IMAGE GUIDELINES. Image Requirements: Please supply one or more landscape image for use on the SC website (following the specifications provided below) and 2 images for Press use which should be the largest size possible to allow us to scale as appropriate for print. On the Southbank Centre website, images make or break the user experience. Images need to quickly communicate something exciting, interesting or informative. Each image may be used in multiple instances on the website so sometimes partial cropping will be necessary. ● Do not supply images which include text (including book covers), title treatments, logos or composites (the combination/collage of multiple images to create a single image) for the homepage or event pages. ● Use images which entice and/or explain what the event/festival is. ● Do not use any overarching festival or series brand ID images as an alternative to event images. Image format: Please supply landscape images at the largest size possible. All images used on event pages on Southbank Centre website must be a minimum of 1600 pixels (w) x 900 pixels (h). In some cases, the same images may also be displayed on the site at 1600 (w) x 630 (h) on Festival/Series pages. Please note we cannot use images that include text, logos or composite images. The format should be JPG, PNG or TIFF where possible. Image credits: Image credits: Please supply any image credits upon submission to SC; if saving in Bynder, please ensure credits are added to Image Information. This information will automatically pull through to the website. Image file name: Please ensure files are saved using the following naming convention: xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxx(numeric) e.g. 140815_David_Leans_Brief_Encounter_image_credit_mario testino. When supplying more than one image please highlight which image is the lead image eg. 140815_David_Leans_Brief_Encounter_image_credit_mario testino_Lead_Image Additional event page files: If an event page requires additional images, audio or video files to be uploaded to it, you should supply an additional image for each audio/video file. Images for each file must be different from one another and also from the main event image. This is to help differentiate the content behind each one. Please note the maximum number of media files on an event page is 3. You can have a combination of either: Up to 3 images in the main carousel area OR 1 video file embedded in the main carousel area with a thumbnail image. If an event require...
IMAGE GUIDELINES. Image Requirements: Please supply one or more images for use on the SC website (following the specifications provided below) and 2 images for Press use which should be the largest size possible to allow us to scale as appropriate for print. On the Southbank Centre website, images make or break the user experience. Images need to quickly communicate something exciting, interesting or informative. Each image may be used in multiple instances on the website so sometimes partial cropping will be necessary • Do not supply images which include text, title treatments, logos or composite images. Do not supply animated gifs. • Use images which entice and/or explain what the event/festival is. • Do not use any overarching festival or series brand ID images as an alternative to event images. Image format: Please supply landscape or portrait images at the largest size possible. Landscape images used on event pages on the Southbank Centre website must be a minimum of 1360 pixels (w) x 765 pixels (h). Portrait images must be a minimum width of 765 pixels. Please note we cannot use images that include text, logos or composite images. The format should be JPG, PNG or TIFF where possible. Image credits: Image credits: Please supply any image credits upon submission to SC; if saving in Bynder, please ensure credits are added to image Information. This information will automatically pull through to the website.
IMAGE GUIDELINES. (a) Judges reserve the right to assess warnings and / or deductions when a team’s choreography does not meet the appropriate standards.


  • Applicable Guidelines The Sentencing Guidelines to be considered in this case are those in effect at the time of sentencing. The following statements regarding the calculation of the Sentencing Guidelines are based on the Guidelines Manual currently in effect, namely the November 2011 Guidelines Manual.

  • HIV/AIDS Model Workplace Guidelines Grantee will: a. implement the System Agency’s policies based on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), AIDS Model Workplace Guidelines for Businesses at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/hivstd/policy/policies.shtm, State Agencies and State Grantees Policy No. 090.021. b. educate employees and clients concerning HIV and its related conditions, including AIDS, in accordance with the Texas. Health & Safety Code §§ 85.112-114.

  • Hot Weather Guidelines For the purposes of site based discussions regarding the need to plan and perform work during expected periods of hot weather, the following issues shall be considered in conjunction with proper consideration of Occupational Health and Safety issues.

  • General Guidelines Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory.

  • Ordering Guidelines and Processes 1.13.1 For information regarding Ordering Guidelines and Processes for various Network Elements, Combinations and Other Services, Comcast Phone should refer to the “Guides” section of the BellSouth Interconnection Web site, which is incorporated herein by reference, as amended from time to time. The Web site address is: http// 1.13.2 Additional information may also be found in the individual CLEC Information Packages, which are incorporated herein by reference, as amended from time to time, located at the “CLEC UNE Products” Web site address: xxxx:// 1.13.3 The provisioning of Network Elements, Combinations and Other Services to Comcast Phone’s Collocation Space will require cross-connections within the central office to connect the Network Element, Combinations or Other Services to the demarcation point associated with Comcast Phone’s Collocation Space. These cross-connects are separate components that are not considered a part of the Network Element, Combinations or Other Services and, thus, have a separate charge pursuant to Attachment 4.

  • Guidelines The Office of State Procurement adheres to all guidelines set forth by the State and Federal Government concerning The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well as all mandated fire codes.

  • Guidelines Explanation The Board President will accept applications. The Board will discuss, at an open meeting, its process to review the applications and who will contact applicants for an interview. Who accepts vacancy applications is at the Board's sole discretion. According to 2:110, Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers, the Board President is a logical officer to accept the applications, but this task may be delegated to the Secretary or Superintendent's secretary if the Board determines that it is more convenient. Who accepts the applications must be decided prior to posting the vacancy announcement.

  • Policies and Procedures i) The policies and procedures of the designated employer apply to the employee while working at both sites. ii) Only the designated employer shall have exclusive authority over the employee in regard to discipline, reporting to the College of Nurses of Ontario and/or investigations of family/resident complaints. iii) The designated employer will ensure that the employee is covered by WSIB at all times, regardless of worksite, while in the employ of either home. iv) The designated employer will ensure that the employee is covered by liability insurance at all times, regardless of worksite, while in the employ of either home. v) The designated employer shall have exclusive authority over the employee’s personnel files and health records. These files will be maintained on the site of the designated employer.

  • Policies, Guidelines, Directives and Standards Either the Funder or the Ministry will give the HSP Notice of any amendments to the manuals, guidelines or policies identified in Schedule C. An amendment will be effective in accordance with the terms of the amendment. By signing a copy of this Agreement the HSP acknowledges that it has a copy of the documents identified in Schedule C.

  • Investment Guidelines In addition to the information to be provided to the Sub-Advisor under Section 2 hereof, the Trust or the Advisor shall supply the Sub-Advisor with such other information as the Sub-Advisor shall reasonably request concerning the Fund’s investment policies, restrictions, limitations, tax position, liquidity requirements and other information useful in managing the Fund’s investments.