Normal Wear and Tear. The Owner understands that some “wear and tear” expenses will occur and that these costs cannot be charged to a Tenant and realizes Owner will incur these expenses. Upon renting, the law recognizes the property as a business and requires Owner to expect some expenses for cleaning and maintenance as “normal wear and tear” while operating a rental property.
Normal Wear and Tear. BWG shall not be held liable to any and all persons either directly or by way of indemnification, for consequential, incidental, special or direct damages, whether a claim for any such damages be based on warranty, tort, contract or any form otherwise.
Normal Wear and Tear. Cape Air is not liable for minor damage such as scratches, scuffs, stains, dents, cuts, and dirt resulting from normal wear and tear. For clarification purposes, damage beyond normal wear and tear to specific parts of baggage, such as wheels, straps, zippers, handles, and protruding parts, is not excluded from liability.
Normal Wear and Tear. Customer agrees to return Equipment to Hawthorne in the same condition in which it was leased and, at Hawthorne’s discretion, agrees to compensate Hawthorne for any damage in excess of normal wear and tear. At Hawthorne’s discretion, a cleaning charge for one day’s rental or more may apply.
Normal Wear and Tear. Owner understands that some “wear and tear” expenses will occur and that these costs cannot be charged to a Tenant. Owner will bear these expenses. Upon renting, the law recognizes the property as a business and requires Owner to expect some expenses for cleaning and maintenance as “normal wear and tear” while operating a rental property. Whether an item is “wear and tear” or “damage” will fall under the sole discretion of the Broker. (see Appendix A for examples of Normal Wear and Tear vs Damage, see Appendix B for Life Expectancy Chart)
Normal Wear and Tear. It may be noted that there may be some normal wear and tear of the building through efflux of time due to factors like seasonal expansion and contraction and/or settlement of the structure; hair thin cracks , localized dampness as a percentage of human error within normal limits and is a natural occurrence since buildings are manmade and not a machine made product. Even if an Unit is kept closed for protracted period there may be faults appearing for non-use. All structural factors are considered and taken into account before CC is granted. Hence, the appearance of minor faults at a time lag is natural. In spite of all that promoter will rectify all the defects for five years. These defects will not imply any fault on the part of the Promoter. Repairing cost of False ceiling will be part of Maintenance expense.
Normal Wear and Tear. Many parts on Your Watercraft wear out over time in the normal use of Your Watercraft. This is not a defect in materials or workmanship and is not covered. These parts include, but are not limited to, Your muffler, resonator, and exhaust pipe. Additionally, over time, the compression on Your Watercraft may decrease due to normal wear and tear. The repair or replacement of valves or rings to correct lowered compression or oil consumption from normal wear alone, is not covered.
Normal Wear and Tear. Listed below are the “normal” vehicle wear and tear conditions. All damage beyond normal wear and tear will be charged back to the Daily Rental Company.
Normal Wear and Tear. Listed below is the nomenclature commonly used to describe degree of damage in inspection reporting.
A. GLOSSARY OF TERMS – “General Description”