GOVERNMENT FURNISHED. PROPERTY (GFP) (OM&N, APN, OPN, RDT&E, FMS) – The contractor shall assist the Government with the administration of Program GFP efforts. 5.1 GFP to be determined at the TO level. 5.2 The contractor as GFP custodian shall be required to hold or manage Government inventory. Inventory/reporting is required at a minimum every 3 years and upon contract completion or termination to ensure that inventory levels meet tasking requirements and excess inventory is identified per FAR 52.245-1. Classified or Sensitive property must be inventoried at least annually in accordance with DOD 5220.22-M. Details of Unclassified, Classified, and Sensitive property will be provided at the TO level. 5.2.1 The contractor shall assist the PSM for accountability of GFP as attachments to contracts and tracked in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE). 5.3 The contractor shall submit a GFP Report. Contractors shall report GFP to the DoD IUID Registry and its integral GFP Module in accordance with DFARS subparts 211.274-4 and 252.211-7007. If there are deficiencies in the GFP Report the contractor shall be responsible for corrective action. The contractor shall provide GFP deliverables in accordance with the CDRL assigned at the TO level. 5.4 The contractor shall document GFP IUID requirements. 5.5 The contractor shall submit a DD-200, Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss, form if it is determined that GFP is missing, lost, stolen, or damaged in accordance with DODR 7000.14R.
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED. INFORMATION -------------------------------- Technical documentation and data will be supplied to the contractor, as required, to support task performance. These will include, but is not limited to, the following: o Technical Manual o Training Package o Test Plan o Shop Drawings of Shipboard Mount Access will also be granted to on site test facilities as required to assist in executing the Navy part of the JCAD test program. Equipment to be provided is: o JCAD system with Shipping Container o JCAD Shock Mount TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS Destination Persons Days Trips -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NSWC - Dxxxxxxx, VA 1 1 3 Rustburg, VA 1 1 3 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE --------------------- The period of performance shall be from the effective date of the order, through 25 February 2003.
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED. 3.3.1 Ship Support Facility (SSF) Storage, Changi Naval Base (CNB). The Government will provide a laydown area (approximate dimensions 20 ft. by 8 ft. by 8 ft.) for long-term use by the Contractor. The SSF high bay area is not climate controlled. At the discretion of the Contractor, the high bay laydown area may be used for a twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) office trailer furnished by the Contractor – subject to inspection and approval by the Government. Upon request, the Government may provide electrical power to the office trailer while it is located in the high bay – notionally 230 volt, 30 ampere. The SSF is not a long term storage option for Contractor Furnished Material (CFM). Upon request, temporary storage to support specific repair availabilities will be authorized, notionally, no more than four (4) weeks prior to start of availability unless otherwise approved by the Government. Excess/unused material should be removed no later than one (1) week after end of availability unless otherwise approved by the Government. 3.3.2 Other Ship Support Facility (SSF) Facilities. The Government will grant access for Contractor personnel to use the lavatory facilities located on the first floor of the SSF. Upon request, the Government may grant use of the conference room on the second floor of the SSF for meetings or conferences associated with this contract.
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED. Property (GFP): If a task order is issued to support the Government on-site, the Government will furnish Government property for usage while on-site, such as a Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI)-issued computer, desk, phone, fax machine, copier and scanner. NMCI Assets that are removed from the Government site of performance are then considered GFP and will be recorded as accountable GFP to the basic contract or applicable task order via Attachment (02), “Scheduled Government-Furnished Property (SGFP)” and shall be managed by the Contractor in accordance with FAR Clause 52.245-1. Otherwise, NMCI Assets, desks, phone, fax machine, copier and scanner that remain at the Government site of performance are considered “incidental” property per FAR Part 45 and shall not be tracked as accountable to the contract. 4.13.1 If the Offeror proposes/requires the use of specific GFP, or Government Furnished Information (GFI), then the Offeror shall provide: - A complete description of the required GFP/GFI including part number and serial number, if applicable. - Where the GFP/GFI is to be located. - The name, organization, completes address and telephone number of a cognizant Government point of contact. - In the case of GFP/GFI accountable to other Government contracts, a copy of the correspondence authorizing use of such GFP/GFI on this contract. - The monetary impact to the Offeror’s proposal if the proposed GFP/GFI is not provided as GFP/GFI.
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED. Information (GFI): As identified in the Applicable Documents section, paragraph 2.0, above.
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED. EQUIPMENT/PROPERTY - NONE PROVIDED The Government will not provide any equipment/property under this contract. NRC-08-01-117 Section I PART II - CONTRACT CLAUSES
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED. MATERIAL (GFM) 1.4.1 The Contractor shall accomplish planning and scheduling to ensure a rational, integrated and timely plan for receipt, storage and installation of Government Furnished Material (GFM) as identified in work item specifications, supporting drawings, references and/or Statement of Work (SOW) with the Project Manager (See CDRL A011). The Contractor’s GFM plan must be approved NLT Award+30 days. No Government provided storage on Naval Station Xxxxxxx will be available. 1.4.2 Government Furnished Material (GFM) cited in the contract RFPs will be delivered or made available to be picked up as identified in each contract, unless other location(s) is/are specified in the contract. The successful offeror is to contact the Property Administrator to coordinate obtaining GFM. 1.4.3 Government property permanently removed from a vessel that requires a Property Administrator's disposition instructions shall be properly prepared for shipment and be delivered as directed by the Property Administrator. 1.4.4 GFM will be listed in paragraph 5 of the Work Item(s).
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED. INFORMATION -------------------------------- Technical documentation and data will be supplied to the contractor, as required, to support task performance. These will include, but is not limited to, the following: o Technical Manual o Training Package o Test Plan o Shop Drawings of Shipboard Mount Access will also be granted to on site test facilities as required to assist in executing the Navy part of the JSLSCAD test program. Equipment to be provided is: o JSLSCAD system with Shipping Container o JSLSCAD Mount and mounting brackets PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE --------------------- The period of performance shall be from the effective date of the order, through 31 March 2003. DATA REQUIREMENTS ----------------- Data shall be provided in accordance with the contractor's Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL).
GOVERNMENT FURNISHED property that exceeds the amounts needed to complete full performance under the entire contract. (1) All or substantially all of the Contractor's business; (2) All or substantially all of the Contractor's operation at any one plant or separate location; or (3) A separate and complete major industrial operation.