Institution Indemnity Odškodnění zdravotnickým zařízením Sample Clauses

Institution Indemnity Odškodnění zdravotnickým zařízením. 10.4.1 The Institution/Investigator acknowledges that neither ICON nor the Sponsor will be responsible for, and the Institution agrees to indemnify and hold them harmless ICON, Sponsor and their respective affiliates, officers, directors, partners, employees and agents from, any liability, loss, claim, damages and expense (including lawyers’ fees and costs of suit) incurred by them in connection with any and all third party claim, suits, investigations or demands to the extent caused by or arising out of any actual or alleged negligence, failure to adhere to the Protocol, failure to obtain informed consent, failure to comply with applicable law, breach of this Agreement or willful misconduct, of the Institution, the Investigator, the Study Personnel or any other person who assists in conducting the Study, in performing their obligations under this Agreement. Zdravotnické zařízení / zkoušející bere na vědomí, že společnost ICON ani zadavatel nebudou odpovědní za jakýkoli závazek, ztrátu, nárok, škody a výdaje (včetně právnických poplatků a nákladů na soudní řízení), které jim vzniknou v souvislosti s jakýmikoli (a všemi) nároky, soudními řízeními, šetřeními či požadavky třetích stran, pokud jsou způsobeny nebo jsou důsledkem skutečné či domnělé nedbalosti, nedodržení protokolu, nezískání informovaného souhlasu, nedodržení platného zákona, porušení této smlouvy nebo záměrného pochybení zdravotnického zařízení, zkoušejícího, pracovníků klinického hodnocení či jakékoli osoby, která napomáhá při provádění klinického hodnocení v rámci plnění závazků podle této smlouvy, a zdravotnické zařízení souhlasí s tím, že za ně společnost ICON, zadavatele a jejich příslušné přidružené společnosti, vedoucí pracovníky, ředitele, partnery, zaměstnance a zástupce odškodní a zbaví odpovědnosti.
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Institution Indemnity Odškodnění zdravotnickým zařízením. 10.4.1 The Institution acknowledges that neither ICON nor the Sponsor will be responsible for, and the Institution agrees to indemnify and hold them harmless ICON, Sponsor and their respective affiliates, officers, directors, partners, employees and agents from, any liability, loss, claim, damages and expense (including lawyers’ fees and costs of suit) incurred by them in connection with any and all third party Zdravotnické zařízení bere na vědomí, že společnost ICON ani zadavatel nebudou odpovědní za jakýkoli závazek, ztrátu, nárok, škody a výdaje (včetně právnických poplatků a nákladů na soudní řízení), které xxx vzniknou v souvislosti s jakýmikoli (a všemi) nároky, soudními řízeními, šetřeními či požadavky třetích stran, pokud jsou způsobeny nebo jsou důsledkem skutečné či domnělé nedbalosti, nedodržení protokolu, nezískání informovaného claim, suits, investigations or demands to the extent caused by or arising out of any actual or alleged negligence, failure to adhere to the Protocol, failure to obtain informed consent, failure to comply with applicable law, breach of this Agreement or willful misconduct, of the Institution, the Investigator, the Study Personnel or any other person who assists in conducting the Study, in performing their obligations under this Agreement.

Related to Institution Indemnity Odškodnění zdravotnickým zařízením

  • Union Indemnification In consideration of full and active participation by the member organizations of the Coalition in the WPS program, and in recognition of the potential liability which might result solely from that participation, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. agree that they, or one of the subsidiary health plan organizations of Xxxxxx Foundation Health Plan, Inc., will indemnify Coalition unions and their officers and employees, and hold them harmless against any and all suits, claims, demands and liabilities arising from or relating to their participation in WPS with Xxxxxx Permanente.

  • INSURANCE/INDEMNIFICATION A. The School agrees to provide the following proof of insurance:

  • Indemnification; Insurance (a) The Local Church shall defend, indemnify, and hold the Annual Conference (including its officers, directors, trustees, agents, employees, members and the like) harmless against any and all investigations, actions, claims, demands, lawsuits, loss, costs, damages, judgments, liabilities, settlement or expenses incurred, claimed, obtained, or sustained, including without limitation attorneys’ fees and costs, of any nature whatsoever, whether in law or in equity, including without limitation claims relating to or allegedly relating to employment matters, personal injuries, the Real Property, the Personal Property, contracts, agreements, loans, Subsidiary operations or claims related thereto, or relating to the transactions contemplated in this Disaffiliation Agreement, including the disaffiliation of the Local Church. Annual Conference reserves the right to select counsel to defend and/or bring any such claims. Notwithstanding the Annual Conference’s right to the choice of counsel, Local Church shall solely be responsible for any and all attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses relating to any and all such actions. The Annual Conference shall promptly notify the Local Church of any claims hereunder, and the Annual Conference shall have the sole right to control and direct all litigation and settle any and all claims hereunder.

  • Indemnity/Hold Harmless The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the District harmless against any and all liabilities (including reasonable and necessary costs of litigation) arising from any and all claims, demands, suits, or other actions relating to the District's compliance or attempted compliance with either this Article or the requests of the Union pursuant to this Article, or relating to the conduct of the Union in administering this Article. The Union shall have the right to determine and decide all matters relating to settlement and conduct of litigation with respect to this Article. In no case shall District funds be involved in any remedy relating to this Article. Any underpayments to the Union resulting from the District's failure to make a required deduction shall be remedied by additional deductions from the affected employee(s). Any overpayments to the Union resulting from excessive deductions shall be remedied either by refund from the Union to the affected employee(s) or by a credit against future payments by the affected employee(s).

  • Liability Indemnification and Insurance 9.1 Each Party's obligations and liabilities to the other arising out of or in connection with the provision of the Services and any other services provided hereunder shall be only those expressly set out in this Agreement together with those obligations which are implied by law but only to the extent that they cannot be restricted, limited or excluded;

  • Insurance and Indemnification Costs of insurance in connection with the general conduct of activities are allowable, provided that the extent and cost of coverage are in accordance with the Grantee’s policy and sound business practice.

  • LIABILITY, INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE 9.1.1 Nothing in this Contract shall be construed to limit or exclude either Party's liability for:-

  • Indemnification/Hold Harmless The Exhibitor who signs this contract and each person associated therewith (i.e. employees, spouses, guests, survivors, heirs, executors and representatives) herein agrees to indemnify, defend, hold harmless, and to release and forever discharge from any and all known and unknown damages, injuries, death, loss, liabilities, claims, costs, penalties, demands, actions, causes of action, judgments, and liabilities of every kind and description (including court costs and attorney’s fees), occasioned by, resulting from, and/or related to conduct, actions, and/or omissions of anyone connected with this event, including: Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, Inc. d.b.a. Rod Shows, Fairplex, all other Exhibitors/Vendors at the event; and each of their respective owners, shareholders, officers, their directors, employees, agents, staff, volunteers, independent contractors, representatives and servants. Exhibitor covenants and agrees that in case Rod Shows shall be made party to any litigation commenced by or against exhibitor or relating to this agreement or to the booth space hereunder, then exhibitor shall and will pay all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees and court costs, incurred by or imposed upon Rod Shows by virtue of any such litigation. SECURITY & PROPERTY DAMAGE Rod Shows will provide limited facility security and will exercise reasonable precaution for the protection of the exhibitors property. Rod Shows assumes no responsibility for loss or damage incurred during the rental period, or for any loss of items left onsite overnight. Neither Rod Shows or the vendor/exhibitor shall be responsible for any loss or damage to property of other party hereto including, but not limited to loss or damage occasioned by theft, fire, smoke, acts of God, public enemy, riot, civil commotion or other insurable hereto with respect to any loss or damage. It shall be the responsibility of Rod Shows and the Vendor/Exhibitor, respectively, to secure their own property insurance or otherwise protect themselves and their property against any such loss or damage. UNAVAILABILITY OF BOOTH SPACE

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