Introduction and Discontinuation Sample Clauses

Introduction and Discontinuation. 1. Extended tours shall be introduced into any unit when: i) eighty percent (80%) of the employees in the unit so indicate by secret ballot, and ii) the Hospital agrees to implement the compressed work week. Such agreement shall not be withheld in an unreasonably arbitrary manner. 2. A compressed work week may be discontinued in any unit when: i) fifty percent (50%) of the employees in the unit so indicate by secret ballot; or ii) The Hospital because of: (a) adverse effects on patient care, (b) inability to provide a workable staffing schedule, or (c) where the Hospital wishes to do so for other reasons which are neither unreasonable nor arbitrary, states its intention to discontinue the compressed work week in the schedule. 3. When notice of discontinuation is given by either party in accordance with paragraph (2) above, then: i) the parties shall meet within two (2) weeks of the giving of notice to review the request for discontinuation; and ii) where it is determined that the compressed work week will be discontinued, affected employees shall be given sixty (60) days' notice before the schedules are so amended.
Introduction and Discontinuation. A ten (10) hour tour shall be introduced when: (a) a majority (50% + 1) of the part-time cooks so indicated by secret ballot; and (b) the Manitouwadge General Hospital agrees to implement the ten (10) hour tours. Such agreement shall not be withheld in an unreasonable or arbitrary manner. The ten (10) hour tours may be discontinued when: (a) a majority (50% + 1) of the part-time cooks so indicated by secret ballot; or (b) the Manitouwadge General Hospital, because of (1) adverse effects on client care, or (2) inability to provide a workable staffing schedule, or (3) where the Hospital wishes to do so for other reasons which are neither unreasonable nor arbitrary, so states its intention in writing to the Union to discontinue the ten (10) hour tour in the schedule. (c) when notice of discontinuation is given by Manitouwadge General Hospital in accordance with the above, then i. the parties shall meet within two (2) weeks of the giving of notice to review the request for discontinuation; and ii where it is determined that the ten (10) hour tour will be discontinued, affected employees shall be given sixty (60) days’ notice before the schedules are so amended.

Related to Introduction and Discontinuation

  • Reduction and Disconnection NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner may reduce [ ] Interconnection Service or disconnect the Large Generating Facility or the Developer’s Attachment Facilities, when such reduction or disconnection is necessary under Good Utility Practice due to an Emergency State. These rights are separate and distinct from any right of Curtailment of NYISO pursuant to the ISO OATT. When NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner can schedule the reduction or disconnection in advance, NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner shall notify Developer of the reasons, timing and expected duration of the reduction or disconnection. NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner shall coordinate with the Developer using Good Utility Practice to schedule the reduction or disconnection during periods of least impact to the Developer and the New York State Transmission System. Any reduction or disconnection shall continue only for so long as reasonably necessary under Good Utility Practice. The Parties shall cooperate with each other to restore the Large Generating Facility, the Attachment Facilities, and the New York State Transmission System to their normal operating state as soon as practicable consistent with Good Utility Practice.

  • Effective Date Term Termination and Disconnection 3.1 Effective Date This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by all Parties.

  • SUSPENSION AND DISCIPLINE 21.01 Discipline may be imposed where just cause exists and will be levied in a timely fashion. Generally, discipline is intended to correct undesirable behaviour or conduct and, where appropriate, shall be progressive in nature. 21.02 Prior to any discipline being imposed, the employee will be given notice in writing to attend a meeting, during which there shall be an opportunity for full discussion between the employee and the employee’s Manager. The notice will contain the subject matter to be discussed at the meeting and the employee shall be advised of his/her right to have an Association representative attend as an advisor. The management representative also has the right to have a labour relations representative attend as an advisor. At the meeting the employee and the Association representative may make representations and ask questions concerning the events and circumstances. Unless otherwise agreed, the unavailability of an advisor will not delay the meeting for more than one (1) working day from the date of notification to the employee. 21.03 When an employee is required to attend a meeting, the purpose of which is to render a disciplinary decision concerning him or her, the employee is entitled to have, at his or her request, a representative of the Association attend the meeting. Where practicable, the employee shall receive a minimum of one (1) day’s notice of such a meeting. The Employer will agree where possible to an additional day of extension where the Association representative is unavailable. 21.04 The employee and the Association representative shall be notified in writing of any disciplinary action except an oral warning, taken against the employee by the Company within a reasonable period of time of that action having been taken. 21.05 When an employee is required to attend a meeting, the purpose of which is to demote or terminate him/her for non-disciplinary reasons, he/she is entitled to have, at his/her request, a representative of the Association attend the meeting. Where practicable, the employee shall receive a minimum of one (1) day’s notice of such a meeting. The Employer will agree where possible to an additional day of extension where the Association representative is unavailable. 21.06 When any discipline is found to be unjustified all documents referring to the discipline imposed shall be removed as soon as reasonably possible from the employee’s record and destroyed. 21.07 NAV CANADA agrees not to introduce as evidence in a hearing relating to disciplinary action any document or written statement concerning the conduct of an employee unless that employee has been provided with a copy of that document or statement within a reasonable period before that hearing. 21.08 Any document or written statement to disciplinary action, which may have been placed on the NAV CANADA file of an employee shall be removed and destroyed after two (2) years have elapsed since the disciplinary action was taken, provided that no further disciplinary action has been recorded during this period. The Employer shall inform the employee in writing of the destruction of any document or written statement related to disciplinary action. 21.09 The NAV CANADA Code of Business Conduct will not be interpreted as restricting an employee from exercising his or her obligations flowing from the ethical standards of the professional body to which the employee belongs. 21.10 NAV CANADA agrees to make available to each employee covered by this agreement the NAV CANADA Code of Business Conduct and any subsequent amendments made thereto. 21.11 Employees who, in good faith, raise a concern or report any clear or suspected illegal, unethical or improper acts or activities shall not be disciplined nor adversely affected as a result of reporting the violation.

  • DISCIPLINE, SUSPENSION AND DISCHARGE ‌ 15.01 The Employer shall not discipline, suspend, or discharge an Employee without just cause. 15.02 The Employer and the Union recognize the principle of progressive discipline. 15.03 When an Employee is to be disciplined (e.g., documented oral warning, written warning, suspension, or discharge), such discipline shall only be imposed at a meeting with the Employment Supervisor specifically convened for this purpose. Employees will be given forty-eight (48) hours’ notice, the reason(s) for the meeting and will be advised that they are entitled to be accompanied at this meeting by a Union representative. Such notice shall be in writing. The Union shall be copied on any disciplinary letter within three (3) Business Days of such a meeting. 15.04 A documented oral warning or a written warning shall normally precede imposition of a suspension or discharge, except in the case of gross neglect of duty position abandonment, or gross misconduct. 15.05 Where an Employee has received a disciplinary letter, the Employee may attach comments to the letter and the comments will be placed in their personnel file. (a) A disciplinary letter within an Employee’s personnel file shall be deemed null and void and removed from the file after a twenty-four (24) month period from the date of the letter, provided that no further discipline has been recorded within the period noted above. (b) Where, upon an Employee’s graduation from their program at Queen’s University, a disciplinary letter has been in the Employee’s personnel file for a period of no less than twelve (12) months, such a disciplinary letter shall be removed from the Employee’s personnel file at their request. (c) Article 15.06 (b) does not apply when the Employee registers immediately from one program at Queen’s University into another program at Queen’s University. 15.07 In cases involving allegations of serious misconduct or a threat to the safety of a person or property, as a precautionary measure, the Xxxx (or delegate) of the faculty in which the Employee works may suspend the Employee with pay during an investigation. Within one (1) Business Day from the time of such a suspension, the Employer shall provide the Employee with a letter setting out the allegation or threat with a copy to the Union. The letter will inform the Employee of their right to Union representation in connection with the matter and a meeting will be scheduled between the parties within three (3) Business Days of the above letter being provided. The parties may delay this meeting by written agreement pending the outcome of an investigation. The Employer will complete the investigation and inform the Employee of the results of the investigation, and of any corrective action that has been or will be taken, normally within ninety (90) calendar days of the commencement of the investigation, unless there are extenuating circumstances warranting a longer investigation. During any meetings between the Employee and the Employer during the investigation, the Employee may choose to be accompanied by a Union representative. Where, at the conclusion of the investigation, the allegations that were investigated are unfounded, there shall be no record of the investigation in the Employee’s personnel file. Where the allegations are founded, the Employer may take disciplinary action.

  • Preservation and Disclosure of Lists The Trustee shall preserve, in as current a form as is reasonably practicable, all information as to the names and addresses of the Holders contained in the most recent list furnished to it as provided in Section 5.01 or maintained by the Trustee in its capacity as Note Registrar, if so acting. The Trustee may destroy any list furnished to it as provided in Section 5.01 upon receipt of a new list so furnished.

  • Suspension and Discharge An employee who has not completed the probationary period may be released without appeal through the grievance procedure. Employees having successfully completed their probationary period shall only be disciplined or discharged for just cause. Prior to suspending or discharging an employee, provided they have completed their probationary period, such employee and the Union Xxxxxxx shall be given the reasons in writing, by the Employer, for the suspension or discharge.

  • MAINTENANCE OF CLASSROOM CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE A. Each school shall develop a written policy on classroom control and discipline developed by the administration and faculty consistent with Board policy and state law. B. In accordance with applicable State Law, Board policy, and/or administrative procedures, a designated bargaining unit member shall have the authority and responsibility for the control of pupils throughout the school and on school grounds while on regular duty and also during the supervision of school-sponsored activities. Likewise a bargaining unit member may use reasonable force in his/her self-defense or in the restraint of a student to prevent harm to that student or to others. C. In the case of legal claims brought by the student and/or his/her parent or guardian, the Board will provide legal representation.


  • Satisfaction and Discharge SECTION 401.

  • Use and Disclosure All Confidential Information of a party will be held in confidence by the other party with at least the same degree of care as such party protects its own confidential or proprietary information of like kind and import, but not less than a reasonable degree of care. Neither party will disclose in any manner Confidential Information of the other party in any form to any person or entity without the other party’s prior consent. However, each party may disclose relevant aspects of the other party’s Confidential Information to its officers, affiliates, agents, subcontractors and employees to the extent reasonably necessary to perform its duties and obligations under this Agreement and such disclosure is not prohibited by applicable law. Without limiting the foregoing, each party will implement physical and other security measures and controls designed to protect (a) the security and confidentiality of Confidential Information; (b) against any threats or hazards to the security and integrity of Confidential Information; and (c) against any unauthorized access to or use of Confidential Information. To the extent that a party delegates any duties and responsibilities under this Agreement to an agent or other subcontractor, the party ensures that such agent and subcontractor are contractually bound to confidentiality terms consistent with the terms of this Section 11.