H.M. Land Registry Sample Clauses
H.M. Land Registry. Each Chargor consents to a restriction in the following terms being entered into on the Register of Title relating to any Material Real Property registered at H.M. Land Registry: “No disposition of the registered estate by the proprietor of the registered estate is to be registered without a written consent signed by the proprietor for the time being of the security agreement dated [—] September 2010 in favour of Citicorp USA, Inc., as Collateral Agent, referred to in the charges register or their conveyancer. (Standard Form P)”
H.M. Land Registry. 5.1 The Grantor consents to notice of the Rights and of any restrictive covenants made in this deed by the Grantor being noted against the Grantor's registered title to the Grantor's Property.
5.2 On completion of this deed the Grantee shall:
(a) apply to HM Land Registry to note the Rights and any restrictive covenants against the Grantor's registered title.
(b) apply to HM Land Registry to enter a notice of any restrictive covenants made by the Grantee in this deed against the registered title to the Grantee's Property and to enter the Rights in the Property register of the Grantee's title as appurtenant rights.
5.3 As soon as possible after completion of this deed the Grantee shall give to the Grantor official copies of the registered title to the Grantor's Property and the Grantee's Property, to show that the Right[s] and any restrictive covenants made by the Grantor and/or the Grantee have been properly and correctly entered against the respective titles.
H.M. Land Registry. 6.1 The Grantor consents to:
(a) the registration of the Right and the restriction listed in clause 10.5 on the registered title to the Grantor’s Property.
(b) any restrictive covenants entered into in this deed by the Grantor being noted against the registered title to the Grantor’s Property.
6.2 On completion of this deed the Grantee shall:
(a) apply to HM Land Registry to register the Right and to enter a notice of any restrictive covenants against the registered title to the Grantor’s Property.
(b) submit a copy of the Chargee’s consent to HM Land Registry with the Grantee’s application to register the Right and to enter a notice of any restrictive covenants on the registered title to the Grantor’s Property.
(c) apply to HM Land Registry to enter a notice of any restrictive covenants made by the Grantee in this deed against the registered title to the Grantee’s Property and to enter the Right in the property register of the Grantee’s title as an appurtenant right.
6.3 As soon as possible after completion of this deed the Grantee shall give to the Grantor official copies of the registered title to the Grantor’s Property and the Grantee’s Property, to show that the Right and any restrictive covenants made by the Grantor and/or the Grantee have been properly and correctly entered against the respective titles.
H.M. Land Registry. Each Chargor applies to the Chief Land Registrar for a restriction in the following terms to be entered on the Register of Title relating to any property registered at H.M. Land Registry in its name and against which this Deed may be noted: "Except under an order of the Registrar, no disposition or dealing by the proprietor of the land is to be registered without the consent of the proprietor for the time being of the Deed dated o 2001 between, amongst others, [the relevant Chargor] and Burdale Financial Limited."
H.M. Land Registry. The Chargor shall in respect of any freehold or leasehold property which is acquired after the date of this Debenture by the Chargor, the title to which is registered at H.M. Land Registry or the title to which is required to be so registered, give H.M. Land Registry written notice of this Debenture and procure that notice of this Debenture is duly noted in the Register to each such title.
H.M. Land Registry. The Chargor applies to the Chief Land Registrar for a restriction in the following terms to be entered on the Register of Title relating to any Mortgaged Property registered at H.M. Land Registry and against which this Deed may be noted: “Except under an order of the Registrar, no disposition or dealing by the proprietor of the land is to registered without the consent of the proprietor for the time being of the Debenture dated September, 2004 between Eggborough Power Limited, Eggborough Power (Holdings) Limited, British Energy Power and Energy Trading Limited and Barclays Bank PLC”.
H.M. Land Registry. The parties to this deed hereby apply to the Land Registrar to note in the appropriate manner at HM Land Registry the priority arrangements agreed in this deed in so far as those arrangements affect any registered land over which any Security Interest is or has been granted under or pursuant to any Security Document.
H.M. Land Registry. The Developer shall place its Land Certificate in respect of Title Number EGL387043 on deposit at H.M. Land Registry and shall notify the Tenant or its Solicitors of the deposit number allocated for the purposes of enabling the Tenant to register a notice of the Tenant's interest arising out of this Agreement relating to the Demised Premises
H.M. Land Registry. The Company applies to the Chief Land Registrar for a restriction in the following terms to be entered on the Register of Title relating to any property registered at H.M. Land Registry in its name and against which this Deed may be noted: "Except under an order of the Registrar, no disposition or dealing by the proprietor of the land is to be registered without the consent of the proprietor for the time being of the Deed dated December 1999 between Cerplex Limited and Burdale Financial Limited."
H.M. Land Registry.
(a) Each Chargor consents to a restriction in the following terms being entered on the register of title relating to any Real Property registered at HM Land Registry: “No disposition of the registered estate by the proprietor of the registered estate or by the proprietor of any registered charge, not being a charge registered before the entry of this restriction, is to be registered without a written consent signed by the proprietor for the time being of the charge dated [●] in favour of [●] referred to in the charges register, or its conveyancer.”
(b) The obligation on the part of the Security Agent to make further advances to the Chargor is deemed to be incorporated in this Debenture and the Chargor will apply or consent to the Security Agent applying by way of Form CH2 to the Chief Land Registrar for a note of such obligation to be entered on the Register of Title relating to any Real Property registered at HM Land Registry.