Guardianship Sample Clauses
Guardianship. A student must reside with his/her parent(s) to be eligible for athletic participation. Refer to the SCISA Blue Book for a clarification of a legally appointed guardian.
Guardianship. An arrangement where someone is appointed by law to make decisions about another person’s life. In many countries, guardians will be appointed for disabled adults who are seen as unable to make their own decisions. Guardianship could be a Full Guardianship or a Limited Guardianship.
Guardianship a.) Within two business days of the treatment team determining that an individual needs a guardian, the state hospital social worker will notify the discharge planner at the individual’s case management CSB of the need. Within two business days of this notification, the CSB shall explore potential individuals to serve in that capacity.
b.) If it cannot locate a suitable candidate within 10 business days who agrees to serve as the guardian, the CSB shall initiate steps to secure a guardian from the public guardianship program.
c.) These activities shall start and continue regardless of the individual’s discharge readiness level.
Guardianship. Where the Lifetime Beneficiary has been adjudicated disabled by a court of competent jurisdiction, and the court approves the participation in this Trust, the court may retain jurisdiction over the Trust and its administration. The Trustee shall accept service and be made party to said proceeding or may execute an applicable waiver of notice.
Guardianship. Where the Participant has been adjudicated disabled by a court of competent jurisdiction, and the court approves the participation in this Trust, the court may retain jurisdiction over the Trust and its administration. The Trustee shall accept service and be made party to said proceeding or may execute an applicable waiver of notice.
Guardianship. Guardianship may be necessary when a person cannot make safe, responsible decisions on their own. Effective guardianship involves the participation of the person to the PR-23 highest degree possible when decisions are being made about the person’s life or well- being. New Leaf supports people in securing competent and responsive guardians to help them make informed decisions if this becomes necessary to ensure the health and safety of the individual. EFFECTIVE DATE: _ March 6, 2010_ POLICY #: PR-24 REVISION DATE: April 12, 2013 All employees, volunteers and residents of New Leaf. To ensure the safety of all New Leaf residents by prevention of scalding from hot water.
Guardianship. Where the Participant has been adjudicated disabled by a court of competent jurisdiction, the Court may retain jurisdiction over the Trust and its administration. One of the Co-Trustees shall accept service and made party to said proceeding or may execute an applicable waiver of notice.
Guardianship. I will have an approved U.S. guardian while living in the homestay. I will provide my host family and DVH with the necessary contact information for my approved U.S. guardian. The host family will not serve as the guardian of the student.
Guardianship. Local government requirements in regard to proper guardianship of students mean that WISS may accept students who are: a) resident with at least one parent, or b) resident with an approved guardian (with power of attorney). Students are not permitted, under local regulations, to be under the supervision of non-resident guardians. Students who are not living with at least one parent or authorized guardian cannot be enrolled at WISS.
Guardianship. In the case of a child with respect to whom the permanency plan is placement with a relative and receipt of kinship guardianship assistance payments under section 42 U.S.C. 673(d), include a description of
1. the steps that the Tribe has taken to determine that it is not appropriate for the child to be returned home or adopted;
2. the reasons for any separation of siblings during placement;
3. the reasons why a permanent placement with a fit and willing relative through a kinship guardianship assistance arrangement is in the child’s best interests;
4. the ways in which the child meets the eligibility requirements for a kinship guardianship assistance payment;
5. the efforts the Tribe has made to discuss adoption by the child’s relative xxxxxx parent as a more permanent alternative to legal guardianship and, in the case of a relative xxxxxx parent who has chosen not to pursue adoption, documentation of the reasons; and
6. the efforts made by the Tribe to discuss with the child’s parent or parents the kinship guardianship assistance arrangement, or the reasons why the efforts were not made (42