Firewall Settings Sample Clauses

Firewall Settings. Because WorldCard Team Service uses special connection ports, you have to set up the firewall to open those ports for users to connect. The following instruction is based on the system’s firewall, please set up the system firewall, router firewall ans so on according to your company’s equipments. 1. First of all, please open [Windows Firewall], and click [Advanced settings] on the left. 2. Click [Inbound Rules] on the left, then click [New Rules] on the right. 3. Select [Port], and select [TCP] option in the next step, then fill in the ports at [Specific local ports] that used by WorldCard Team, such as [9080, 9443].
Firewall Settings. With the online Version of ZenZefi access to port 443 must be allowed as ZenZefi uses https to communicate with the PKI.
Firewall Settings. Your network firewall must permit access to the Company web addresses referenced by the program.
Firewall Settings. Because WorldCard Team Service uses special connection ports, you have to set up the firewall to open those ports for users to connect. The following instruction is based on the system’s firewall, please set up the system firewall, router firewall ans so on accroding to your company’s equipments. 1. First of all, please open [Windows Firewall], and click [Advanced settings] on the left. 2. Click [Inbound Rules] on the left, then click [New Rules] on the right. 3. Select [Port], and select [TCP] option in the next step, then fill in the ports at [Specific local ports] that used by WorldCard Team, such as [9080, 9443]. Chapter 5 Activate WorldCard Team Service‌ 4. Then select [Allow the connection], and tick the types of connection that to be applied to this rule in the subsequent steps, and also the name for this rule for future identification. 5. In the last, in the [Outbound Rules] section, add the same rule to open the WorldCard Team external connections, then the whole setup is complete.
Firewall Settings. We will select all your initial firewall settings for Managed Services. You may request changes to your initial firewall settings by submitting a ticket (through If approved, your initial firewall settings will be changed within twenty- four hours after our receipt of your ticket. Our breach of this guarantee will be referred to as a “Firewall Setting Interruption.”
Firewall Settings. This is to configure a default SOCKS proxy server, if you would like to configure a SOCKS proxy server for a specific ICA connection entry, please refer to the description mentioned earlier in section 4.5.3. To Configure a Default SOCKS Proxy Server a. Tick Connect via SOCKS proxy.

Related to Firewall Settings

  • Trunk Types 2.2.1 In interconnecting their networks pursuant to this Attachment, the Parties will use, as appropriate, the following separate and distinct trunk groups: Interconnection Trunks for the transmission and routing of Reciprocal Compensation Traffic, translated LEC IntraLATA toll free service access code (e.g., 800/888/877) traffic, and IntraLATA Toll Traffic, between their respective Telephone Exchange Service Customers, Tandem Transit Traffic, and, Measured Internet Traffic, all in accordance with Sections 5 through 8 of this Attachment; Access Toll Connecting Trunks for the transmission and routing of Exchange Access traffic, including translated InterLATA toll free service access code (e.g., 800/888/877) traffic, between Ymax Telephone Exchange Service Customers and purchasers of Switched Exchange Access Service via a Verizon access Tandem in accordance with Sections 9 through 11 of this Attachment; and Miscellaneous Trunk Groups as mutually agreed to by the Parties, including, but not limited to: (a) choke trunks for traffic congestion and testing; and, (b) untranslated IntraLATA/InterLATA toll free service access code (e.g. 800/888/877) traffic. 2.2.2 Other types of trunk groups may be used by the Parties as provided in other Attachments to this Agreement (e.g., 911/E911 Trunks) or in other separate agreements between the Parties (e.g., directory assistance trunks, operator services trunks, BLV/BLVI trunks or trunks for 500/555 traffic). 2.2.3 In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Parties will deploy One-Way Interconnection Trunks (trunks with traffic going in one direction, including one-way trunks and uni-directional two-way trunks) and/or Two-Way Interconnection Trunks (trunks with traffic going in both directions). 2.2.4 Ymax shall establish, at the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon’s network in a LATA, separate Interconnection Trunk group(s) between such POI(s) and each Verizon Tandem in a LATA with a subtending End Office(s) to which Ymax originates calls for Verizon to terminate. 2.2.5 In the event the volume of traffic between a Verizon End Office and a technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon’s network in a LATA, which is carried by a Final Tandem Interconnection Trunk group, exceeds (a) the Centium Call Seconds (Hundred Call Seconds) busy hour equivalent of one (1) DS1 at any time; (b) 200,000 minutes of use for a single month; and/or; (c) 600 busy hour Centium Call Seconds (BHCCS) of use for a single month: (i) if One-Way Interconnection Trunks are used, the originating Party shall promptly establish new or augment existing End Office One-Way Interconnection Trunk groups between the Verizon End Office and the technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon’s network; or,

  • Switching System Hierarchy and Trunking Requirements For purposes of routing PNG traffic to Verizon, the subtending arrangements between Verizon Tandem Switches and Verizon End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements Verizon maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic (i.e., traffic will be routed to the appropriate Verizon Tandem subtended by the terminating End Office serving the Verizon Customer). For purposes of routing Verizon traffic to PNG, the subtending arrangements between PNG Tandem Switches and PNG End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements that PNG maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic.

  • Network Interconnection Architecture Each Party will plan, design, construct and maintain the facilities within their respective systems as are necessary and proper for the provision of traffic covered by this Agreement. These facilities include but are not limited to, a sufficient number of trunks to the point of interconnection with the tandem company, and sufficient interoffice and interexchange facilities and trunks between its own central offices to adequately handle traffic between all central offices within the service areas at a P.01 grade of service or better. The provisioning and engineering of such services and facilities will comply with generally accepted industry methods and practices, and will observe the rules and regulations of the lawfully established tariffs applicable to the services provided.

  • Goal Setting a. Defining goals b. Personal goals vs. family and societal goals c. Personal history of achieving or not achieving goals d. Components of a well-developed goal e. The relationship between short-, mid-, and long-range goals f. Setting goals g. Barriers to goals

  • Switching All of the negotiated rates, terms and conditions set forth in this Section pertain to the provision of local and tandem switching.

  • Provisional Interconnection Service Prior to the completion of the Large Facility Interconnection Procedures and prior to completion of requisite Attachment Facilities, Distribution Upgrades, System Upgrade Facilities, System Distribution Upgrades, or System Protection Facilities, the Developer may request an evaluation for Provisional Interconnection Service. NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, shall determine, through available studies or additional studies as necessary, whether stability, short circuit, thermal, and/or voltage issues would arise if the Developer interconnects without modifications to the Large Generating Facility or the New York State Transmission System (or Distribution System as applicable). NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, shall determine whether any Attachment Facilities, Distribution Upgrades, System Upgrade Facilities, System Deliverability Upgrades, or System Protection Facilities, which are necessary to meet Applicable Laws and Regulations, Applicable Reliability Standards, and Good Utility Practice, are in place prior to the commencement of interconnection service from the Large Facility. Where available studies indicate that the Attachment Facilities, Distribution Upgrades, System Upgrade Facilities, System Deliverability Upgrades, or System Protection Facilities are required for the interconnection of a new, modified and/or expanded Large Facility but such facilities are not currently in place, NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, will perform a study, at the Developer’s expense, to confirm the facilities that are required for Provisional Interconnection Service. The maximum permissible output of the Large Facility in the Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement shall be studied, at the Developer’s expense, and updated annually. The NYISO shall issue the study’s findings in writing to the Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner(s). Following a determination by NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, that the Developer may reliably provide Provisional Interconnection Service, NYISO shall tender to the Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner, a Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement. NYISO, Developer, and Connecting Transmission Owner may execute the Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement, or the Developer may request the filing of an unexecuted Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement with the Commission. The Developer shall assume all risk and liabilities with respect to changes between the Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement and the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement, including changes in output limits and the cost responsibilities for the Attachment Facilities, System Upgrade Facilities, System Deliverability Upgrades, and/or System Protection Facilities.

  • Shift Rotation Routine shift rotation is not an approach to staffing endorsed by the Employer. Except for emergency situations where it may be necessary to provide safe patient care, shift rotation will not be utilized without mutual consent. If such an occasion should ever occur, volunteers will be sought first. If no one volunteers, the Employer will rotate shifts on an inverse seniority basis until the staff vacancies are filled.

  • Monthly Data Download Not later than fifteen (15) days after the end of each month, beginning with the month in which the Commencement Date occurs and ending with the Final Shared-Loss Recovery Month, Assuming Bank shall provide Receiver:

  • Points of Interconnection and Trunk Types 2.1 Point(s) of Interconnection. 2.1.1 Each Party, at its own expense, shall provide transport facilities to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon’s network in a LATA selected by PNG.

  • Interconnection Service Interconnection Service allows the Interconnection Customer to connect the Large Generating Facility to the Participating TO’s Transmission System and be eligible to deliver the Large Generating Facility’s output using the available capacity of the CAISO Controlled Grid. To the extent the Interconnection Customer wants to receive Interconnection Service, the Participating TO shall construct facilities identified in Appendices A and C that the Participating TO is responsible to construct.