FREE DROPS & MONTHLY SERVICE TO PUBLIC BUILDINGS, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. (a) The Licensee shall continue to provide and maintain one (1) free Subscriber Cable Drop and Outlet and monthly Basic Service to all police and fire stations, public schools, public libraries and other Public Buildings along the Cable System plant route included in Exhibit 5.6, attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Licensee shall provide, install and maintain a Subscriber Cable Drop and Outlet and Basic Service to any other Public Buildings and schools along the Cable System plant route as designated in writing by the Issuing Authority, however if a Cable Drop is greater than 150’ in distance from the existing Trunk and Distribution System along the Cable System plant route the cost of said installation shall be paid for by the Town. Underground installations within 150 feet of the existing cable plant requiring trunk or distribution type (e.g., amplifier and feeder cable) construction or involving a hard surface or that require boring through rock or under sidewalks and asphalt street are considered non-standard installations and shall be provided at a rate based upon actual costs and a reasonable return on investment. The Licensee shall coordinate the location of each Drop with each of the aforementioned institutions newly receiving Service. There shall be no costs to the Town or any designated institution for said installation and provision of monthly Service and related maintenance, other than stated above. (b) The Licensee shall supply one (1) Converter for each Outlet, without charge to the Town, if necessary for the reception of monthly Service. The Licensee shall maintain such Outlets and Converters for normal wear and tear, at its sole cost and expense; provided, however, that the Town shall be responsible for repairs and/or replacement necessitated by any acts of vandalism or theft. (c) The License shall discuss the location of each Drop and/or Outlet with the proper official in each of the buildings entitled to such a Drop and/or Outlet, prior to any such installation. The Licensee shall install such Drops and/or Outlets within sixty (60) days of any such requests from the Issuing Authority, subject to force majeure.
FREE DROPS & MONTHLY SERVICE TO PUBLIC BUILDINGS, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. (a) The Licensee shall continue to provide and maintain one (1) free Subscriber Cable Drop and Outlet and monthly Basic Service to all police and fire stations, public schools, public libraries and other Public Buildings along the Cable System plant route included in Exhibit 5.6, attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Licensee shall provide, install and maintain a Subscriber Cable Drop and Outlet and Basic Service to any other Public Buildings and schools along the Cable System plant route as designated in writing by the Issuing Authority. The Licensee shall coordinate the location of each Drop with each of the aforementioned institutions newly receiving Service. There shall be no costs to the Town or any designated institution for said installation and provision of monthly Basic Service, and related maintenance. (b) The Licensee shall supply one (1) Converter for each Outlet, without charge to the Town, if necessary for the reception of monthly Service. The Licensee shall maintain such Outlets and Converters for normal wear and tear, at its sole cost and expense; provided, however, that the Town shall be responsible for repairs and/or replacement necessitated by any acts of vandalism or theft. (c) The License shall discuss the location of each Drop and/or Outlet with the proper official in each of the buildings entitled to such a Drop and/or Outlet, prior to any such installation. The Licensee shall install such Drops and/or Outlets within sixty (60) days of any such requests from the Issuing Authority, subject to force majeure.


  • PREVAILING WAGE RATES - PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDING SERVICES CONTRACTS If any portion of work being Bid is subject to the prevailing wage rate provisions of the Labor Law, the following shall apply:

  • Compressed Work Week The Company and Union recognize the concept of the compressed work week. It is further understood that the compressed work week conditions will apply only to those departments that are on the compressed work week.

  • Television Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of covered television equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is compliance with Subchapter Z, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Television Equipment Recycling Program.

  • Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.

  • INTERIM MAINTENANCE PERIOD During the interim maintenance period between obtaining of the completion certificate of such Project and formation and operationalization of the Association the Promoter shall through itself or through a facility management company to run, operate, manage and maintain the Common Areas. The Promoter shall endeavour that the committee responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Common Areas will be required to provide manpower for maintaining the Common Areas, wherever required, and to collect maintenance charges and also guest charges and the user charges for the utilities being provided on “pay by use” basis, if any. The maintenance and management of Common Areas by the committee will primarily include but not limited to maintenance of water works, common electrical installations, DG Sets, landscaping, driveways, parking areas, lobbies, lifts and staircases, AMC’s etc. It will also include safety and security of the Project such as fire detection and protection and management of general security control of the Project. The Rules/ Bye Laws to regulate the use and maintenance of the Common Areas shall during the interim maintenance period shall be framed by the Promoter with such restrictions as may be necessary for proper maintenance and all the Allottees are bound to follow the same. After the Common Areas of the Project are handed over to the Association, the Association may adopt the Rules and the Bye laws framed by the Promoter, with or without amendments, as may be deemed necessary by the Association.

  • Computer Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of computer equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is in compliance with Subchapter Y, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Computer Equipment Recycling Program and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules in 30 TAC Chapter 328.

  • Annual Leave Loading During a period of annual leave an employee will receive a loading of 17.5 per cent calculated on the employee’s normal hourly rate of pay and the daily fares allowance if applicable. The loading will also apply to proportionate leave on lawful termination.

  • Multiple Bedroom Spaces If this Housing Agreement expressly identifies more than one bedroom space in a multi-bedroom apartment as assigned to Resident on page 1, then: (a) references to a “space” or “spaces” will be deemed to refer to all of the spaces assigned to Resident, or to the entire apartment if all of the bedrooms in an apartment are assigned to Resident; and (b) if Resident is assigned fewer than all of the bedroom spaces in an apartment, use of common areas will continue to be shared with other residents of the apartment and any calculation of Resident’s share of any charges assessed pro rata to all residents of an apartment will be made by dividing the number of bedroom spaces assigned to Resident by the total number of occupied bedroom spaces within the apartment.

  • Meeting and Function Room Rental Charges A. The Contractor shall charge the Judicial Council the applicable total room rental charges, as set forth in Table 2, below, based upon a sliding scale for meeting and function rooms and inclusive of all service charges and tax:

  • Meeting Space and Facilities The Employer’s offices and facilities may be used by the Union to hold meetings, subject to the agency’s policy, availability of the space and with prior authorization of the Employer.