom leading to a homeopathic remedy.

Examples of Rubric in a sentence

  • Minimum Rubric ScoreMaximum Rubric ScoreHighly Effective:3.504.00 Please select a minimum value between 2.50 and 2.75 and a maximum value between 3.49 and 3.74 for the Effective range.

  • Minimum Rubric ScoreMaximum Rubric ScoreEffective:2.503.49 Please select a minimum value between 1.50 and 1.75 and a maximum value between 2.49 and 2.74 for the Developing range.

  • Minimum Rubric ScoreMaximum Rubric ScoreDeveloping:1.502.49 Please choose 0.00 as the minimum value and select a maximum value between 1.49 and 1.74 for the Ineffective range.

  • Evaluation NOTE: This is NOT a Targeted Assistance Plan Rubric Requirement---but it IS part of the process of Continuous School Improvement.

  • All Sub-Indicators are noted in the school’s Accountability Plan Performance Rubric.

  • Math and ELA Proficiency Rubric Exceeds Standard The school’s proficiency rate is greater than one standard deviation above the mean of the identified comparison group, or the school’s proficiency average is in 90th percentile of all Idaho schools.

  • Minimum Rubric ScoreMaximum Rubric ScoreIneffective:0.001.49 Teacher Observation Subcomponent WeightingFor a definition of terms used in this section, see the Educator Evaluation Glossary.

  • The practice rating derives from an administrator’s performance on the performance expectations of the Common Core of Leading Evaluation Rubric (CCL) and the one stakeholder feedback target.

  • Minimum Rubric ScoreMaximum Rubric ScoreIneffective:0.001.49 Principal School Visit Subcomponent WeightingFor a definition of terms used in this section, see the Educator Evaluation Glossary.

  • To see the full scoring rubric and use TIPS scoring calculator, please view the TIPS RS Means JOC Pricing Explanation & Rubric under the "Attachments" tab.

More Definitions of Rubric

Rubric means the criterion that meets the specifications of a content standard criteria set by the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) that must be used by a district to score student work that meets the specifications of a content standard.
Rubric means a guiding symptom leading to a homeo- pathic remedy.
Rubric means a tool or set of indicators of practice used to distinguish among proficiency levels or classify performance.
Rubric means a document that specifies the expectations for performance by listing the criteria and describing levels of quality associated with each performance level.
Rubric means a set of criteria or descriptions of practice used to distinguish among proficiency levels or classify performance.
Rubric means an assessment and instructional tool that identifies criterion behaviors for at least two levels of performance. Each level of the rubric identifies and describes criterion behaviors that contain essential elements of the tasks along a range or continuum of performance expectations.

Related to Rubric

  • Lubricant or “lube” means a solvent neutral paraffinic product used in commercial heavy duty engine oils, passenger car oils and specialty products for industrial applications such as heat transfer, metalworking, rubber and other general process oil.

  • Rack means a mechanism for delivering motor vehicle fuel or diesel from a refinery or terminal into a truck, trailer, railroad car, or other means of non-bulk transfer.

  • Bottle means any vessel intended to contain liquids and having a capacity of not more than 43

  • Grease means an organic substance recoverable by procedures set forth in Standard Methods and includes but is not limited to hydrocarbons, esters, fats, oils, waxes, and high molecular weight carboxylic acids.

  • Fuel means any solid, liquid or gaseous combustible material;

  • HDPE means high density polyethylene;

  • Filter means material placed in the useful beam to preferentially absorb selected radiations.

  • Plastic means material which contains as an essential ingredient a high polymer such as polyethylene terephthalate, high density polyethylene, Vinyl, low density polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene resins, multi-materials like acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, polyphenylene oxide, polycarbonate, Polybutylene terephthalate;

  • Skateboard means a board with small wheels that is usually ridden by a person. For purposes of these rules, a nonmotorized scooter (a board with a handle) is considered a skateboard.

  • Polystyrene foam means blown polystyrene and expanded and

  • JetBrains or “We” means JetBrains s.r.o., having its principal place of business at Xx Xxxxxxxxx XX 0000/00, Xxxxxx, 00000, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx xx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx X, Xxxx 00000, ID. No.: 265 02 275.

  • Diesel means a distillate oil which can be used as fuel for the operation of a compression ignition engine and which has an approximate boiling temperature of between 150 °C to 400 °C;

  • Hydraulic lift tank means a tank holding hydraulic fluid for a closed-loop mechanical system that uses compressed air or hydraulic fluid to operate lifts, elevators, and other similar devices.

  • Kerosene means all grades of kerosene, including, but not limited to, the 2 grades of kerosene, No. 1-K and No. 2-K, commonly known as K-1 kerosene and K-2 kerosene respectively, described in American society for testing and materials specifications D-3699, in effect on January 1, 1999, and kerosene-type jet fuel described in American society for testing and materials specification D-1655 and military specifications MIL-T-5624r and MIL-T-83133d (grades jp-5 and jp-8), and any successor internal revenue service rules or regulations, as the specification for kerosene and kerosene-type jet fuel. Kerosene does not include an excluded liquid.

  • Plate means the license plate, including renewal decals, if any, issued for a vehicle registered under the plan by the base jurisdiction.

  • Incineration means an engineered process involving burning or combustion of solid waste to thermally degrade waste materials at high temperatures;

  • Alloy means a metal consisting of a mixture of a basic metallic element and one or more metallic, or non-metallic, alloying elements.

  • Defoliant means any substance or mixture of substances intended for causing the leaves or foliage to drop from a plant, with or without causing abscission.

  • Gasohol means a blended fuel composed of gasoline and fuel grade ethanol.

  • TELRIC means Total Element Long-Run Incremental Cost.

  • Propeller means for a device for propelling an aircraft that has blades on a powerplant driven shaft and that, when rotated, produces by its action on the air, a thrust approximately perpendicular to its plane of rotation and it includes control components normally supplied by its manufacturer, but does not include main and auxiliary rotors or rotating airfoils of powerplants;

  • LPG means liquefied petroleum gas.

  • PNode has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.

  • Engine degreaser means a cleaning product designed to remove grease, grime, oil and other contaminants from the external surfaces of engines and other mechanical parts.

  • Carcass means that part of a tyre other than the tread and the rubber sidewalls which, when inflated, bears the load;

  • Tube means an x-ray tube, unless otherwise specified.