NATURAL DISASTER LEAVE. Where a permanent employee is unable to attend work because of a natural disaster, i.e. bushfire or flood, they will be entitled to be paid ordinary pay for the shift they would otherwise have worked on that day. This entitlement will apply once per calendar year and is not cumulative from year to year.
NATURAL DISASTER LEAVE. If the Employer decides that a state office or work location is non-operational or inaccessible due to severe inclement weather or natural disaster, the following will apply:
NATURAL DISASTER LEAVE. If an employee is affected by a Natural Disaster in the county where the employee resides, then that employee may be eligible for Natural Disaster Leave. 1. Natural Disaster - A Natural Disaster means a tornado, hurricane, flood, fire, or similar event.
NATURAL DISASTER LEAVE. 38.1 Where a “yellow alert” is announced for cyclones or where flooding or fires pose a genuine threat to an employee’s property or creates a need for an employee to care for their children, employees will be permitted to leave work. 38.2 In such circumstances, employees will be able to access up to 3 days per year, non-cumulative paid leave
NATURAL DISASTER LEAVE. (a) Employees are entitled to Natural Disaster Leave when they are absent from duty as a direct result of adverse weather conditions or natural disaster, which prevent attendance or threaten life or property, to initially address their domestic situation. (b) An employee will be paid for up to three (3) days of Natural Disaster Leave and may apply for any remaining days taken to be paid from the employee's annual leave or long service leave balance. (c) This leave is non-cumulative.
NATURAL DISASTER LEAVE. 37.1 Where a yellow alert is announced for cyclones, or there is flooding or xxxx fires which pose a genuine threat to a team member’s property or creates a need for a team member to care for their children, team members will be allowed to leave work. Time away from work is unpaid. 37.2 Team members seeking to take taking Natural Disaster Leave must provide as much notice as is possible to The Reject Shop of their intention to take such leave, but in any event, must inform The Reject Shop prior to leaving the workplace.
NATURAL DISASTER LEAVE a) Where an official disaster or emergency warning prevents an employee from attending work or where it affects their home, the Company shall grant paid leave, commensurate with the scale and nature of the emergency. b) The Company supports employees who have been affected by emergencies caused by natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, xxxx fires, or other natural occurrences which may affect the well-being and safety of themselves or their family. c) If employees are unable to attend their usual place of employment due to the declaration of a disaster situation, they should as soon as reasonably practicable, notify their Supervisor. d) Special natural disaster leave is available to employees under the following conditions and/or circumstances upon the declaration of a disaster situation: e) Where an employee is prevented from travelling from their place of residence to their usual place of employment due to such disaster where it would threaten the safety of the employee if they were to attempt to attend work by either their usual, or some other reasonably available means of transport; and f) The employee has advised, or as soon as reasonably practicable, has advised their supervisor of the circumstances; or g) Where the employee has a genuine domestic necessity that requires them to either remain at or return to their home, to prepare, protect or remove belongings etc from a personal dwelling or place of residence that may reasonably be affected by the disaster; or to another residence or premises to protect the safety of the employee’s immediate family due to such disaster; or h) Where the employee must leave work early due to the likelihood that their normal mode of transport from work would likely be discontinued due to such disaster; or i) To make or organise temporary repairs, or to clean up the employee’s personal dwelling that has been directly damaged as a result of such disaster; and j) The Company understands that under the National Employment Standards, employees are entitled to take personal/carers leave to care for or support an immediate family member or household member affected by an unexpected emergency.
NATURAL DISASTER LEAVE. This Agreement is between the State of Oregon, acting through its Department of Administrative Services (Employer) and the SEIU Local 503, OPEU (Union). This Letter of Agreement shall supersede any conflicting provisions in the collective bargaining agreements for the duration of the Letter of Agreement. We recognize that state of Oregon employees provide essential services and benefits to Oregonians every day. Their work is often the last or only option for support when Oregonians are faced with an emergency. Paid Leave:
NATURAL DISASTER LEAVE. 15.12.1 An employee’s ordinary pay shall not be reduced when the employee is prevented from attending work due to bushfire or other climatic circumstances beyond their control.