Work-related Injury/Disability An employee who receives an Employer Contribution and who is off the State payroll due to a work-related injury or a work-related disability remains eligible for an Employer Contribution as long as such an employee receives workers' compensation payments. If such employee ceases to receive workers' compensation payments for the injury or disability and is granted a medical leave under Article 10, he/she shall be eligible for an Employer contribution during that leave.
Pregnancy Disability Leave A. Leave for pregnancy or childbirth related disability is in addition to any leave granted under FMLA. B. Pregnancy disability leave will be granted for the period of time an employee is sick or temporarily disabled because of pregnancy and/or childbirth. An employee must submit a written request for disability leave due to pregnancy and/or childbirth in accordance with Employer policy. An employee may be required to submit medical certification or verification for the period of the disability. Such leave due to pregnancy and/or childbirth may be a combination of sick leave, vacation leave, personal holiday, compensatory time, shared leave and leave without pay. The combination and use of paid and unpaid leave will be the choice of the employee.
Maternity Disability Leave Parental Leave
Total Disability During a period of total disability an employee must be under the regular and personal care of a legally qualified doctor of medicine. (a) Total disability, as used in this Plan, means the complete inability because of an accident or sickness of a covered employee to perform all the duties of his/her own occupation for the first two (2) years of disability. Thereafter, employees able by reason of education, training or experience to perform the duties of a gainful occupation for which the rate of pay is not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the current rate of pay of their regular occupation at date of disability will not be considered totally disabled and will therefore not be eligible for benefits under this Long Term Disability Plan. (b) Total disabilities resulting from mental or nervous disorders are covered by the Plan in the same manner as total disabilities resulting from accidents or other sicknesses, except that an employee who is totally disabled as a result of a mental or nervous disorder and who has received twenty-four (24) months of Long Term Disability Plan benefit payments must be confined to a hospital or mental institution or where they are at home, under the direct care and supervision of a medical doctor, in order to continue to be eligible for benefit payments. (1) If an employee becomes totally disabled and during this period of total disability engages in rehabilitative employment, the regular monthly benefit from this plan will be reduced by twenty-five percent (25%) of the employee's earnings from such rehabilitative employment. In the event that income from rehabilitative employment and the benefit paid under this Plan exceed eighty-five percent (85%) of the employee's earnings at date of disability, the benefit from this Plan will be further reduced by the excess amount.
NATURAL DISASTER LEAVE Where a permanent employee is unable to attend work because of a natural disaster, i.e. bushfire or flood, they will be entitled to be paid ordinary pay for the shift they would otherwise have worked on that day. This entitlement will apply once per calendar year and is not cumulative from year to year.
Industrial Accident and Illness Leave For accidents or illnesses that are job- incurred, unit members shall be provided leave benefits under the following provisions: 12.6.1 Allowable leave shall be sixty (60) days during which the colleges of the District are required to be in session or when the unit member would otherwise have been performing work for the District in any one fiscal year for the same accident. 12.6.2 Allowable leave shall not be accumulated from year to year. 12.6.3 Industrial accident or illness leave shall commence on the first (1st) day of absence. 12.6.4 When a faculty member is absent from his/her duties on account of an industrial accident or illness, he/she shall be paid such portion of the salary due him/her for any month in which the absence occurs as, when added to his/her temporary disability indemnity under Division 4 or Division 4.5 (commencing with Section 6100) of the Labor Code, will result in a payment to him/her of not more than his/her full salary. The phrase, "full salary," as utilized in this section, shall be computed so that it shall not be less than the unit member's "average weekly earnings" as that phrase is utilized in Section 4453 of the Labor Code. For purposes of this section, however, the maximum and minimum average weekly earnings set forth in Section 4453 of the Labor Code shall otherwise not be deemed applicable. 12.6.5 Industrial accident or illness leave shall be reduced by one (1) day for each day of authorized absence regardless of a temporary disability indemnity award. 12.6.6 When an industrial accident or illness leave overlaps into the next fiscal year, the unit member shall be entitled to only the amount of unused industrial accident or illness leave due him/her for the same illness or injury. 12.6.7 Upon termination of the industrial accident or illness leave, the unit member shall be entitled to the benefits provided in Education Code Sections 87780, 87781 and 87786, and for the purposes of each of these sections his/her absence shall be deemed to have commenced on the date of termination for the industrial accident or illness leave, provided that if the unit member continues to receive temporary dis- ability indemnity, he/she may elect to take as much of his/her accumulated sick leave which, when added to his/her temporary disability indemnity, will result in a payment to him/her of not more than his/her full salary. 12.6.8 During any paid leave of absence, the unit member may endorse to the District the temporary disability indemnity checks received on account of his/her industrial accident or illness. The District, in turn, shall issue the unit member appropriate salary warrants for payment of the unit member's salary, and shall deduct normal retirement, other authorized contributions, and the temporary disability indemnity, if any, actually paid to, and retained by, the employee for periods covered by such salary warrants. 12.6.9 Any unit member receiving benefits as a result of this section shall, during periods of injury or illness, remain within the State of California, unless the Governing Board authorizes travel outside the state. 12.6.10 When all available leaves of absence have been exhausted and the unit member is not medically able to return to all the duties of his/her prior assignment, the District shall provide first (1st) priority in assigning such a person into classes where his/her disability, in the discretion of the District, does not hinder the performance of the duties required of him/her if he/she is otherwise qualified. With mutual agreement with the unit member, the District may also assign an employee into a position that can reasonably accommodate his/her performance of duties required by the position, despite his/her disability, prior to the exhaustion of leave of absence.
Death or Total Disability In the event of the death of the Executive during the Term, this Agreement shall terminate as of the date of the Executive's death. In the event of the Total Disability (as that term is defined below) of the Executive for sixty (60) days in the aggregate during any consecutive nine (9) month period during the Term, the Company shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving the Executive thirty (30) days' prior written notice thereof, and upon the expiration of such thirty (30) day period, the Executive's employment under this Agreement shall terminate. If the Executive shall resume his duties within thirty (30) days after receipt of such a notice of termination and continue to perform such duties for four (4) consecutive weeks thereafter, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect, without any reduction in Base Salary and other benefits, and the notice of termination shall be considered null and void and of no effect. Upon termination of this Agreement under this Paragraph 7(a), the Company shall have no further obligations or liabilities under this Agreement, except to pay to the Executive's estate or the Executive, as the case may be, (i) the portion, if any, that remains unpaid of the Base Salary for the Year in which termination occurred, but in no event less than six (6) months' Base Salary; and (ii) the amount of any expenses reimbursable in accordance with Paragraph 4 above, and any automobile allowance due under Paragraph 5 above; and (iii) any amounts due under any Company benefit, welfare or pension plan. Except as otherwise provided by their terms, any stock options not vested at the time of the termination of this Agreement under this Paragraph 7(a) shall immediately become fully vested.
Definition of Total Disability Total disability means that the employee is unable, because of sickness or accident, to perform the duties of their regular occupation. This definition applies for the first twenty-four (24) months of payments. After this time, the inability to perform an occupation for which the employee is reasonably fitted by training, education or experience will constitute total disability. It is not required that an employee be confined to home, but they must be under the regular care of a physician.
Disability Leave a. An employee who has suffered possible injury in the performance of assigned duties shall immediately undergo such medical examination as the appointing authority deems necessary. He or she shall not be considered absent from duty during the time required for such examination. b. A regular employee who is unable to perform any appropriate work assignment because of disability incurred in the performance of assigned duties shall be entitled to the following disability leave benefits, in addition to those provided pursuant to the California Worker's Compensation Insurance Act. (1) During any period of disability for which payment is not provided under Worker's Compensation Insurance, the employee shall be placed on disability leave with pay to the extent of any leave with pay which he or she has accrued. Such disability leave with pay shall be charged against the employee's accrued leave with pay. (2) During any period of disability for which payment is provided under Worker's Compensation Insurance, the employee shall elect either: (a) Retain any Workers' Compensation Benefits received during the pay period and receive full pay. The employee shall use their accrued sick leave, vacation CTO and HIL on an hour- for-hour basis to cover all hours the employee is absent from duty due to the work-related disability during the applicable pay period. Or, (b) Retain any Workers' Compensation Benefits received during the pay period and receive a partial paycheck in an amount so that the partial pay and the Workers' Compensation Benefits added together are equivalent to the employee's full pay. The employee shall use their accrued sick leave, vacation, CTO, and HIL in an amount equal to one-half of the number of hours the employee was absent from work during the pay period due to the work-related disability. If, however, the amount of the Workers' Compensation Benefits is subtracted from the employee's full pay for the time off due to the disability, and the remainder is less than one-half of the amount of such full pay, then only the number of leave balance hours necessary to equal that remainder shall be charged. (3) The choice of either (2)(a) or (2)(b) above shall be an irrevocable choice for the duration of the disability leave resulting from the work- related injury. However, if the employee returns to work for a period of at least thirty (30) calendar days, the employee may again elect to choose either option b.(2)(a) or b.(2)(b) for any subsequent disability leave taken as a result of (or relating to) the same injury. c. All disability leave provisions of this section shall terminate when the employee uses all accrued sick leave, vacation, CTO or HIL balances, or upon the date of the employee's recovery from disability, receipt of permanent disability under Workers' Compensation Insurance, retirement, termination from County employment, or death.
State Disability Insurance a. The County shall maintain State Disability Insurance (SDI), at the employee cost, for employees in classes covered by the Agreement. This section shall not be valid if the membership elects to withdraw from SDI during the term of this Agreement and the State has approved withdrawal from SDI. b. Employees who are absent from duty because of illness or injury and have been authorized to use County-paid leave benefits, sick leave, vacation, compensating time off, holidays and holiday-in-lieu time, shall be eligible to integrate the payment of State Disability Insurance benefits with such County-paid leave benefits. No integration of County-paid leave benefits and State Disability Insurance shall occur unless the appointing authority has approved the use of the County-paid leave benefits by the employee requesting integration. c. Integration of County-paid leave benefits with State Disability Insurance will require detailed procedures which the County shall, in its sole discretion, implement to ensure the equitable application of the program consistent with this Agreement provision. In accordance with current County policy, integration of County-paid leave balances and State Disability Insurance shall not be paid in a retroactive manner. d. Integration of County-paid leave balances and State Disability Insurance shall take place subject to the following conditions: (1) The intent of this program and contract provision is to insure that those employees who participate in the program comply with all applicable laws, policies, and procedures established to provide integration of County-paid leave balances and State Disability Insurance so as to provide a combined biweekly adjusted net income equivalent to 100% of regular net income - gross income less required deductions, such as taxes, retirement, State Disability Insurance premiums, and other mandatory deductions - as long as such eligible disability qualifies and available leave balances are authorized by the appointing authority. Other employee authorized deductions shall be deducted from the resultant net pay. (2) Upon approval of the use of County-paid leave benefits by the appointing authority and the employee's established eligibility for State Disability Insurance, the County shall make leave accrual payments to the employee in the usual manner except that the net pay, including State Disability Insurance benefits and net County pay, shall not exceed 100% of the regular net pay. If State Disability Insurance benefits equal or exceed 100% of the regular net pay, no County payment shall be made. County-paid leave benefits shall be used in the following order: sick leave, vacation, compensating time off, and holiday-in-lieu time. (3) Special pay allowances not of a permanent nature, such as overtime compensation, standby, night shift differential, call back or out-of- class pay, shall not be counted in determining the employee's gross or net pay. (4) Sick leave, vacation, and holiday-in-lieu shall not accrue during any pay period in which the employee receives County-paid leave benefits integrated with State Disability Insurance payments, except that the employee shall accrue sick leave, vacation, and holiday-in- lieu for any actual hours worked during a pay period in which integration occurs. Service credits toward seniority and step increase eligibility shall not be affected by any pay period during which an employee is on the integrated leave and State Disability Insurance program. (5) When an employee exhausts all available County-paid leave balances, the employee shall either return to work or request an unpaid leave of absence from his/her appointing authority. Regardless of whether the employee continues to receive State Disability Insurance payments, once all County-paid leave balances are exhausted, County compensation shall cease unless the employee returns to work. (6) The County shall continue its contributions towards the employee's health, dental, life and retirement contributions in accordance with established laws and practices during the pay periods which include County payment for integrated leave balances. The employee shall be responsible for payment of premiums required to maintain insurance coverage when County contributions cease. (7) Eligible part-time employees shall be included in this program on a prorated basis. e. In the event the County determines that legislative or judicial determinations cause changes which in any way restrict, reduce or prohibit this program operation, it shall immediately and automatically terminate without any further action by either party to this Agreement.