Force Majeure Vyšší moc Sample Clauses

Force Majeure Vyšší moc. Noncompliance by a party with the obligations of this Agreement due to laws or regulations of any government, force majeure (war, civil commotion, destruction of production facilities and materials, fire, flood, earthquake or storm, labor disturbances, shortage of materials, failure of public utilities or common carriers), or any other causes beyond the reasonable control of the applicable Party, shall not constitute breach of this Agreement and such Party shall be excused from performance hereunder to the extent and for the duration of such prevention, provided it first notifies the other Party(ies) in writing of such prevention and that it uses its best efforts to cause the event of the force majeure to terminate, be cured or otherwise ended.
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Force Majeure Vyšší moc. 23.1 Noncompliance by a party with the obligations of this Agreement due to laws or regulations of any government, force majeure (war, civil commotion, destruction of production facilities and materials, fire, flood, earthquake or storm, labor disturbances, shortage of materials, failure of public utilities or common carriers), or any other causes beyond the reasonable control of the applicable Party, shall not constitute breach of this Agreement and such Party shall be excused from performance hereunder to the extent and for the duration of such prevention, provided it first notifies the other Party(ies) in writing of such prevention and that it uses its best efforts to cause the event of the force majeure to terminate, be cured or otherwise ended. 23.1 Porušení povinností stanovených touto Smlouvou z důvodu právních předpisů nebo nařízení jakékoliv vlády, vyšší moci (válka, občanské nepokoje, zničení výrobních zařízení a materiálů, požár, povodeň, zemětřesení nebo bouře, pracovní nepokoje, nedostatek materiálu, výpadek veřejných služeb nebo veřejných dopravců) nebo jakýchkoli jiných příčin, které jsou mimo přiměřenou kontrolu příslušné Strany, nebude představovat porušení této Smlouvy a tato Strana bude zproštěna povinnosti plnit na základě této Smlouvy v rozsahu a po dobu nemožnosti plnění za podmínky, že nejprve písemně uvědomí druhou Stranu (Strany) o nemožnosti plnění a vynaloží maximální úsilí k tomu, aby překážka vyšší moci pominula, její účinky byly napraveny nebo jinak ukončeny.
Force Majeure Vyšší moc. 22.1 If either Party is prevented from fulfilling its obligations in accordance with the terms of this Agreement due to force majeure (as defined by competent law and/or competent court), this Party shall be relieved of performance to the extent that it is so prevented from doing so for the duration of the intervening circumstances. The Party wishing to claim relief on the grounds of the said circumstances shall notify the other Party in writing without delay on the intervention or cessation thereof. The Party so prevented from fulfilling its obligation shall use its best endeavours to remove or avoid the impediment as soon as possible. Pokud je některé ze smluvních stran zabráněno plnit své povinnosti v souladu s podmínkami této dohody, z důvodu vyšší moci (jak je definováno příslušným zákonem a/nebo příslušným soudem), pak tato smluvní strana je zproštěna výkonu v rozsahu, v kterém je jí bráněno, po dobu trvání zasahujících okolností. Strana, která chce požádat o úlevy na základě uvedených okolností, to oznámí druhé straně písemně bez odkladu na intervenci nebo ukončení smlouvy. Strana, které je takto zabráněno moci plnit své povinnosti, vyvine veškeré úsilí k odstranění nebo k vyhnutí se překážce, co nejdříve.
Force Majeure Vyšší moc. Neither Party shall be liable for delay in performing or failure to perform obligations under this Agreement if such delay or failure results from circumstances outside its reasonable control (including, without limitation, any act of God, governmental action, accident, strike, terrorism, bioterrorism, lock-out or other form of industrial action) promptly notified to the other Party (“Force Majeure”). Any incident of Force Majeure shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement and the time for performance shall be extended accordingly; however, if it persists for more than thirty (30) days, then the Parties may enter into discussions with a view to alleviating its effects and, if possible, agreeing on such alternative arrangements as may be reasonable in all of the circumstances. Žádná ze stran nebude odpovědná za opožděné plnění nebo nesplnění závazků podle této smlouvy, jestliže takovéto zpoždění či nesplnění je důsledkem okolností, které se vymykají její přiměřené kontrole (mimo jiné včetně jakékoli vyšší moci, vládního opatření, nehody, stávky, terorismu, bioterorismu, výluky či jiné formy protestních akcí zaměstnanců) bezodkladně oznámených druhé straně (dále jen „vyšší moc“). Jakýkoli případ zásahu vyšší moci nebude představovat porušení této smlouvy a lhůta pro plnění bude odpovídajícím způsobem prodloužena; jestliže však přetrvává déle než třicet (30) dní, mohou strany zahájit jednání za účelem zmírnění jejích dopadů, a je-li to možné, domluvy na takových alternativních úpravách, které mohou být xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx.
Force Majeure Vyšší moc. In the event either the Institution on the one hand, or Company on the other hand, is delayed or hindered in or prevented from the performance of any act required hereunder by reasons of restrictive government or judicial orders or decrees, riots, insurrection, war, acts of God, inclement weather or other similar reasons or causes beyond such party's control, and such party has exerted all reasonable efforts to avoid or remedy such event, then performance of such act shall be excused for the period of such delay (but in no event beyond a period of one month). Prompt notice of the start and stop of any such force majeure shall be provided to the other party. 12.1 V případě, že je poskytovatel na jedné straně nebo společnost na straně druhé v prodlevě v souvislosti s jakýmkoli plněním této smlouvy z důvodů omezujícího vládního nařízení nebo soudního rozhodnutí či vyhlášky, nepokojů, vzpoury, války, živelné pohromy, nepříznivého počasí nebo jiných důvodů a příčin, které nemají pod svou kontrolou nebo jim tyto okolnosti v plnění této smlouvy brání nebo je omezují, přičemž tato smluvní strana vynaložila veškeré přiměřené úsilí, aby uvedeným okolnostem zabránila či je napravila, je tato strana zproštěna od plnění po dobu odpovídající takovému prodlení (ne však po dobu delší, než je jeden měsíc). Smluvní strana, která je v prodlevě s plněním musí druhou smluvní stranu bezodkladně uvědomit o výskytu a ukončení události vyšší moci.
Force Majeure Vyšší moc. Service Provider shall be excused from performing its obligations under this Agreement if performance is delayed or prevented by any cause beyond Service Provider’s control, including but not limited to, acts of God, fire, explosion, disease, weather, war, insurrection, civil strife, riots, government action or power failure (“Disability”). Performance shall be excused only to the extent of and during the reasonable continuance of such Disability. Any deadline or time for performance specified which falls due during or subsequent to the occurrence of any of the Disability shall be automatically extended for a period of time equal to the period of such Disability. Service Provider will immediately notify CRO if, by reason of any of the Disability, Service Provider is unable to meet any specified deadline or time for performance. Odstavec 12.
Force Majeure Vyšší moc. The performance by either Party of any obligation on its part to be performed hereunder shall be excused by floods, fires or any other Act of God, accidents, wars, riots, embargoes, delay of carriers, inability to obtain materials, failure of power or natural sources of supply, acts, injunctions, or restraints of government or other force majeure preventing such performance, whether similar or dissimilar to the foregoing, beyond the reasonable control of the Party bound by such obligation, excluding an event that could have been avoided by taking reasonable steps or reasonable care, provided, however, that the Party affected shall immediately notify the other party and Sponsor and provides necessary information about the force majeure event, use best efforts to eliminate or cure or overcome any of such causes and to resume performance of its obligations with all possible speed. Splnění jakékoli povinnosti kteroukoli ze Stran, jež má být takovou Stranou splněna na základě podmínek této Smlouvy, bude prominuto v důsledku záplav, požárů či jiných projevů Vyšší moci, nehod, válek, nepokojů, embarg, prodlení dopravců, nemožnosti opatřit příslušné materiály, nebude-li dodána elektrická energie či jiné přírodní zdroje, v důsledku rozhodnutí, zákazů či omezení státního/správního úřadu či jiného prvku vyšší moci, který zabrání splnění takové povinnosti, bez ohledu na to, zda je shodný či odlišný od shora uvedeného, a který stojí mimo možnost ovlivnění příslušné Strany, která je takovou povinností vázána, s výjimkou události, které bylo možné předejít podniknutím přiměřených kroků nebo vynaložením přiměřené snahy, to však za podmínky, že takto dotčená Strana neprodleně informuje druhou stranu a Zadavatele a poskytne potřebné informace o události vyšší moci, vyvine nejvyšší úsilí za účelem odstranění či nápravy či překonání jakéhokoli takového důvodu či příčiny a bude pokračovat v plnění svých povinností v nejbližším možném časovém okamžiku.
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Force Majeure Vyšší moc. Noncompliance by a party with the obligations of this Agreement due to laws or regulations of any government, force majeure (war, civil commotion, destruction of production facilities and materials, fire, flood, earthquake or storm, labor disturbances, shortage of materials, failure of public utilities or common carriers), or any other causes beyond the reasonable control of the applicable Party, shall not constitute breach of this Agreement and such Party shall be excused from performance hereunder to the extent and for the duration of such prevention, provided it first notifies the other Party(ies) in writing of such 23.1 Porušení povinností stanovených touto Smlouvou z důvodu právních předpisů nebo nařízení jakékoliv vlády, vyšší moci (válka, občanské nepokoje, zničení výrobních zařízení a materiálů, požár, povodeň, zemětřesení nebo bouře, pracovní nepokoje, nedostatek materiálu, výpadek veřejných služeb nebo veřejných dopravců) nebo jakýchkoli jiných příčin, které jsou mimo přiměřenou kontrolu příslušné Strany, nebude představovat porušení této Smlouvy a tato Strana bude zproštěna povinnosti plnit na základě této Smlouvy v rozsahu a po dobu nemožnosti plnění za podmínky, že nejprve písemně uvědomí druhou Stranu (Strany) o nemožnosti prevention and that it uses its best efforts to cause the event of the force majeure to terminate, be cured or otherwise ended. plnění a vynaloží maximální úsilí k tomu, aby překážka vyšší moci pominula, její účinky byly napraveny nebo jinak ukončeny.

Related to Force Majeure Vyšší moc

  • Force Majeur In case the Show Facility is damaged or destroyed, or in case of war, government regulations or any other circumstances whatsoever which will make it impossible or impractical for Show Management to permit Exhibitor to occupy the exhibit space described in this Agreement, this Agreement will terminate and Exhibitor will waive any claim for damages for compensation except the pro rata return of the amount paid for space rented, diminished only by a pro rata portion of the amounts expended to produce the Show.

  • Force Majeure If by reason of Force Majeure, either party hereto shall be rendered unable wholly or in part to carry out its obligations under this Agreement through no fault of its own then such party shall give notice and full particulars of Force Majeure in writing to the other party within a reasonable time after occurrence of the event or cause relied upon. Upon delivering such notice, the obligation of the affected party, so far as it is affected by such Force Majeure as described, shall be suspended during the continuance of the inability then claimed but for no longer period, and such party shall endeavor to remove or overcome such inability with all reasonable dispatch. In the event that Vendor’s obligations are suspended by reason of Force Majeure, all TIPS Sales accepted prior to the Force Majeure event shall be the legal responsibility of Vendor and the terms of the TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement shall control Vendor’s failure to fulfill for a Force Majeure event.

  • Force Majeure Event After giving effect to any applicable provision, disruption fallback or remedy specified in, or pursuant to, the relevant Confirmation or elsewhere in this Agreement, by reason of force majeure or act of state occurring after a Transaction is entered into, on any day:— (1) the Office through which such party (which will be the Affected Party) makes and receives payments or deliveries with respect to such Transaction is prevented from performing any absolute or contingent obligation to make a payment or delivery in respect of such Transaction, from receiving a payment or delivery in respect of such Transaction or from complying with any other material provision of this Agreement relating to such Transaction (or would be so prevented if such payment, delivery or compliance were required on that day), or it becomes impossible or impracticable for such Office so to perform, receive or comply (or it would be impossible or impracticable for such Office so to perform, receive or comply if such payment, delivery or compliance were required on that day); or (2) such party or any Credit Support Provider of such party (which will be the Affected Party) is prevented from performing any absolute or contingent obligation to make a payment or delivery which such party or Credit Support Provider has under any Credit Support Document relating to such Transaction, from receiving a payment or delivery under such Credit Support Document or from complying with any other material provision of such Credit Support Document (or would be so prevented if such payment, delivery or compliance were required on that day), or it becomes impossible or impracticable for such party or Credit Support Provider so to perform, receive or comply (or it would be impossible or impracticable for such party or Credit Support Provider so to perform, receive or comply if such payment, delivery or compliance were required on that day), so long as the force majeure or act of state is beyond the control of such Office, such party or such Credit Support Provider, as appropriate, and such Office, party or Credit Support Provider could not, after using all reasonable efforts (which will not require such party or Credit Support Provider to incur a loss, other than immaterial, incidental expenses), overcome such prevention, impossibility or impracticability;

  • Force Majeure Delays In any case where either party hereto is required to do any act (other than the payment of money), delays caused by or resulting from Acts of God or Nature, war, civil commotion, fire, flood or other casualty, labor difficulties, shortages of labor or materials or equipment, government regulations, delay by government or regulatory agencies with respect to approval or permit process, unusually severe weather, or other causes beyond such party’s reasonable control the time during which act shall be completed, shall be deemed to be extended by the period of such delay, whether such time be designated by a fixed date, a fixed time or “a reasonable time.”

  • Force Majeure Notice In relation to any Relevant Force Majeure Event: (a) as soon as reasonably practicable after the Affected Party becomes aware, or ought reasonably to have become aware, that such Force Majeure Event qualifies for relief under this Clause 17 (and, in any event, within 72 hours of becoming aware of such circumstances), the Affected Party shall give a Force Majeure Notice; and (b) the Force Majeure Notice shall include detailed particulars (to the extent available) of the Relevant Force Majeure Event and its consequences, its effects on the Affected Party, the Relevant Obligations, the likely duration of such consequences and effects and the remedial measures proposed by the Affected Party to avoid or remove the Relevant Force Majeure Event or to mitigate its consequences and effects.

  • Force Majeure Exclusions 11.4.1 Force Majeure shall not include (i) any event or circumstance which is within the reasonable control of the Parties and (ii) the following conditions, except to the extent that they are consequences of an event of Force Majeure: a. Unavailability, late delivery, or changes in cost of the plant, machinery, equipment, materials, spare parts or consumables for the Power Project; x. Xxxxx in the performance of any contractor, sub-contractor or their agents; c. Non-performance resulting from normal wear and tear typically experienced in power generation materials and equipment; d. Strikes at the facilities of the Affected Party; e. Insufficiency of finances or funds or the agreement becoming onerous to perform; and f. Non-performance caused by, or connected with, the Affected Party’s: i. Negligent or intentional acts, errors or omissions; ii. Failure to comply with an Indian Law; or iii. Breach of, or default under this Agreement.

  • FORCE MAJEURE CLAUSE Contractor shall be excused from performance hereunder during the time and to the extent that it is prevented from obtaining delivery, or performing by act of God, fire, strike, loss, or shortage of transportation facilities, lock-out, commandeering of materials, product, plant, or facilities by the government, when satisfactory evidence thereof is presented to the District, provided that it is satisfactorily established that the

  • Force Majeure Events a) Neither Party shall be responsible or liable for or deemed in breach hereof because of any delay or failure in the performance of its obligations hereunder (except for obligations to pay money due prior to occurrence of Force Majeure events under this Agreement) or failure to meet milestone dates due to any event or circumstance (a "Force Majeure Event") beyond the reasonable control of the Party experiencing such delay or failure, including the occurrence of any of the following: i) acts of God; ii) typhoons, floods, lightning, cyclone, hurricane, drought, famine, epidemic, plague or other natural calamities; iii) acts of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion or civil unrest; iv) any requirement, action or omission to act pursuant to any judgment or order of any court or judicial authority in India (provided such requirement, action or omission to act is not due to the breach by the SPG or of any Law or any of their respective obligations under this Agreement); v) inability despite complying with all legal requirements to obtain, renew or maintain required licenses or Legal Approvals; vi) earthquakes, explosions, accidents, landslides; fire; vii) expropriation and/or compulsory acquisition of the Project in whole or in part by Government Instrumentality; viii) chemical or radioactive contamination or ionizing radiation; or ix) damage to or breakdown of transmission facilities of GETCO/ DISCOMs; x) Exceptionally adverse weather condition which are in excess of the statistical measure of the last hundred (100) years.

  • FORCE MAJEURE CIRCUMSTANCES Lithium Hosting, llc CANNOT and WILL NOT be liable for any failure or delay in doing its professional duties resulting from circumstances beyond its physical control. Such circumstances may represent acts of any governmental body, war, rebellion, sabotage, embargo, fire, flood or other natural disaster, strike or other labor disturbances, interruption of or delay in transportation, unavailability of, interruption or delay in telecommunications or third party services (including DNS propagation), failure of third party software or hardware, or inability to obtain raw materials, supplies or power used in or equipment needed for provisioning of the Services.

  • MAJEURE 24.1 Neither Partner shall be entitled to bring a claim for a breach of obligations under this Agreement by the other Partner or incur any liability to the other Partner for any losses or damages incurred by that Partner to the extent that a Force Majeure Event occurs and it is prevented from carrying out its obligations by that Force Majeure Event. 24.2 On the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, the Affected Partner shall notify the other Partner as soon as practicable. Such notification shall include details of the Force Majeure Event, including evidence of its effect on the obligations of the Affected Partner and any action proposed to mitigate its effect. 24.3 As soon as practicable, following notification as detailed in Clause 24.2, the Partners shall consult with each other in good faith and use all best endeavours to agree appropriate terms to mitigate the effects of the Force Majeure Event and, subject to Clause 24.4, facilitate the continued performance of the Agreement. 24.4 If the Force Majeure Event continues for a period of more than sixty (60) days, either Partner shall have the right to terminate the Agreement by giving fourteen (14) days written notice of termination to the other Partner. For the avoidance of doubt, no compensation shall be payable by either Partner as a direct consequence of this Agreement being terminated in accordance with this Clause.

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