GUARANTEE PERIOD TERM. The initial Guarantee Period term shall begin on the date of Substantial Completion of the Design and Construction Work and shall terminate not more than twelve (12) months later at the end of the Owner’s fiscal year. The Owner may, in its sole discretion, renew this Contract for successive Guarantee Period terms for up to fifteen (15) years. In no event shall the duration of the Guarantee Period exceed fifteen (15) years. The Owner may exercise its renewal option at any time during the initial Guarantee Period or any subsequent renewal term. The Contractor agrees that this Contract does not constitute a debt, liability, or obligation of the Owner or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Owner. Any renewal of the Guarantee Period Term is subject to the Owner making sufficient annual appropriations and continued cost savings under the Energy Savings Guarantee.
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  • Price and Rate Guarantee Period All prices and rates must be guaranteed for the initial term of the Master Agreement. Following the initial Master Agreement period, any request for price or rate adjustment must be for an equal guarantee period, and must be made at least 30 days prior to the effective date. Requests for price or rate adjustment must include sufficient documentation supporting the request. Any adjustment or amendment to the Master Agreement shall not be effective unless approved by the Lead State. No retroactive adjustments to prices or rates will be allowed.

  • Listing Period Extension The Commission shall be due if the Property is sold, conveyed, exchanged, optioned, or otherwise transferred within _ _ days (“Extension Period”) after the expiration of the Listing Period to anyone with whom the Broker or Agency has negotiated unless the Property is listed, in good faith, with another real estate agency. The term “negotiation” shall include providing information about the Property, showing the Property, or presenting an offer on the Property. All rights under this Section shall terminate upon the expiration of the Extension Period.

  • Payment Period Whenever a payment under this Agreement specifies a payment period with reference to a number of days (e.g., “payment shall be made within forty (40) days following the date of termination), the actual date of payment within the specified period shall be within the sole discretion of the Company.

  • Meal Periods and Rest Periods (a) Regular hours of work shall include, as scheduled by the Employer, two (2) rest periods of fifteen (15) minutes during each shift of seven and three- quarter (7 3/4) hours and exclude an unpaid meal period of not less than thirty (30) minutes.

  • AGREEMENT PERIOD The terms of this Agreement and the performance of the parties hereto shall commence, or be deemed to have commenced, the 1st day of January 2020 and will continue through the 31st day of December 2020, both dates inclusive, unless sooner terminated or extended as provided for herein.

  • COMMENCEMENT/EXPIRATION DATE This instrument is executed as of the date of last signature and is effective for five years from that date, at which time it will expire unless extended.

  • MEAL PERIODS AND REST BREAKS 4.1 Except when required for urgent or emergency work and except as provided in 4.2 no employee shall be required to work for more than five hours continuously without being allowed a meal break of not less than half an hour.

  • CONTRACT RENEWAL PERIOD FURNITURE ADDITIONS/DELETIONS: Contractors wishing to make furniture additions/changes to their contract during the contract period should be aware of the following additions/changes will be allowed only once during a contract period. No changes to discount percentages are allowed during this contract period. Additions/changes must be submitted during the contract renewal period. When requesting additions and/or changes; contractor shall submit a request either by letter or via email which shall include a list of all items being proposed for addition and/or change. Contractor shall submit all required documents supporting any new items. Product literature for all new items shall also be submitted with the request. Contractor is responsible for submitting a complete name, address, email address, phone and fax numbers when a new dealer is added.

  • Original Term The weighted average original term for the Receivables is at least 65 months.

  • Fixed Term This Agreement is concluded for a fixed term specified in the ‘Contract Term’ section of the Order Form. Neither Party can terminate this Agreement for convenience, however any rights of termination for cause remain unaffected.

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