INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. 5.1. Balancing Authority.
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. 6. PARTICIPATING TRANSMISSION OWNERS .............................................................
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. The Participants Committee is authorized and directed to approve one or more agreements to be entered into with the ISO (the "ISO Agreement") and any amendments to the ISO Agreement which the Committee may deem necessary or appropriate from time to time. The ISO Agreement shall specify the rights and responsibilities of NEPOOL and the ISO, for the continued operation of the NEPOOL control center by the ISO as the control center operator for the NEPOOL Control Area and the administration of the Tariff. In addition, the ISO shall be responsible for the furnishing of billing and other services required by NEPOOL.
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. (a) The Management Committee is authorized and directed to approve one or more agreements to be entered into with the ISO (the "ISO Agreement") and any amendments to the ISO Agreement which the Committee may deem necessary or appropriate from time to time. The ISO Agreement shall specify the rights and responsibilities of NEPOOL and the ISO, for the continued operation of the NEPOOL control center by the ISO as the control center operator for the NEPOOL Control Area and the administration of the Tariff. In addition, the ISO shall be responsible for the furnishing of billing and other services required by NEPOOL.
(b) The fees and charges of the ISO (other than those recovered under the ISO Tariff, as defined in Section 19.2, and fees and charges for services which are separately billed), and any indemnification payable under the ISO Agreement, shall be shared by the Participants in accordance with Section 19.
(c) The Participants shall provide to the ISO the financial support, information and other resources necessary to enable the ISO to provide the services specified in the ISO Agreement, or in this Agreement, in accordance with Good Utility Practice and subject to the budgeting, approval and dispute resolution provisions of the ISO Agreement and this Agreement.
(d) The Participants shall provide appropriate funding for the acquisition of land, structures, fixtures, equipment and facilities, and other capital expenditures for the ISO, which are included in the annual budget for the ISO in accordance with the provisions of the ISO Agreement, or otherwise specifically approved by the Management Committee. All such land, structures, fixtures, equipment and facilities, and other capital assets, and all software or other intellectual property or rights to intellectual property or other assets, acquired or developed by the ISO in order to carry out its responsibilities under the ISO Agreement shall be the property of the Participants or shall be acquired by the Participants under lease in accordance with arrangements approved by the Management Committee. Unless otherwise agreed by the Participants, the funding of the acquisition, or lease, of land, structures, fixtures, equipment and facilities, and other capital expenditures, or the acquisition of other assets, and the ownership thereof, or the obligations of Participants as lessees, shall be in proportion to the Voting Shares of each Participant in effect from time to time. The Participants shall make all suc...
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. Actions of any Independent System Operator having operational control over any Utility Company's electric transmission system which materially and adversely affects the use of the System;
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. Establishment of a market operation system for the Independent System Operator, including the purchase and installation of related hardware and software.
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. 6. PARTICIPATING TRANSMISSIO N OWNERS ................................................................
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. The Parties understand that the Transmission Provider may join an independent system operator under Commission jurisdiction. In the event the Transmission Provider either joins or is required to conform to protocols of the independent system operator, the Parties agree that the Transmission Provider either may (1) may make any changes necessary to conform to the terms and conditions required by Commission approval of the independent system operator, or (2) terminate this Service Agreement by providing a one-year written notice to the Transmission Customer.
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. ELI shall provide FOCAS with a copy of xxe organizational documents, protocols and operating policies of the Independent System Operator relevant to FOCAS's obligations under this Agreement and not protected by confidentiality covenants when available to ELI.
INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR. New England (“ISO-NE”): The independent, not-for-profit corporation responsible for regional electrical transmission across the six New England states and for administering the region’s wholesale electricity markets.