Investigation set-up / rationale Sample Clauses

Investigation set-up / rationale. 2.2.1 A significant determining factor is the recent launch of Interpol Project Scale in February 2013, a global initiative to tackle IUU fishing which is strongly supported by the UK Government. World fish stocks are being rapidly depleted and valuable species are nearing extinction. Because fish are a valuable commodity, the last decade has witnessed an escalation of transnational and organised criminal networks engaged in fisheries crime. 2.2.2 Fisheries crime:  Undermines resource conservation  Threatens food security and livelihoods  Destabilises vulnerable coastal regions due to limited enforcement capabilities and corruption  Is linked to other serious crimes including money laundering, fraud, human trafficking and drug trafficking 2.2.3 Many countries particularly those in developing regions continue to operate in violation of fisheries laws and it is the responsibility of other more prosperous countries / partners such as ours to lead the way in terms of changing attitudes and behaviours. Ref. 20216 – Contract for the Provision of Staff for the Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Tuna Investigation 2.2.4 When considering whether or not there should be some form regulatory intervention, in addition to factors that help to determine whether or not information or intelligence is credible, it is also essential to ascertain if the alleged activity falls within the parameters of matters that the EU (and in our case the UK – and England in particular) believes is necessary to enforce. 2.2.5 In making this decision, the impact on food security, the economies of developing nations, the potential harm to endangered species and the impacts on national and international markets, including those in the EU generally and the UK, are all relevant factors. 2.2.6 In English law, these all form part of the ‘public interest’ decision that is persuasive in deciding whether or not to investigate and /or prosecute. 2.2.7 Having taken the aforementioned factors into consideration it has been decided by MMO Senior Management that a dedicated team should be created in order to conduct a professional and thorough investigation into these matters.

Related to Investigation set-up / rationale

  • Due Diligence Investigation Pubco shall be reasonably satisfied with the results of its due diligence investigation of the Company in its sole and absolute discretion.

  • Grievance Investigation The Employer agrees to supply to the Union the names of all applicants for a vacancy, or new position in the course of a grievance investigation.

  • Investigation Period The first sentence of Section 4.1 of the Purchase Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following is hereby substituted in lieu thereof: “During the time period commencing upon the Effective Date of this Agreement, and terminating at 11:59 p.m. on October 18, 2012 (the “Investigation Period”), Buyer shall have the right to conduct and complete an investigation of all matters pertaining to the Property and Buyer’s purchase thereof including, without limitation, the matters described in this Section 4.1.”

  • Independent Investigation Subscriber, in making the decision to purchase the Units, has relied upon an independent investigation of the Company and has not relied upon any information or representations made by any third parties or upon any oral or written representations or assurances from the Company, its officers, directors or employees or any other representatives or agents of the Company, other than as set forth in this Agreement. Subscriber is familiar with the business, operations and financial condition of the Company and has had an opportunity to ask questions of, and receive answers from the Company’s officers and directors concerning the Company and the terms and conditions of the offering of the Units and has had full access to such other information concerning the Company as Subscriber has requested. Subscriber confirms that all documents that it has requested have been made available and that Subscriber has been supplied with all of the additional information concerning this investment which Subscriber has requested.

  • Credit Investigation In conjunction with your application for credit and, if approved, maintenance of your Account, you agree that we have the right to investigate your credit and employment history, to verify your credit references, to request and use credit reports, and to report the way you pay your Account to credit bureaus and other interested parties.

  • Search, Enquiry, Investigation, Examination And Verification a. The Property is sold on an “as is where is basis” subject to all the necessary inspection, search (including but not limited to the status of title), enquiry (including but not limited to the terms of consent to transfer and/or assignment and outstanding charges), investigation, examination and verification of which the Purchaser is already advised to conduct prior to the auction and which the Purchaser warrants to the Assignee has been conducted by the Purchaser’s independent legal advisors at the time of execution of the Memorandum. b. The intending bidder or the Purchaser is responsible at own costs and expenses to make and shall be deemed to have carried out own search, enquiry, investigation, examination and verification on all liabilities and encumbrances affecting the Property, the title particulars as well as the accuracy and correctness of the particulars and information provided. c. The Purchaser shall be deemed to purchase the Property in all respects subject thereto and shall also be deemed to have full knowledge of the state and condition of the Property regardless of whether or not the said search, enquiry, investigation, examination and verification have been conducted. d. The Purchaser shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted these Conditions of Sale prior to the auction and to have knowledge of all matters which would have been disclosed thereby and the Purchaser expressly warrants to the Assignee that the Purchaser has sought independent legal advice on all matters pertaining to this sale and has been advised by his/her/its independent legal advisor of the effect of all the Conditions of Sale. e. Neither the Assignee nor the Auctioneer shall be required or bound to inform the Purchaser of any such matters whether known to them or not and the Purchaser shall raise no enquiry, requisition or objection thereon or thereto.

  • Complaints Investigation The employee who complains of harassment under the provisions of the Human Rights Code must first comply with the Employer’s harassment policy procedures before filing a grievance or human rights complaint.

  • Compliance Investigations Upon City’s request, Contractor agrees to provide to City, within sixty calendar days, a truthful and complete list of the names of all subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers that Contractor has used in the past five years on any of its contracts that were undertaken within San Diego County, including the total dollar amount paid by Contractor for each subcontract or supply contract. Contractor further agrees to fully cooperate in any investigation conducted by City pursuant to City's Nondiscrimination in Contracting Ordinance. Contractor understands and agrees that violation of this clause shall be considered a material breach of the Contract and may result in Contract termination, debarment, and other sanctions.

  • Grievance Investigations Where an employee has asked or is obliged to be represented by the Institute in relation to the presentation of a grievance and an employee acting on behalf of the Institute wishes to discuss the grievance with that employee, the employee and the representative of the employee will, where operational requirements permit, be given reasonable leave with pay for this purpose when the discussion takes place in the headquarters area of such employee and leave without pay when it takes place outside the headquarters area of such employee.

  • Evaluation Cycle Goal Setting and Development of the Educator Plan A) Every Educator has an Educator Plan that includes, but is not limited to, one goal related to the improvement of practice; one goal for the improvement of student learning. The Plan also outlines actions the Educator must take to attain the goals established in the Plan and benchmarks to assess progress. Goals may be developed by individual Educators, by the Evaluator, or by teams, departments, or groups of Educators who have the similar roles and/or responsibilities. See Sections 15-19 for more on Educator Plans. B) To determine the goals to be included in the Educator Plan, the Evaluator reviews the goals the Educator has proposed in the Self-Assessment, using evidence of Educator performance and impact on student learning, growth and achievement based on the Educator’s self-assessment and other sources that Evaluator shares with the Educator. The process for determining the Educator’s impact on student learning, growth and achievement will be determined after ESE issues guidance on this matter. See #22, below. C) Educator Plan Development Meetings shall be conducted as follows: i) Educators in the same school may meet with the Evaluator in teams and/or individually at the end of the previous evaluation cycle or by October 15th of the next academic year to develop their Educator Plan. Educators shall not be expected to meet during the summer hiatus. ii) For those Educators new to the school, the meeting with the Evaluator to establish the Educator Plan must occur by October 15th or within six weeks of the start of their assignment in that school iii) The Evaluator shall meet individually with Educators with PTS and ratings of needs improvement or unsatisfactory to develop professional practice goal(s) that must address specific standards and indicators identified for improvement. In addition, the goals may address shared grade level or subject matter goals. D) The Evaluator completes the Educator Plan by November 1st. The Educator shall sign the Educator Plan within 5 school days of its receipt and may include a written response. The Educator’s signature indicates that the Educator received the plan in a timely fashion. The signature does not indicate agreement or disagreement with its contents. The Evaluator retains final authority over the content of the Educator’s Plan.