IBM Sterling B2B Services. Collaboration Network - Mailslot: consists of allocating and setting up the Mailslot through which the Customer will send and receive data.
IBM Sterling B2B Services. Collaboration Network - Frame Relay Service Set-up: consists of configuring a frame relay to connect to the Collaboration Network.
IBM Sterling B2B Services. Collaboration Network - Managed AS2 Set-up: consists of configuring the managed AS2 Connection to the Collaboration Network.
IBM Sterling B2B Services. File Transfer Service - File Encryption: consists of decrypting a File encrypted with PGP and transmitting to either the Customer or Partner as applicable; or encrypting with PGP an unencrypted File and then transmitting to either the Customer or Partner as applicable.
IBM Sterling B2B Services. File Transfer Service - Extended Data Retention
IBM Sterling B2B Services. File Transfer Service - Partner Set-up Services
IBM Sterling B2B Services. Collaboration Network - OFTP/OFTP2 Set-up: consists of provisioning OFTP/OFTP2 to connect to the Collaboration Network.
IBM Sterling B2B Services. Integration Basic – PIP Based Routing Set-up for RosettaNet, CIDX, or PIDX: consists of establishing and testing the connectivity between customer and Partner using RNIF 2.0.
IBM Sterling B2B Services. IBM Sterling B2B Service is a cloud-based, business-to-business (B2B) integration-as-a-service solution providing connectivity and collaboration between IBM clients and their trading partners. Your trading partners are organizational entities with which you have a business relationship. The Cloud Service is based upon a value added network (VAN) known as the IBM Sterling B2B Collaboration Network. The Cloud Service delivers visibility and control over the business processes shared with outside companies and can provide onboarding and community support for a client’s trading partners. The main component of the Cloud Service is Transport. The Cloud Service provides connectivity and collaboration with trading partners and delivers visibility and control over the business processes shared with outside companies. The Cloud Services include, but are not limited to, data transport, carbon copy, delimiter conversion, document clipping, and First-In-First-Out (FIFO) processing. IBM will establish the hardware, software, and communications for the Cloud Service. You and IBM each retain responsibility for access control, firewalls, user security, and hardware at their respective network entry point. As part of this Cloud Service, IBM will implement connectivity between you and IBM and will work with you during joint connectivity testing between you and IBM. As further set forth on the Order Document, IBM will provide mailboxes on the IBM B2B Collaboration Network, each of which is a private, electronic storage space that is assigned to you, allowing you to send, store, and receive electronic data. You may also choose to use mailslots, which are components of a mailbox that allows the drop off and pick up of data. IBM will retain and provide on-line visibility to data which is 0 - 35 days old, via browser-based visibility tools. After 35 days you will no longer have access to the data because it will be purged. Data may be copied to non-production services to enable IBM to test and improve the quality of IBM’s offerings. Also, anonymous, aggregate data related to your use of the Cloud Service may be compiled by IBM and used to prepare advisory reports showing what we found.
IBM Sterling B2B Services. Community Development Services - Custom Partner Survey consists of assembling and sending a survey to collect data from your trading partners. You must define the questions to be asked and provide a trading partner list.