Allow us to Sample Clauses

Allow us to erect a ‘to let’ or ‘for sale’ sign at the Property during the last two months of the Tenancy.
Allow us toThe School is required by law to pass some information about you to the Local Authority and the Department for Education (DfE)
Allow us to realize potential revenue synergies through GPO contract optimization. In addition to the opportunity to increase our penetration rate across a broader customer base, we expect to review all contracts and migrate to the best-of-breed 4 contract pricing, which is likely to improve savings for customers and result in an increase in our revenue.
Allow us to take any photographs and/or audio/video recordings we may require as a part of our investigation.
Allow us to prepare your child We will go over every step of every procedure with your child at their visit. Please do not over-prepare them as you may inadvertently provide misleading information or unnecessary worrying
Allow us to. If you want to see a copy of the information we hold and share about your child then please contact The Manager in writing.
Allow us toTo Opt Out
Allow us to erect a ‘to let’ or ‘for sale’ sign at the Property
Allow us to. If you want to see a copy of the information we hold and share about your child then please contact The Manager in writing. If you require details about how the LA and the DfE store and use your personal information, then please go to the RMBC website at: Information Governance Unit Riverside House Main Street Rotherham S60 1AE Early Education and Childcare, Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities 2023 Childcare Act 2006 Childcare Act 2016 Equality Act 2010 School Admissions Code 2021 Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2023 Local Authority, (Duty to Secure Early Years Provision Free of Charge) Regulations 2014 The Childcare (Early Years Provision Free of Charge) (Extended Entitlement) Regulations 2016 Special Educational Needs and Disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years 2015 Data Protection Act 2018 Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 As part of receiving ISG please refer to the Early Support Developmental Journal to identify and assess a child’s developmental step in relation to their chronological age. Child’s Name……………………………………………………… Child’s D.O.B……………………………….Age in months………………… Please indicate the step/steps the child should be developing at for their chronological age and indicate which step/steps you have assessed the child to be developing at. ISG is for children identified as being significantly below in 2 or more developmental areas and children must have 2 or more relevant agencies involved. Significantly below their typical development is identified as more than 2 steps between their chronological step/steps identified and their assessed step/steps identified. (If chronologically they are 36 months which is steps 11-12, ISG can be considered for children assessed as more than 2 steps below- 8 or below) To apply for ISG you will need to complete an initial assessment and submit it with your application form. We will then need it completing again at the end of each term and submitting with your evidence sheet. Payments will only be made upon receipt of completed assessment summary sheets. Personal Social and Emotional 1.
Allow us to inspect the inside and outside of the property every 6 weeks from the start date of your tenancy. The frequency of inspection may vary dependant upon the condition of the property during the visits.