Important Information About Procedures for Opening Sample Clauses

Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account. To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.
Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account
Important Information About Procedures for Opening. A NEW ACCOUNT To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. When you open an account we will ask for your name, address and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see other documents that substantiate your identity.
Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account‌ To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents. About Your Account‌ Your Account is a demand deposit account and not a credit product. It is not a traditional checking account because it does not permit checks to be drawn against the Account. It can be used to initiate and receive only those transactions described below under the heading "Permitted Use Of Account." The funds on deposit in your Account are held with us on your behalf, and are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”), subject to applicable limitations and restrictions of such insurance. The FDIC website at allows you to determine the amount of your deposits which are insured. For more information please contact the FDIC directly at 1-877-ASKFDIC (0-000-000-0000). ACCOUNT SERVICES Check Withdrawals Not Permitted‌ We will not issue checks to you in connection with this Account and you agree not to order checks from any third party to use in connection with the Account. If a check is presented to us for payment from the Account, we will not pay the check. Instead, we will return any such check unpaid, even if you have sufficient funds in your Account to cover the amount of the check. You may be charged fees by the person to whom you gave the check when we return it unpaid. In addition, do not give your Account or Bank routing number to any merchant or other person to pay for goods or services unless you are certain that the person to whom you give the information will process the transaction as an Automated Clearing House (“ACH”) debit or similar transaction and not as a check. ACH transactions that can be processed through your Account are sometimes called "electronic fund transfers" or "electronic debits”. Any transaction that a merchant or other person processes as a check will not be paid. Check transactions that cannot be processed through your Account are sometimes called "remotely- created check" or "remotely-created payment order" transactions. Again, you may be charged fees by the payee when any such check transaction is returned...
Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account – To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial organizations to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. Therefore, when the depositor opens an account, he or she is required to provide his or her name, residential address, date of birth, and identifica- tion number. The custodian may require other information that will allow them to identify the depositor.
Important Information About Procedures for Opening. A NEW PREPAID CARD ACCOUNT AND FOR RE- QUESTING A SECONDARY CARD To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all xxxxx- cial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means for you: When you open a Prepaid Card account or request a Secondary Card, we may require your name, address, date of birth, Social Security num- ber, tax identification number and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents.
Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Jiko Bank Account Services Related to the Jiko Bank Account
Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account. To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means for Me: When I open an Account, Ally Invest will ask for My name, address, date of birth and other information that will allow Ally Invest to identify Me. Ally Invest may also ask to see My driver's license or other identifying documents and subsequently make copies for the records. I understand that Ally Invest may take steps to verify the accuracy of the information I provide in My Account application or otherwise, and that Ally Invest may restrict My access to My Account pending such verification. I will notify Ally Invest of any changes in the information including, but not limited to, My name, address, e-mail address and telephone number promptly.
Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account – To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial organizations to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. Therefore, when you open an IRA, you are required to provide your name, residential address, date of birth, and identification number. We may require other information that will allow us to identify you.

Related to Important Information About Procedures for Opening

  • Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial organizations to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means for you: When you open an account, you are required to provide your name, residential address, date of birth, and identification number. We may require other information that will allow us to identify you.

  • Important Information The Employee agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer and National Benefit Services, LLC (NBS) harmless against any and all actions, claims, and demands that may arise from the purchase of annuities or custodial accounts in this 403(b)

  • Other Important Information Collection costs

  • New Procedures New procedures as to who shall provide certain of these services in Section 1 may be established in writing from time to time by agreement between the Fund and the Transfer Agent. The Transfer Agent may at times perform only a portion of these services and the Fund or its agent may perform these services on the Fund's behalf;

  • Referral Procedures For Local Unions now having a job referral system as contained in their Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Contractor agrees to utilize such system and it shall be used exclusively by such Contractor, except as it may be modified by this Article. Referrals shall not be affected by obligations of Union membership or the lack thereof. Where airport security clearance requirements apply to work to be performed, the Contractor shall inform the Union’s hiring hall dispatcher of those requirements when requesting workers. For those Local Unions having a Book system as part of their Collective Bargaining Agreement, such system will be honored in regards to lay-off of workers from covered projects. Section 2. In the event that Local Unions are unable to fill any request for employees within the time specified by the local CBAs the Contractor may employ applicants from any other available source. The Contractor shall inform the Union of the name and social security number of any applicants hired from other sources and shall refer the applicant to the Local Union for dispatch to the Covered Project prior to the commencement of work, and make trust fund contributions for every hour worked. Section 3. There shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of his/her membership or non-membership in the Union or based upon race, creed, color, sex, age or national origin, or any other legally protected class of such employee or applicant. Section 4. No employee covered by this PLA shall be required to join any Union as a condition of being employed on the Covered Project; provided, however, that an employee who is a member of the referring Union at the time of the referral shall maintain that membership while employed under the PLA. All employees shall, however, be required to comply with the union security provision of the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement, for the period during which they are performing on-site work, except as modified by this PLA. The Contractor agrees to deduct union dues or representation fees, whichever is applicable, from the pay of any employee who executes a voluntary authorization for such deductions and to remit the dues to the Union or Council. Initiation fees shall be waived for those employees who are not members of any signatory Union when they begin work on this Covered Project. The dues obligations of such employees shall be confined to that portion of union membership dues directly related to representation of workers in collective bargaining, and in enforcement of the Unions’ collective bargaining agreements. Nothing in this Section is intended to eliminate or affect the right of any employee to join the Union or the right of any union to collect full dues from its member. Section 5. The Parties agree that where a Contractor is not party to a current Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Union having jurisdiction over the affected work, the Contractor may request by name, and the Local will honor, referral of up to a maximum of five (5) persons per each contractor (“core” employees), provided that the Contractor first demonstrate that those persons possess the following qualifications: (1) Any license required by state or federal law for the Project work to be performed; (2) Have worked a total of at least one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours in the construction craft during the prior two (2) years; (3) Were on the Contractor’s active payroll for at least sixty (60) out of the ninety (90) calendar days prior to the contract award; (4) Have the ability to perform the work safely. The Contractor may elect to hire its first “core” employee to be a xxxxxxx. After the Contractor hires his first core employee, the Union will refer to such Contractor one journeyman employee from the hiring hall out-of-work list for the affected trade or craft, then refer one of such Contractor’s “core” employees as a journeyman, and shall alternate one core employee and one employee from the out-of-work list, until such Contractor’s crew requirements are met or until such Contractor has hired five (5) “core” employees, whichever occurs first. Thereafter, all additional employees in the affected trade or craft shall be hired exclusively from the hiring hall out-of-work list(s). For the duration of the Contractor’s work the ratio of “core” employees to hiring hall referrals shall be maintained and when the Contractor’s workforce is reduced, employees shall be reduced in the same ratio as was applied in the initial hiring. All employees, core and union, shall be dispatched from the appropriate union. Trust benefits shall be paid on all employees, core and union. Section 6. Upon referral or dispatch from a Union, “turnaround” or refusal of any worker by the Contractors, requires written explanation from the Contractor that shall be communicated through the Prime Contractor to the Port and affected Union within 48 hours. Section 7. Individual seniority will not be recognized or applied to employees working on the Project. This provision will not interfere with or supersede the use by individual Contractors of “call lists” maintained by such Contractor pursuant to addenda to the local Collective Bargaining Agreement between such Contractor and a Union signatory to this PLA. Section 8. The selection of craft foremen and/or general foremen and the number of such foremen and/or general foremen required shall be entirely the responsibility of the Contractor. Craft foremen shall be designated working foremen at the request of the Contractor. Craft workers covered by this PLA will, in the normal day- to-day operations, take their direction and supervision from their xxxxxxx.

  • AUDIT REVIEW PROCEDURES Any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under an interim or post audit of this AGREEMENT that is not disposed of by agreement, shall be reviewed by ALAMEDA CTC’s Deputy Executive Director of Finance and Administration. Not later than thirty (30) calendar days after issuance of the final audit report, CONSULTANT may request a review by ALAMEDA CTC’s Deputy Executive Director of Finance and Administration of unresolved audit issues. The request for review will be submitted in writing. Neither the pendency of a dispute nor its consideration by ALAMEDA CTC will excuse CONSULTANT from full and timely performance, in accordance with the terms of this AGREEMENT. CONSULTANT and subconsultants’ contracts, including cost proposals and ICRs, may be subject to audits or reviews such as, but not limited to, an AGREEMENT Audit, an Incurred Cost Audit, an ICR Audit, or a certified public accountant (“CPA”) ICR Audit Workpaper Review. If selected for audit or review, the AGREEMENT, cost proposal and ICR and related workpapers, if applicable, will be reviewed to verify compliance with 48 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 31 and other related laws and regulations. In the instances of a CPA ICR Audit Workpaper Review it is CONSULTANT’s responsibility to ensure federal, state, or local government officials are allowed full access to the CPA’s workpapers including making copies as necessary. The AGREEMENT, cost proposal, and ICR shall be adjusted by CONSULTANT and approved by ALAMEDA CTC to conform to the audit or review recommendations. CONSULTANT agrees that individual terms of costs identified in the audit report shall be incorporated into the contract by this reference if directed by ALAMEDA CTC at its sole discretion. Refusal by CONSULTANT to incorporate audit or review recommendations, or to ensure that the federal, state, or local governments have access to CPA workpapers, will be considered a breach of contract terms and cause for termination of the AGREEMENT and disallowance of prior reimbursed costs.

  • Evaluation Procedures The following procedures for employee evaluation shall be utilized for the term of this Agreement: 1. Orientation materials related to evaluation procedures will be provided to all employees by the 10th school day. 2. Employees shall submit to their evaluator a complete listing of proposed objectives, and measurement activities related thereto, to be considered in the annual evaluation by the 25th school day. 3. The evaluator shall have completed by 30th school day annual objective setting conference with employee. 4. The evaluator shall by the 40th school day determine and shall provide the employee with a complete listing of actual objectives from those proposed by the evaluator and employee, and measurement activities from those proposed by the evaluator and employee, and measurement activities related thereto, that will be incorporated in the annual evaluation that the evaluator will prepare for the employee. The objectives and related measurement activities referred to herein shall be in accordance with the employee job description prescribed by the District. The District will make every attempt to have the number of objectives required to be uniform from site to site. 5. Within a reasonable time after the request, the evaluator shall be provided with a written progress report from the employee containing the latter's perception of the progress being made toward the achievement of the objectives prescribed in Item 3, above. During the course of the evaluation period, circumstances may change which may result in the modification of the original standards and objectives. These changes may be initiated by the supervisor or the employee. Agreement of both parties is required. 6. The evaluator, by the 145th school day, shall have conducted classroom observations in order to gather data on employee performance as the evaluator believes to be related to: A. The actual objectives and measurement activities described in Item 3, above; B. Other criteria for employee evaluation and appraisal that are established by the District Xxxxx Act Guidelines. At the discretion of the evaluator, tenured teachers may receive only one (1) formal instructional observation per year. Probationary teachers will receive two (2) formal instructional observations per year. Prior to conducting formal instructional observations regarding the teacher's duties related to the instructional objectives herein described, the teacher shall be notified of the observation prior to the beginning of the teacher's actual instructional day. Upon the request of the evaluatee or when, in the evaluator's judgment, additional instructional classroom observations are necessary, such observations may be conducted. Within a reasonable time, an employee shall be provided with a written statement regarding instructional observations that have been conducted. Such written statements shall contain a summary of the instructional activities observed, and any suggestions being made by the observer for possible improvement by the employee to include, but not be limited to, the following: 1) Specific directives for improvement 2) Assistance to implement such directives as (a) Provisions of additional resources; (b) Mandatory training programs designed to improve performance to be paid by the District. A final and written report of the achievement of objectives, and measurement information related thereto shall be submitted by the employee to the evaluator by the 140th school day. 7. The evaluator shall prepare a written District evaluation form of employee performance and transmit the evaluation to the employee. The employee may submit a written reaction or response to the evaluation and such response shall be attached to the evaluation and placed in the employee's permanent personnel file which shall be maintained in the District Office. Permanent employees shall be evaluated at least once every other year, and in no event later than 30 days before the last school day scheduled on the school calendar of the current school year. Probationary employees shall be evaluated at least once each year and in no event later than the 150th school day. 8. Employees who meet each of the following conditions shall be evaluated up to every five

  • General Procedures If at any time on or after the date the Company consummates a Business Combination the Company is required to effect the Registration of Registrable Securities, the Company shall use its best efforts to effect such Registration to permit the sale of such Registrable Securities in accordance with the intended plan of distribution thereof, and pursuant thereto the Company shall, as expeditiously as possible: 3.1.1 prepare and file with the Commission as soon as practicable a Registration Statement with respect to such Registrable Securities and use its reasonable best efforts to cause such Registration Statement to become effective and remain effective until all Registrable Securities covered by such Registration Statement have been sold; 3.1.2 prepare and file with the Commission such amendments and post-effective amendments to the Registration Statement, and such supplements to the Prospectus, as may be requested by the Holders or any Underwriter of Registrable Securities or as may be required by the rules, regulations or instructions applicable to the registration form used by the Company or by the Securities Act or rules and regulations thereunder to keep the Registration Statement effective until all Registrable Securities covered by such Registration Statement are sold in accordance with the intended plan of distribution set forth in such Registration Statement or supplement to the Prospectus; 3.1.3 prior to filing a Registration Statement or prospectus, or any amendment or supplement thereto, furnish without charge to the Underwriters, if any, and the Holders of Registrable Securities included in such Registration, and such Holders’ legal counsel, copies of such Registration Statement as proposed to be filed, each amendment and supplement to such Registration Statement (in each case including all exhibits thereto and documents incorporated by reference therein), the Prospectus included in such Registration Statement (including each preliminary Prospectus), and such other documents as the Underwriters and the Holders of Registrable Securities included in such Registration or the legal counsel for any such Holders may request in order to facilitate the disposition of the Registrable Securities owned by such Holders; 3.1.4 prior to any public offering of Registrable Securities, use its best efforts to (i) register or qualify the Registrable Securities covered by the Registration Statement under such securities or “blue sky” laws of such jurisdictions in the United States as the Holders of Registrable Securities included in such Registration Statement (in light of their intended plan of distribution) may request and (ii) take such action necessary to cause such Registrable Securities covered by the Registration Statement to be registered with or approved by such other governmental authorities as may be necessary by virtue of the business and operations of the Company and do any and all other acts and things that may be necessary or advisable to enable the Holders of Registrable Securities included in such Registration Statement to consummate the disposition of such Registrable Securities in such jurisdictions; provided, however, that the Company shall not be required to qualify generally to do business in any jurisdiction where it would not otherwise be required to qualify or take any action to which it would be subject to general service of process or taxation in any such jurisdiction where it is not then otherwise so subject; 3.1.5 cause all such Registrable Securities to be listed on each securities exchange or automated quotation system on which similar securities issued by the Company are then listed; 3.1.6 provide a transfer agent or warrant agent, as applicable, and registrar for all such Registrable Securities no later than the effective date of such Registration Statement; 3.1.7 advise each seller of such Registrable Securities, promptly after it shall receive notice or obtain knowledge thereof, of the issuance of any stop order by the Commission suspending the effectiveness of such Registration Statement or the initiation or threatening of any proceeding for such purpose and promptly use its reasonable best efforts to prevent the issuance of any stop order or to obtain its withdrawal if such stop order should be issued; 3.1.8 at least five (5) days prior to the filing of any Registration Statement or Prospectus or any amendment or supplement to such Registration Statement furnish a copy thereof to each seller of such Registrable Securities and its counsel, including, without limitation, providing copies promptly upon receipt of any comment letters received with respect to any such Registration Statement or Prospectus; 3.1.9 notify the Holders at any time when a Prospectus relating to such Registration Statement is required to be delivered under the Securities Act, of the happening of any event as a result of which the Prospectus included in such Registration Statement, as then in effect, includes a Misstatement, and then to correct such Misstatement as set forth in Section 3.4 hereof; 3.1.10 permit a representative of the Holders (such representative to be selected by a majority of the participating Holders), the Underwriters, if any, and any attorney or accountant retained by such Holders or Underwriter to participate, at each such person’s own expense, in the preparation of the Registration Statement, and cause the Company’s officers, directors and employees to supply all information reasonably requested by any such representative, Underwriter, attorney or accountant in connection with the Registration; provided, however, that such representatives or Underwriters enter into a confidentiality agreement, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Company, prior to the release or disclosure of any such information; and provided further, the Company may not include the name of any Holder or Underwriter or any information regarding any Holder or Underwriter in any Registration Statement or Prospectus, any amendment or supplement to such Registration Statement or Prospectus, any document that is to be incorporated by reference into such Registration Statement or Prospectus, or any response to any comment letter, without the prior written consent of such Holder or Underwriter and providing each such Holder or Underwriter a reasonable amount of time to review and comment on such applicable document, which comments the Company shall include unless contrary to applicable law; 3.1.11 obtain a “cold comfort” letter from the Company’s independent registered public accountants in the event of an Underwritten Registration which the participating Holders may rely on, in customary form and covering such matters of the type customarily covered by “cold comfort” letters as the managing Underwriter may reasonably request, and reasonably satisfactory to a majority-in-interest of the participating Holders; 3.1.12 on the date the Registrable Securities are delivered for sale pursuant to such Registration, obtain an opinion, dated such date, of counsel representing the Company for the purposes of such Registration, addressed to the Holders, the placement agent or sales agent, if any, and the Underwriters, if any, covering such legal matters with respect to the Registration in respect of which such opinion is being given as the Holders, placement agent, sales agent, or Underwriter may reasonably request and as are customarily included in such opinions and negative assurance letters, and reasonably satisfactory to a majority in interest of the participating Holders; 3.1.13 in the event of any Underwritten Offering, enter into and perform its obligations under an underwriting agreement, in usual and customary form, with the managing Underwriter of such offering; 3.1.14 make available to its security holders, as soon as reasonably practicable, an earnings statement covering the period of at least twelve (12) months beginning with the first day of the Company’s first full calendar quarter after the effective date of the Registration Statement which satisfies the provisions of Section 11(a) of the Securities Act and Rule 158 thereunder (or any successor rule promulgated thereafter by the Commission); 3.1.15 if the Registration involves the Registration of Registrable Securities involving gross proceeds in excess of $25,000,000, use its reasonable efforts to make available senior executives of the Company to participate in customary “road show” presentations that may be reasonably requested by the Underwriter in any Underwritten Offering; and 3.1.16 otherwise, in good faith, cooperate reasonably with, and take such customary actions as may reasonably be requested by the Holders, in connection with such Registration.

  • Amendment Procedures Amendments to this Agreement may be proposed only by the General Partner. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the General Partner shall have no duty or obligation to propose or approve any amendment to this Agreement and may decline to do so free of any duty or obligation whatsoever to the Partnership, any Limited Partner or any other Person bound by this Agreement, and, in declining to propose or approve an amendment to this Agreement, to the fullest extent permitted by law shall not be required to act in good faith or pursuant to any other standard imposed by this Agreement, any Group Member Agreement, any other agreement contemplated hereby or under the Delaware Act or any other law, rule or regulation or at equity, and the General Partner in determining whether to propose or approve any amendment to this Agreement shall be permitted to do so in its sole and absolute discretion. An amendment to this Agreement shall be effective upon its approval by the General Partner and, except as otherwise provided by Section 13.1 or Section 13.3, the holders of a Unit Majority, unless a greater or different percentage of Outstanding Units is required under this Agreement. Each proposed amendment that requires the approval of the holders of a specified percentage of Outstanding Units shall be set forth in a writing that contains the text of the proposed amendment. If such an amendment is proposed, the General Partner shall seek the written approval of the requisite percentage of Outstanding Units or call a meeting of the Unitholders to consider and vote on such proposed amendment. The General Partner shall notify all Record Holders upon final adoption of any amendments. The General Partner shall be deemed to have notified all Record Holders as required by this Section 13.2 if it has posted or made accessible such amendment through the Partnership’s or the Commission’s website.

  • Procurement Procedures 11.1 The Recipient must secure the best value for money and shall act in a fair, open and non-discriminatory manner in all purchases of goods and services.