Instrument Sample Clauses
Instrument. Any “instrument” (as defined in Article 9 of the UCC), other than an instrument that constitutes part of chattel paper.
Instrument. Each Mortgage Note is comprised of one original promissory note and each such promissory note constitutes an “instrument” for purposes of Section 9-102(a)(65) of the UCC.
Instrument. U istraživanju je primijenjen upitnik Dob i razvojne razine-3 (Ages and Stages-3, ASQ; Xxxxxxx i sur., 2009), koji je za potrebe istraživačkoga projekta preveden na hrvatski jezik. Suglasnost autora instrumenta dobivena je za istraživačke svrhe. ASQ sastoji se od niza čestica koje mjere različite aspekte razvoja. U prvom dijelu upitnika roditelj/ skrbnik/odgojitelj daje osnovne demografske podatke (datum rođenja i spol djeteta te odnos osobe s djetetom). Drugi dio upitnika sastoji se od 30 pitanja podijeljenih u 5 podskala koje ispituju različita razvojna područja: komunikacija (k = 6), xxxxx motorika (k = 6), fina motorika (k = 6), rješavanje problema (k = 6) i osobno-društveno područje (k = 6). Sudionici na ova pitanja odgovaraju jednom od 3 moguće kategorije „da“, „ponekad“ i „xxx ne“. Za svaku skalu izračunava se ukupan zbroj bodova (0 do 60). Treći dio upitnika sastoji se od 10 pitanja koja ispituju zabrinutost roditelja/skrbnika/ odgojitelja po različitim područjima. Linearnom kombinacijom ovih 10 pitanja dobiva se opća zabrinutost pri čemu se od zbroja prvih 5 odgovora (svaki pozitivan odgovor donosi 1 bod) oduzme zbroj drugih 5 pitanja (teoretski raspon odgovora se kreće od - 5 do 5 pri čemu veći broj označava manji stupanj zabrinutosti). Upitnik je podijeljen u kronološke dobi od 2 do 60 mjeseci. Za potrebe ovoga istraživanja koristile su se verzije: 36 mjeseci (od 34 mjeseca i 16 xxxx do 38 mjeseci i 30 xxxx), 42 mjeseca (od 39 mjeseci i 0 xxxx do 44 mjeseca i 30 xxxx), 48 mjeseci (od 45 mjeseci i 0 xxxx do 50 mjeseci i 30 xxxx) i 54 mjeseca (od 51 mjesec i 0 xxxx do 56 mjeseci i 30 xxxx). U Tablici 2 prikazani su koeficijenti unutarnje pouzdanosti tipa Cronbachov α za sva područja razvoja i to zajedno za roditelje i odgojitelje te za svaku skupinu posebno. Tablica 2. Rezultati pokazuju nisku pouzdanost podskale Osobno-društveno područje te relativno nisku pouzdanost podskala Komunikacija i Xxxxx motorika. Zadovoljavajuća pouzdanost dobivena je za podskale Rješavanje problema i Fina motorika, i to za obje skupine procjenjivača, roditelje i odgojitelje (α > 0,60), iako ni ta pouzdanost nije visoka. Istraživanje je provedeno u 5 županija (Osječko-baranjskoj, Brodsko-posavskoj, Varaždinskoj, Virovitičko-podravskoj i Vukovarsko-srijemskoj). Roditelji su u dječjem vrtiću dobili primjerak upitnika koji su ispunili kod kuće i zatim vratili odgojitelju. Odgojitelji su također dobili isti upitnik za popunjavanje. Oko jedne trećine roditelja vratilo je pop...
Instrument. Each promissory note executed by a borrower evidencing a Financed Student Loan (other than any master promissory note) constitutes an "instrument" within the meaning of the UCC as in effect in the states in which each such borrower resides at origination.
Instrument. Each of e-Transfer and e-Transfer Request Money is an Instrument under the Agreement. For greater certainty, e-Transfers and e-Transfer Request Moneys are not bills of exchange and no part of this Service is subject to the Bills of Exchange Act (Canada).
Instrument. As used herein, “Instrument” shall mean a platform instrument comprising of a Single Molecule Array (SiMoATM) LSR and subsequently the Aurora IVD instrument analyzer as described in the PDR (Exhibit 1). The Instrument shall be developed by STRATEC under this Agreement and sold to QTX or a partner of QTX under the Supply Agreement in accordance with the Project Parameters as defined below.
Instrument. EURO Cash 100% 100% Sterling Cash 98% 97% U.S. Dollar Cash 97% 94% U.S. Dollar Denominated Fixed-Rate Negotiable Treasury Debt issued by the U.S. Treasury Department with Remaining Maturity < 1 Year 97% 94% 1 to 2 years 97% 93% 2 to 3 years 97% 92% 3 to 5 years 97% 91% 5 to 7 years 97% 90% 7 to 10 years 97% 88% 10 to 20 years 97% 85% > 20 years 97% 83% U.S. Dollar Denominated Floating-Rate Negotiable Treasury Debt issued by the U.S. Treasury Department All Maturities 97% 93% U.S. Dollar Denominated Fixed-Rate U.S. Agency Debentures with Remaining Maturity < 1 Year 97% 93% 1 to 2 years 97% 93% 2 to 3 years 97% 92% 3 to 5 years 97% 90% 5 to 7 years 97% 89% 7 to 10 years 97% 87% 10 to 20 years 97% 84% > 20 years 97% 82% U.S. Dollar Denominated Floating-Rate U.S. Agency Debentures All Maturities 97% 92% EURO Denominated Fixed-Rate Euro-Zone Government Bonds Rated Aa3 or Above by Xxxxx'x with Remaining Maturity < 1 Year 100% 100% 1 to 2 years 100% 99% 2 to 3 years 100% 98% 3 to 5 years 100% 96% 5 to 7 years 100% 95% 7 to 10 years 100% 94% 10 to 20 years 100% 89% > 20 years 100% 87% EURO Denominated Floating-Rate Euro-Zone Government Bonds Rated Aa3 or Above by Xxxxx'x All Maturities 100% 99% Sterling Denominated Fixed-Rate United Kingdom Gilts with Remaining Maturity < 1 Year 98% 96% 1 to 2 years 98% 95% 2 to 3 years 98% 94% 3 to 5 years 98% 93% 5 to 7 years 98% 92% 7 to 10 years 98% 91% 10 to 20 years 98% 87% > 20 years 98% 85% Sterling Denominated Floating-Rate United Kingdom Gilts All Maturities 98% 96%
Instrument. This Deed of Trust shall be deemed to be and shall be enforceable as a deed of trust, leasehold deed of trust, and financing statement.
Instrument. The Plateletworks tubes can be run on any hematology analyzer utilizing impedance methodology for determining platelet counts from whole blood. For detailed instructions, refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual.
Instrument. This Omnibus Team Unit Instrument initially shall entitle each Subscriber to beneficial ownership interest in the number of Team Units in the Company equal to the product of (i) the quotient of such Subscriber’s Subscription Amount divided by the Team Unit Instrument Amount; times (ii) the quotient of the Team Unit Instrument Amount divided by $1.50 . The number of Team Units exchangeable for this instrument shall be subject to adjustment by the Company in the event of any Unit subdivision, split, dividend, reclassification, combination, consolidation or similar transaction affecting the Membership Units or the Company.