FREAK LOW QUOTES. In case after opening of price bid of technically cleared firms, If L1 firm has quoted very low rates and indicates to withdraw from the tender then firm may be given tender holiday including intimation to other PSUs. If the rates quoted are less than MDL estimates by 40% or so and if the difference in rate between L1 and L2 (i.e. (L2- L1) *100/L1) is 30% or more with reference to L1, then contract only placed after meeting held with L1 bidder to ascertain whether the quoted prices are “workable”. MDL reserves the right of part-ordering the services.
FREAK LOW QUOTES. In case after opening of price bid of techno-commercially cleared firms, it is noted that the L-1 firm has quoted very low rates and indicates to withdraw from the tender then EMD shall be forfeited and the firm may be given tender holiday including intimation to other PSUs. However in case the vendor agrees to take-up the job with such low quote and if the rates quoted are found less than GRSE Estimate by 30% and also if the difference in rate between L1 & L2 is 30% or more then the firm will have to give additional Security Deposit of 20% of Order value. There shall not be any exemption applicable against this additional Security Deposit.
FREAK LOW QUOTES. 22.1. Bid is considered as Freak Low, If the rates quoted are less than MDL estimates by 40% or so and if the difference in rate between L1 and L2 (i.e. (L2- L1)*100/L1) is 30% or more with reference toL1.
22.2. In case after opening of price bid of technically cleared firms, it is noted that L-1 firm has quoted very low rates and indicates to withdraw from the tender then firm may be given tender holiday including intimation to other PSUs.
22.3. MDL reserves the right of part-ordering the services.
FREAK LOW QUOTES. In case after opening of price bid of technically cleared firms, it is noted that L-1 firm has quoted very low rates and indicates to withdraw from the tender then EMD shall be forfeited and firm may be given tender holiday including intimation to other PSUs.
FREAK LOW QUOTES. In case after opening of price bid, it is observed that L1 firm has quoted very low rates and indicates to withdraw from the tender then firm may be given tender holiday including intimation to other PSUs.
FREAK LOW QUOTES. 22.1. Bid is considered as Freak Low, If the rates quoted are less than MDL estimates by 40% or so and if the difference in rate between L1 and L2 (i.e. (L2-L1)*100/L1) is 30% or more with reference toL1. then the contract shall be placed only after conducting a meeting with L1 bidder to ascertain whether the quoted prices are “workable”.
22.2. In case after opening of price bid of technically cleared firms, it is noted that L-1 firm has quoted very low rates and indicates to withdraw from the tender then firm may be given tender holiday including intimation to other PSUs.
22.3. MDL reserves the right of part-ordering the services.
FREAK LOW QUOTES. 22.1. If the quoted L-1 rate is less than Cost Estimate / NLPP by more than 40% w.r.t. Cost Estimate / NLPP and if the quoted L-1 rate is less than L2 by more than 30% w.r.t. L2 then such quote is to be treated as freak low quote.
22.2. In case after opening of price bid of technically cleared firms, it is noted that L-1 firm has quoted very low rates and indicates to withdraw from the tender then firm may be given tender holiday including intimation to GEM and other PSUs.
22.3. MDL reserves the right of part-ordering the services.
FREAK LOW QUOTES. Not applicable.
FREAK LOW QUOTES. Not applicable to this tender.