Government Purpose Rights Sample Clauses

Government Purpose Rights. The rights to: (i) Use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose the Product within the Government without restriction; and, (ii) Release or disclose the Product outside the Government and authorize persons to whom release or disclosure has been made to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose the Product for United States Government purposes.
Government Purpose Rights. The rights by Government to—
Government Purpose Rights. (i) The Gov- ernment shall have government purpose rights for a five-year period, or such other period as may be negotiated, in technical data— (A) That pertain to items, components, or processes developed with mixed funding ex- cept when the Government is entitled to un- limited rights in such data as provided in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) and (b)(1)(iv) through (b)(1)(ix) of this clause; or (B) Created with mixed funding in the per- formance of a contract that does not require the development, manufacture, construction, or production of items, components, or proc- esses. (ii) The five-year period, or such other pe- riod as may have been negotiated, shall com- mence upon execution of the contract, sub- contract, letter contract (or similar contrac- tual instrument), contract modification, or option exercise that required development of the items, components, or processes or cre- ation of the data described in paragraph (b)(2)(i)(B) of this clause. Upon expiration of the five-year or other negotiated period, the Government shall have unlimited rights in the technical data. (iii) The Government shall not release or disclose technical data in which it has gov- ernment purpose rights unless— (A) Prior to release or disclosure, the in- tended recipient is subject to the non-disclo- sure agreement at 227.7103–7 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS); or (B) The recipient is a Government con- tractor receiving access to the data for per- formance of a Government contract that contains the clause at DFARS 252.227–7025, Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Gov- ernment-Furnished Information Marked with Restrictive Legends. (iv) The Contractor has the exclusive right, including the right to license others, to use technical data in which the Government has obtained government purpose rights under this contract for any commercial purpose during the time period specified in the gov- ernment purpose rights legend prescribed in paragraph (f)(2) of this clause.
Government Purpose Rights. (i) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause, the Government shall have government purpose rights in computer software development with mixed funding. (ii) Government purpose rights shall remain in effect for a period of five years unless a different period has been negotiated. Upon expiration of the five-year or other negotiated period, the Government shall have unlimited rights in the computer software or computer software documentation. The government purpose rights period shall commence upon execution of the contract, subcontract, letter contract (or similar contractual instrument), contract modification, or option exercise that required development of the computer software. (iii) The Government shall not release or disclose computer software in which it has government purpose rights to any other person unless-- (A) Prior to release or disclosure, the intended recipient is subject to the use and non-disclosure agreement at DFARS 227.7103-7; or (B) The recipient is a Government contractor receiving access to the software or documentation for performance of a Government contract that contains the clause at DFARS 252.227-7025, Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government Furnished Information Marked with Restrictive Legends.
Government Purpose Rights. (i) The Government shall have government purpose rights for a five-year period, or such other period as may be negotiated, in technical data (A) That pertain to items, components, or processes developed with mixed funding except when the Government is entitled to unlimited rights in such data as provided in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) and (b)(1)(iv) through (b)(1)(ix) of this clause; or (B) Created with mixed funding in the performance of a contract that does not require the development, manufacture, construction, or production of items, components, or processes. (ii) The five-year period, or such other period as may have been negotiated, shall commence upon execution of the contract, subcontract, letter contract (or similar contractual instrument), contract modification, or option exercise that required development of the items, components, or processes or creation of the data described in paragraph (b)(2)(i)(B) of this clause. Upon expiration of the five-year or other negotiated period, the Government shall have unlimited rights in the technical data. (iii) The Government shall not release or disclose technical data in which it has government purpose rights unless (A) Prior to release or disclosure, the intended recipient is subject to the non-disclosure agreement at 227.7103-7 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS); or (B) The recipient is a Government contractor receiving access to the data for performance of a Government contract that contains the clause at DFARS 252.227-7025, Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information Marked with Restrictive Legends. (iv) The Contractor has the exclusive right, including the right to license others, to use technical data in which the Government has obtained government purpose rights under this contract for any commercial purpose during the time period specified in the government purpose rights legend prescribed in paragraph (f)(2) of this clause.
Government Purpose Rights. (i) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause, the Government shall have government pur- pose rights in computer software develop- ment with mixed funding. (ii) Government purpose rights shall re- main in effect for a period of five years un- less a different period has been negotiated. Upon expiration of the five-year or other ne- gotiated period, the Government shall have unlimited rights in the computer software or computer software documentation. The gov- ernment purpose rights period shall com- mence upon execution of the contract, sub- contract, letter contract (or similar contrac- tual instrument), contract modification, or option exercise that required development of the computer software. (iii) The Government shall not release or disclose computer software in which it has government purpose rights to any other per- son unless— (A) Prior to release or disclosure, the in- tended recipient is subject to the use and non-disclosure agreement at DFARS 227.7103–7; or (B) The recipient is a Government con- tractor receiving access to the software or documentation for performance of a Govern- ment contract that contains the clause at DFARS 252.227–7025, Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government Furnished In- formation Marked with Restrictive Legends.
Government Purpose Rights. (1) The Government obtains government pur- pose rights in technical data— (i) That pertain to items, compo- nents, or processes developed with mixed funding except when the Govern- ment is entitled to unlimited rights as provided in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(4) through (9) of this subsection; or (ii) Created with mixed funding in the performance of a contract that does not require the development, man- ufacture, construction, or production of items, components, or processes. (2) The period during which govern- ment purpose rights are effective is ne- gotiable. The clause at 252.227–7013 pro- vides a nominal five-year period. Ei- ther party may request a different pe- riod. Changes to the government pur- pose rights period may be made at any time prior to delivery of the technical data without consideration from either party. Longer periods should be nego- tiated when a five-year period does not provide sufficient time to apply the data for commercial purposes or when necessary to recognize subcontractors’ interests in the data. (3) The government purpose rights period commences upon execution of the contract, subcontract, letter con- tract (or similar contractual instru- ment), contract modification, or option exercise that required the develop- ment. Upon expiration of the Govern- ment rights period, the Government has unlimited rights in the data includ- ing the right to authorize others to use the data for commercial purposes. (4) During the government purpose rights period, the government may not use, or authorize other persons to use, technical data marked with govern- ment purpose rights legends for com- mercial purposes. The Government shall not release or disclose data in which it has government purpose rights to any person, or authorize oth- ers to do so, unless— (i) Prior to release or disclosure, the intended recipient is subject to the use and non-disclosure agreement at 227.7103–7; or (ii) The intended recipient is a Gov- ernment contractor receiving access to the data for performance of a Govern- ment contract that contains the clause at 252.227–7025, Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information Marked with Restrictive Legends. (5) When technical data marked with government purpose rights legends will be released or disclosed to a Govern- ment contractor performing a contract that does not include the clause at 252– 227–7025, the contract may be modified, prior to release or disclosure, to in- clude that clause in ...
Government Purpose Rights. Rights to use, modify, reproduce, release or disclose the technical data or computer software within the Government without restriction and outside the Government for a Government purpose – “any activity in which the United States Government is a party, including cooperative agreements with international or multi-national defense organizations or sales or transfers by the United States Government to foreign governments or international organizations. Government purposes include competitive procurement, but do not include use for commercial purposes.” Limited Rights: Rights to use, duplicate, release, or disclose technical data, in whole or in part, within the Government.
Government Purpose Rights. (i) The Government shall have government purpose rights for the period specified in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this Article in data that are— (A) Not SBIR data, and are— (1) Technical data pertaining to items, components, or processes developed with mixed funding, or computer software developed with mixed funding, except when the Government is entitled to unlimited rights in such data as provided in paragraph (b)(1) of this Article; or (2) Created with mixed funding in the performance of a contract that does not require the development, manufacture, construction, or production of items, components, or processes; or (B) SBIR data, upon expiration of the SBIR data protection period. (ii) (A) For the non-SBIR data described in paragraph (b)(2)(i)(A) of this clause, the Government shall have Government purpose rights for a period of twenty years, or such other period as may be negotiated. This period shall commence upon execution of the contract, subcontract, letter contract (or similar contractual instrument), or contract modification (including a modification to exercise an option) that required development of the items, components, or processes, or creation of the data described in paragraph (b)(2)(i)(A)(2) of AGREEMENT NUMBER FA8614-22-9-0003 this clause. Upon expiration of the twenty-year or other negotiated period, the Government shall have unlimited rights in the data.
Government Purpose Rights. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this subsection, the Government obtains government purpose rights in computer software developed with mixed funding. (2) The period during which government purpose rights are effective is negotiable. The clause at 252.227-7014 provides a nominal five-year period. Either party may request a different period. Changes to the government purpose rights period may be made at any time prior to delivery of the software without consideration from either party. Longer periods should be negotiated when a five- year period does not provide sufficient time to commercialize the software or, for software developed by subcontractors, when necessary to recognize the subcontractors' interests in the software. (3) The government purpose rights period commences upon execution of the contract, subcontract, letter contract (or similar contractual instrument), contract modification, or option exercise that required development of the computer software. Upon expiration of the government purpose rights period, the Government has unlimited rights in the software including the right to authorize others to use the data for commercial purposes. (4) During the government purpose rights period, the Government may not use, or authorize other persons to use, computer software marked with government purpose rights legends for commercial purposes. The Government shall not release or disclose, or authorize others to release or disclose, computer software in which it has government purpose rights to any person unless— (i) Prior to release or disclosure, the intended recipient is subject to the use and non-disclosure agreement at 227.7103-7 ; or (ii) The intended recipient is a Government contractor receiving access to the software for performance of a Government contract that contains the clause at 252.227-7025 , Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information Marked with Restrictive Legends. (5) When computer software marked with government purpose rights legends will be released or disclosed to a Government contractor performing a contract that does not include the clause at 252.227-7025 , the contract may be modified, prior to release or disclosure, to include such clause in lieu of requiring the contractor to complete a use and non-disclosure agreement. (6) Contracting activities shall establish procedures to assure that computer software or computer software documentation marked with government purpose rights legends are...