Casework Sample Clauses
Casework. The CPS is independent in making decisions whether or not to prosecute a case. Those decisions are the responsibility of the Director, who may delegate authority to appropriate staff within the CPS. The Attorney General is responsible for safeguarding the independent decision making of the CPS.
Casework. Labs will be furnished with modular, mobile metal laboratory casework manufactured by iLab, Inc. Countertops will be chemical resistant epoxy/phenolic resin. Island benches shall be pre-piped for Compressed Air and Lab Vacuum with quick disconnect connections located above the ceiling. Benches with sinks will have a single basin epoxy sink (21” x 15” x 10” deep). Sink cabinets shall have a hot and cold water mixing faucet with a counter mounted eyewash. Sinks at island benches will have a stainless-steel glassware pegboard with drip tray and drain hose. Benches will be pre-wired with factory installed single channel raceways for power. Receptacles will be GFI at wet benches and color coded for normal (grey) and emergency (red) power uses.
Casework. 1. Exposed and semi-exposed surfaces, wood veneer Rift Cut-Transparent (Stain) finish.
2. Color of transparent (stain) finish as selected by Owner and/or Architect.
3. Refer above for construction materials not otherwise noted.
4. All shelves to 32” long shall be ¾” thick minimum and all shelves 33” and longer shall be 1” thick minimum. Edge band full perimeter of all shelves.
5. Counter tops shall be a one piece ¾” thick particle board with plastic laminate overlay with 4” high top mount splash and self edge front, unless otherwise indicated. Shall comply with WIC Premium Grade construction, refer to WIC Manual of Millwork, Section 26.
Casework. Base cabinets with Countertops – Flush overlay construction, plastic laminate exteriors, drawers over doors, 6” drawer fronts, one selply shelf adjustable on 32 mm pins, 4” back splash, 4” painted plywood base, locking rail behind face frame between doors and drawers (no locks, unless specifically requested), 2’-3” deep, 3’-0” high, polished chrome wire pulls, hinges adjustable with 170 degrees opening, shelf span not to exceed 32”, countertops to be plywood under plastic laminate. Wall Cabinets – Flush overlay construction laminate exteriors, mounted from 4’-8” above finished floor to 7’-6” above finished floor, seal top with backing material, two seply shelves adjustable on 32 mm pins, 3” apron at bottom, brushed chrome wire pulls, hinges adjustable with 170 degree opening, shelf span not to exceed 32”. Standard Plastics Laminates – Formica, Wilsonart or Nevamar. Doors: 3’-0” x 9’0” x 1-3/4” solid core, prefinished wood (wood veneer or paint grade, rated as required). Proposed upgrades shall be submitted to Landlord for approval. Frames: Brushed aluminum with clear finish (rated as required). Sidelight frames integral with door frame 2’-0” x 9’-0”. Hardware: Schlage lever hardware. Two pair butts per door. Dome floor stops. Closers, automatic flush bolts, astragals, and coordinators with finish to be mutually acceptable to Tenant and Landlord. Glass: ¼” clear tempered or square wired glass where required by code. Corridor walls and demising walls for bathrooms, elevator pits and stairwell enclosures/1-Hr. construction with 3 5/8” 25 gauge metal studs, 24” on center to underside of structure with 5/8” sheetrock on each side and R-11 batt insulation full height. Tenant demising walls/full height (slab to structure) 3 5/8” 25 gauge metal studs, 24” on center with R-11 insulation and 5/8” type “X” sheetrock full height both sides (the height of the wall may be adjusted for return air plenium). Tenant interior walls/ceiling height (floor to underside of acoustical ceiling), 3 5/8” 25 gauge studs, 24” on center with 5/8” sheetrock on each side and J-mold at top. Finish: Smooth (level 4) wall. Light fixtures: 2’ x 4’ three lamp fixtures with 18 cell parabolic lenses or other fixtures mutually acceptable to Tenant and Landlord. Downlight and wall washers as accent lighting in conference rooms and reception areas as appropriate. Exit lights: Quantity as required by code, to be specified by Tenant subject to Landlord’s approval. Outlets and switches: Private offic...
Casework. Labs shall be furnished with modular, mobile metal laboratory casework manufactured by iLab, Inc. Standard countertop height is +37” AFF; with a mixture of 2/3’s being fixed height, and 1/3 being manually adjustable height, in general. Modular mobile pedestals shall be 50% drawer & door and 50% all drawers, and there shall be one (1) provided per each modular bench or table. Countertops shall be 1” thick chemical resistant epoxy/phenolic resin: Trespa TopLab Plus, by Trespa; color: Slate Grey. All lab casework shall be 18 gauge/20 gauge cold rolled steel complying with ASTM A 1008/A 1008M with powder coated finish, color: “E-9132 Appliance White”. All hardware shall be brushed aluminum flush style finish. Island benches shall be pre-piped for Compressed Air and Lab Vacuum with quick disconnect connections located above the ceiling. Benches with sinks shall have a single basin epoxy sink (25” x 15” x 10” deep). Sink cabinets shall have a hot and cold water mixing faucet with a counter mounted eyewash. Sinks at island benches shall have a stainless-steel glassware pegboard with drip tray and drain hose. At least one (1) lab sink per “lab area” shall be ADA height (+34” AFF), to meet the Code-required “SIDE APPROACH”. Benches shall be pre-wired with factory installed single channel raceways for normal and standby power. Typical power design at island benches is as follows:
Casework. (a) Service type This is a service provided to Transport Focus by London TravelWatch
(b) Provider contact Xxxxx Xxxxx
(c) Client contact Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx
(d) Service objective Provide Transport Focus with complaint and issue handling services such as they relate to passenger contact within the meaning of parts 1, 2 and 7A of section 76 of the Railways Act 1993 (as amended); requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000; or requests by individuals exercising their rights under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
(e) Service scope • Ensure that the passenger contact duties as set out in the statutes referred to above are satisfactorily discharged, to whatever extent representations are passed to the third-party Rail Ombudsman (because they are ‘in-scope’ of that Scheme) for effective dispute resolution; • Ensure that passenger issues not passed to the Rail Ombudsman (because they are ‘out-of-scope’ of that Scheme) are addressed promptly and effectively through liaison with the appropriate Transport Focus staff member(s); • Manage FOIA and UK GDPR requests as set out in the Transport Focus Information Risk Handbook • Manage the contract with the customer contact centre under the director level supervision of the Transport Focus Directors • External representation and representation to at relevant industry meetings and forums • Identifying relevant policy issues and trends arising from casework and ensuring that these are considered by colleagues.
(f) Client inputs required • Supporting cloud-based IT platform • Compliant privacy policy • Accurately routed web form • Continuing contract with Ventrica (or any contact centre or contact management service / programme contracted by Transport Focus)
(g) Reporting Provide reports to the Transport Focus Management Team and Passenger Contact Group quarterly in an agreed format
(h) Key performance indicators or other issues / principles in respect of the Service The key performance indicators for this service are as follows: PAS1 Calls to Ventrica are answered within 20 seconds >85% PAS2 Appeals acknowledged within five working days 100% PAS3 Appeals closed within 20 working days >80% PAS4 Appeals closed within 35 working days >95% PAS5 Enquiries closed within 20 working days >95% PAS6 Complaints about Transport Focus <01% Transport Focus will develop a set of quality measures in the first half of 2021/22 to be introduced from Q3 2021/22 for the remainder of the business year. The me...
Casework. Plastic Laminate at Lunch Room: Plastic-laminate-covered particleboard; reveal construction; adjustable shelves; European-hinges. · Countertops: Solid surfacing. · Countertops at Main Coffee Gathering Area: Stone or concrete. · There is to be 140 linear feet of tower cabinets and 140 linear feet of upper cabinets including those in the lunchroom, the coffee areas, and in the fax/copier rooms. Upper cabinets will be included in all coffee areas, plastic laminate faced to match tower cabinets. Copy areas and Storage areas will include laminate-covered open adjustable shelving above lower cabinets, to be 1’-0’ deep on heavy-duty adjustable hardware.
Casework. Elevations, sections and details for all built-in casework
Casework. The provider will deliver 52.5 hours of paid staffing per week through face to face advice and ongoing casework. These hours will consist of appointments for new clients and casework for existing clients.
Casework. Casework shall be in accordance with AWI premium grade flush overlay construction of plastic veneer finishes. • Stone slab transaction counter. • Shelving inside cabinets shall be melamine. • Edgeband: Apple-ply at all countertops. Self edge at cabinet doors and drawers. • Cabinet hardware: US26D finish. • Plastic laminate colors shall be selected from WilsonArt, Nevamar, Formica and Pionite standard colors and patterns. /s/ BH /s/ MB