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INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE ODŠKODNĚNÍ A POJIŠTĚNÍ. Indemnification by Sponsor shall be addressed in a separate writing attached to this Agreement, if so requested by Site Odškodnění poskytované Zadavatelem bude uvedeno v samostatném písemném dokumentu přiloženém k této Smlouvě, pokud to Místo provádění klinického hodnocení vyžaduje. Site shall be responsible for all actions and omissions of itself, Investigator, any sub-investigators and its Study Staff. Místo provádění klinického hodnocení bude odpovídat za veškerou svou činnosti a opomenutí a také za činnost a opomenutí Zkoušejícího, všech spoluzkoušejících a Studijního personálu. Insurance Pojištění The Site will secure and maintain in full force and effect throughout the performance of the Study, insurance coverage for medical professional liability with limits in accordance with local standards which will cover medical professionals conducting the Study. Místo provádění klinického hodnocení zajistí a bude po celou dobu provádění Studie udržovat v plné platnosti a účinnosti pojištění lékařské profesionální odpovědnosti s limity pojistného ve shodě s místními normami, které bude krýt činnost všech profesionálních zdravotníků provádějících Studii.
INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE ODŠKODNĚNÍ A POJIŠTĚNÍ. A In connection with the performance by Investigator, Institution and Institution’s staff, officers, agents and employees (“Indemnitees”) of Study and always only based on a final decision of a competent authority or extrajudicial settlement approved in advance by Lilly, Lilly agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Indemnitees from and against detriment, damage, cost and expense of claims and suits (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) resulting from a detriment to a patient seeking compensation for detriment alleged to have been directly caused or contributed to by any substance or procedure administered in accordance with Protocol, including the cost and expense of handling such claims and defending such suits; provided, however, V souvislosti s prováděním Studie ze strany Zkoušejícího, Zdravotnického zařízení a jeho personálu, vedoucích pracovníků, zástupců a zaměstnanců (dále jen „odškodněné osoby“) a vždy pouze na základě konečného rozhodnutí kompetentního orgánu či mimosoudního vyrovnání předem schváleného společností Lilly, souhlasí společnost Lilly s tím, že odškodní, bude hájit a ochrání odškodněné osoby před a vůči újmě, škodě, nákladům a výdajům plynoucím ze žalob a soudních procesů (včetně přiměřených nákladů na právní zastoupení) vzniklých z titulu újmy způsobené pacientovi domáhajícímu se náhrady za újmu, která mu byla údajně přímo způsobena látkou podávanou podle Protokolu nebo postupem vyžadovaným v Protokolu nebo k níž taková látka či postup přispěly, včetně nákladů a výdajů na vyřizování takových žalob a na obhajobu v takových procesech, avšak za předpokladu, že:
INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE ODŠKODNĚNÍ A POJIŠTĚNÍ. A In connection with the performance by Investigator, Institution and Institution’s staff, officers, agents and employees (“Indemnitees”) of Study and always only based on a final decision of a competent authority or extrajudicial settlement approved in advance by Xxxxx, Xxxxx agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Indemnitees from and against detriment, damage, cost and expense of claims and suits (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) resulting from a detriment to a subject seeking compensation for detriment alleged to have been directly caused or contributed to by any substance or procedure administered in accordance with Protocol, including the cost and expense of handling such claims and defending such suits; provided, however,


  • Indemnification and Insurance (a) From and after the Effective Time, Acquiror agrees that it shall indemnify and hold harmless each present and former director and officer of the (x) Company and each of its Subsidiaries (in each case, solely to the extent acting in their capacity as such and to the extent such activities are related to the business of the Company being acquired under this Agreement) (the “Company Indemnified Parties”) and (y) Acquiror and each of its Subsidiaries (the “Acquiror Indemnified Parties” together with the Company Indemnified Parties, the “D&O Indemnified Parties”) against any costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), judgments, fines, losses, claims, damages or liabilities incurred in connection with any Legal Proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, arising out of or pertaining to matters existing or occurring at or prior to the Effective Time, whether asserted or claimed prior to, at or after the Effective Time, to the fullest extent that the Company, Acquiror or their respective Subsidiaries, as the case may be, would have been permitted under applicable Law and its respective certificate of incorporation, certificate of formation, bylaws, limited liability company agreement or other organizational documents in effect on the date of this Agreement to indemnify such D&O Indemnified Parties (including the advancing of expenses as incurred to the fullest extent permitted under applicable Law). Without limiting the foregoing, Acquiror shall, and shall cause its Subsidiaries to (i) maintain for a period of not less than six (6) years from the Effective Time provisions in its Governing Documents concerning the indemnification and exoneration (including provisions relating to expense advancement) of Acquiror’s and its Subsidiaries’ former and current officers, directors, employees, and agents that are no less favorable to those Persons than the provisions of the Governing Documents of the Company, Acquiror or their respective Subsidiaries, as applicable, in each case, as of the date of this Agreement, and (ii) not amend, repeal or otherwise modify such provisions in any respect that would adversely affect the rights of those Persons thereunder, in each case, except as required by Law. Acquiror shall assume, and be liable for, each of the covenants in this Section 7.8.

  • Liability Indemnification and Insurance 9.1 Each Party's obligations and liabilities to the other arising out of or in connection with the provision of the Services and any other services provided hereunder shall be only those expressly set out in this Agreement together with those obligations which are implied by law but only to the extent that they cannot be restricted, limited or excluded;

  • Insurance and Indemnification Costs of insurance in connection with the general conduct of activities are allowable, provided that the extent and cost of coverage are in accordance with the Grantee’s policy and sound business practice.

  • Indemnification and General Liability Section 10.4 Required Post-Expiration Coverage.

  • Exculpation and Indemnification (a) No Protected Person shall be liable to the Company or any Manager or any other Member for any action taken or omitted to be taken by it or by other Person with respect to the Company, including any negligent act or failure to act, except in the case of a liability resulting from such Protected Person’s own actual fraud, gross negligence, willful misconduct, bad faith, breach of fiduciary duty, reckless disregard of duty or any intentional and material breach of this Agreement or conduct that is subject of a criminal proceeding (where such Protected Person has reasonable cause to believe that such conduct was unlawful). With the prior consent of the Board, any Protected Person may consult with legal counsel and accountants with respect to Company affairs (including interpretations of this Agreement) and shall be fully protected and justified in any action or inaction which is taken or omitted in good faith, in reliance upon and in accordance with the opinion or advice of such counsel or accountants. In determining whether a Protected Person acted with the requisite degree of care, such Protected Person shall be entitled to rely on written or oral reports, opinions, certificates and other statements of the directors, officers, employees, consultants, attorneys, accountants and professional advisors of the Company selected with reasonable care; provided that no such Protected Person may rely upon such statements if it believed that such statements were materially false.

  • Indemnification - General The Company shall indemnify, and advance Expenses (as hereinafter defined) to, Indemnitee (a) as provided in this Agreement and (b) to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law in effect on the date hereof and as amended from time to time. The rights of Indemnitee provided under the preceding sentence shall include, but shall not be limited to, the rights set forth in the other Sections of this Agreement.

  • Indemnification and Waiver Except as provided in Section 10.5 or to the extent due to the negligence, willful misconduct or violation of this Lease by Landlord or the Landlord Parties, Tenant hereby assumes all risk of damage to property in, upon or about the Premises from any cause whatsoever (including, but not limited to, any personal injuries resulting from a slip and fall in, upon or about the Premises) and agrees that Landlord, its partners, subpartners and their respective officers, agents, servants, employees, and independent contractors (collectively, “Landlord Parties”) shall not be liable for, and are hereby released from any responsibility for, any damage either to person or property or resulting from the loss of use thereof, which damage is sustained by Tenant or by other persons claiming through Tenant. Tenant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the Landlord Parties from any and all loss, cost, damage, expense and liability (including without limitation court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred in connection with or arising from any cause in, on or about the Premises (including, but not limited to, a slip and fall), any acts, omissions or negligence of Tenant or of any person claiming by, through or under Tenant, or of the contractors, agents, servants, employees, invitees, guests or licensees of Tenant or any such person, in, on or about the Project or any breach of the terms of this Lease, either prior to, during, or after the expiration of the Lease Term, provided that the terms of the foregoing indemnity and release shall not apply to the negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord or its agents, employees, contractors, licensees or invitees, or Landlord’s violation of this Lease. Should Landlord be named as a defendant in any suit brought against Tenant in connection with or arising out of Tenant’s occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shall pay to Landlord its costs and expenses incurred in such suit, including without limitation, its actual professional fees such as reasonable appraisers’, accountants’ and attorneys’ fees. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, Landlord shall not be released or indemnified from, and shall indemnify, defend, protect and hold harmless Tenant from, all losses, damages, liabilities, claims, attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses arising from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord or its agents, contractors, licensees or invitees, or a violation of Landlord’s obligations or representations under this Lease. The provisions of this Section 10.1 shall survive the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease with respect to any claims or liability arising in connection with any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination.

  • Indemnities and Insurance The indemnities and insurance requirements set forth in Articles 16 and 17, respectively, will apply to Indemnitees and LESSOR's representatives during return of the Aircraft, including the ground inspection and acceptance flight. With respect to the acceptance flight, LESSOR's representatives will receive the same protections as LESSOR on LESSEE's Aviation and Airline General Third Party Liability Insurance.

  • INSURANCE/INDEMNIFICATION A. The School agrees to provide the following proof of insurance:

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