Fixed Benefit Sample Clauses
Fixed Benefit. (Gross Benefit Percentage) times Average Compensation offset by [....]% (Offset Percentage -- not to exceed the Maximum Offset Allowance) times Final Average Compensation up to the offset level. The Offset Percentage for any Participant shall not exceed one-half of the Gross Benefit Percentage, multiplied by a fraction (not to exceed one), the numerator of which is the Participant's Average Compensation, and the denominator of which is the Participant's Final Average Compensation up to the offset level. The Maximum Offset Allowance will not exceed the lesser of (1) the applicable factor from Table I or II in section B. below, multiplied by 35, and (2) one-half of the Gross Benefit Percentage. If a Participant begins receiving benefits at an age other than Normal Retirement Age, the Participant's benefit will be determined in accordance with section 5.3 of the Plan. For Participants who are projected to have earned less than 35 years of Service under this Plan as of the end of the Plan Year in which they attain Normal Retirement Age (or the current age, if later), both the Gross Benefit Percentage and the Offset Percentage will be reduced by multiplying them by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of years of Service the Participant is projected to have earned under this Plan as of the end of the Plan Year in which the Participant attains Normal Retirement Age (or the current age, if later), and the denominator of which is 35. Cumulative permitted disparity adjustment: If the number of the Participant's cumulative permitted disparity years exceeds 35, the Offset Percentage will be further adjusted as provided below. A Participant's cumulative permitted disparity years consist of the sum of: (1) the total years of Service a Participant is projected to have earned under this Plan by the end of the Plan Year containing the Participant's Normal etirement Age and subsequent years of Service, if any, (the total not to exceed 35), and (2) the number of years credited to the Participant for purposes of the benefit formula or the accrual method under the plan under one or more other qualified plans or simplified employee pensions maintained by the Employer (other than years counted in (1), and not including any years credited to the Participant under such other qualified plans or simplified employee pensions after the Participant has earned 35 years of Service under this Plan). For purposes of determining the Participant's cumulative permitted disparity ...
Fixed Benefit of Average Compensation up to the Integration Level for the Plan Year ("Base Benefit Percentage"), plus [. . . .]% of Average Compensation in excess of the Integration level for the Plan Year ("Excess Benefit Percentage").
Fixed Benefit. The annual benefit under this Section 2.1(a) is an amount equal to the benefit detailed on Schedule A payable annually for fifteen (15) years commencing upon the first month after attaining age 65.
Fixed Benefit. ☐ a.1. % of the Participant's Average Annual/Monthly Compensation reduced pro-rata for less than Years of Credited Service
Fixed Benefit. The annual benefit under this Section 2.1(a) is an amount equal to forty percent (40%) of the Executive's Final Average Salary.
Fixed Benefit. ☐ a.1. _______% of the Participant's Average Annual/Monthly Compensation reduced pro-rata for less than ___ Years of Credited Service ☐ a.2. $_________ reduced pro-rata for less than ___ Years of Credited Service ☐ b. Unit Benefit ☐ b.1. _______% of the Participant's Average Annual/Monthly Compensation multiplied by the Participant's Years of Credited Service, limited to a maximum of ___ SAMPLE ☐ b.2. $ multiplied by the Participant's Years of Credited Service, limited to a maximum of ___
Fixed Benefit. The employee’s Plan Compensation is calculated by adding 25% of the monthly salary in effect as of the first day of the Plan year (October 1) and 75% of the monthly salary in effect on the following January 1. To determine monthly salary, the weekly salary is multiplied by 52 and the result is then divided by 12. For full time employees2 who participate in the Plan for the entire Plan Year (2000 hours or more), the formula for the Fixed Benefit is: 0.5% of Plan monthly salary, up to $800 plus l.0% of Plan monthly salary, over $800
Fixed Benefit. The integration level for the Fixed Benefit is 50% of the Social Security Wage Base at the beginning of the Plan Year and the formula for the annual accrual of the Fixed Benefit is:
Fixed Benefit. The integration level for an annual fixed benefit accrual under AERP 1 is fixed at $9,600 and the formula is: 0.5% of Eligible Plan Compensation up to $9,600 Plus
Fixed Benefit. This benefit defines a specific dollar income during your retirement based on your salary and length of service. This benefit may be increased up to 2 percent annually (cost-of-living adjustment) each January 1, for retirees and 10/1 for active employees depending on changes in the consumer price index during the Plan year ending the preceding September 30. This adjustment applies to the Fixed Benefit only.