LATERAL CLEARANCE. From the edge of the road - 2 foot minimum, where slope limits to less than 6 feet. 6-12 foot preferred. Edge of travelway Minimum of 7 feet, 6' MIN 7' MIN measured from the bottom of the sign to the near edge of the travelway. The height to the bottom of a supplemental sign mounted below the primary sign will be 6 feet.
LATERAL CLEARANCE. From the edge of the road - 2 foot minimum, where slope limits to less than 6 feet. 6-12 foot preferred.
LATERAL CLEARANCE. From the edge of the road - 2 foot minimum, where slope limits to less than 6 feet. 6-12 foot preferred. Edge of travelway Minimum of 7 feet, 6' MIN 7' MIN measured from the bottom of the sign to the near edge of the travelway. The height to the bottom of a supplemental sign mounted below the primary sign will be 6 feet. Figure 1: Sign Placement Dimensions Signs must be located 100-500 feet prior to the activity, (both ends if a through road) and maintained at that distance. This distance is based on speed. Refer to Figure 2 , Table II-1, MUTCD, a portion of which is reproduced here, to determine correct placement distance. Figure 2: A Portion of MUTCD TABLE II-1 Posted or Decelaration to listed advisory speed 85 percentile MPH speed MPH 10 20 30 40 50 20 NA 25 100 30 150 100 35 200 175 40 275 250 175 45 350 300 250 50 425 400 325 225 55 000 000 000 300 60 575 550 500 400 300 65 650 625 575 500 375 Figure 3: Examples of Temporary/Portable Supports The following signs meet the intent of Timber Sale Contract Provision B6.33, SAFETY. FW11-7-24 W22-1-36* FW8-6-24 FW11-9a-24 W7-3a-24* W13-1-18** W20-7aP-24* * Specify Distance ** Specify Speed C6.332 – SAFETY (TIMBER HAULING) (1/18). Purchaser shall secure all products transported by truck with at least two chain or cable wrappers over the load, such wrappers being securely fastened to effectively contain every bolt or log in at least two places, unless State Code safety standard specifies otherwise.
LATERAL CLEARANCE. From the edge of the road - 2 foot minimum, where slope limits to less than 6 feet. 6-12 foot preferred. Edge of travelway Minimum of 7 feet, 6' MIN 7' MIN measured from the bottom of the sign to the near edge of the travelway. The height to the bottom of a supplemental sign mounted below the primary sign will be 6 feet. Figure 1: Sign Placement Dimensions Signs must be located 100-500 feet prior to the activity, (both ends if a through road) and maintained at that distance. This distance is based on speed. Refer to Figure 2 , Table II-1, MUTCD, a portion of which is reproduced here, to determine correct placement distance. Posted or Decelaration to listed advisory speed 85 percentile MPH speed MPH 10 20 30 40 50 20 NA 25 100 30 150 100 35 200 175 40 275 250 175 45 350 300 250 50 425 400 325 225 55 000 000 000 300 60 575 550 500 400 300 65 650 625 575 500 375 Figure 2: A Portion of MUTCD TABLE II-1 SAMPLE POSTS: Signs are to be mounted on separate posts. Supplemental signs such as Speed Advisory plates are to be mounted on the same post as the primary sign. Do not mount signs on trees or other signs. Posts may be wood, metal, carsonite or similar material. Where sign supports cannot be sufficiently offset from the road edge, supports will meet breakaway standards. Single wood posts with less than 24 square inches do not require breakaway design. FG20-1-48* FG20-2-48 FG20-3-42* FG20-3a-4 FW22-3-30 FW20-1-30* W21-3-30* FW21-4a-30 FW11-7-24 W22-1-36* FW8-6-24 FW11-9a-24 W7-3a-24* W13-1-18** W20-7aP-24* * Specify Distance ** Specify Speed XX-X-X XX-R-O SAMPLE Barricade Markers (See MUTCD for length and stripe size) SAMPLE LTM DF 336A T LTM DF C:/xxxx/JR_WS/TMA/FY18/McGraw/Maps F Miles Sale Area Boundary BT 1.1
LATERAL CLEARANCE. From the edge of the road - 2 foot minimum, where slope limits to less than 6 feet. 6-12 foot preferred. Edge of travelway Minimum of 7 feet, 6' MIN 7' MIN measured from the bottom of the sign to the near edge of the travelway. The height to the bottom of a supplemental sign mounted below the primary sign will be 6 feet. Figure 1: Sign Placement Dimensions Signs must be located 100-500 feet prior to the activity, (both ends if a through road) and maintained at that distance. This distance is based on speed. Refer to Figure 2 , Table II-1, MUTCD, a portion of which is reproduced here, to determine correct placement distance. Posted or Decelaration to listed advisory speed 85 percentile MPH speed MPH 10 20 30 40 50 20 NA 25 100 30 150 100 35 200 175 40 275 250 175 45 350 300 250 50 425 400 325 225 55 000 000 000 300 60 575 550 500 400 300 65 650 625 575 500 375 Figure 2: A Portion of MUTCD TABLE II-1 POSTS: Signs are to be mounted on separate posts. Supplemental signs such as Speed Advisory plates are to be mounted on the same post as the primary sign. Do not mount signs on trees or other signs. Posts may be wood, metal, carsonite or similar material. Where sign supports cannot be sufficiently offset from the road edge, supports will meet breakaway standards. Single wood posts with less than 24 square inches do not require breakaway design. SMLELE A P SAMPLE XX-X-X XX-R-O KO " " " ò ÝÝT SAMPLE " " " KO ! ! ! ! ! " " " " ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! KO " ! ! " " " " Q1 RRC ! ! ! " ! ! " KO " " ã " 50361 " ÝÝT ó " KO ! ! ! ! KO " ! ! ! ! KO " KO RRC " " " " KO " " " ã ã " " 257 " " " " " " " ç Q2 " " " ! ! ! ! " " KO " " W " " " " " KO K " " " " " KKOOKKO O " " " " " " " " " ! " " " " " " " " " " " " " RRC Q3 W Q4 ó " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Q5 " " " ó " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " KO " " ã " " " " Q6 ó " " " " KO " Ü 0 415 Feet 830 1,660 2,490 3,320 Õ ÝÝT ç W ï Reserve Trees- CT 6.32#, CT 2.3# Traffic Control Devices- BT 6.33 Directional Felling Required- CT 6.414# Winching Required- BT 6.4, CT 6.401# ò Protection of Special Areas- CT 6.222#, 6.24# ó Cut Tree Marking- BT 2.35, CT 2.355# Leave Tree Marking- BT 2.35, CT 2.355# Protected improvement-Road Feature - BT 6.22 !1 Payment Unit Number - BT 1.1, BT 2.3 RRC RRC RRCSpecified Road Reconstruction- BT5.2, AT7 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Protected Stream Course- BT 6.5, CT6.5# KO KO KO KO Existing Transportation System Keep Open- BT 6.22 Protection of Improvements Not Owned by the Forest Servic...


  • Tax Clearance The STATE may, at its discretion, require the CONTRACTOR to submit to the STATE, prior to the STATE'S approval of any modification, alteration, amendment, change, or extension of any term, provision, or condition of this Contract, a tax clearance from the Director of Taxation, State of Hawaii, and the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of Treasury, showing that all delinquent taxes, if any, levied or accrued under state law and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, against the CONTRACTOR have been paid.

  • FINRA Clearance On or before the date of this Agreement, the Representative shall have received clearance from FINRA as to the amount of compensation allowable or payable to the Underwriters as described in the Registration Statement.

  • HSR Clearance Any waiting period (and any extension thereof) under the HSR Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder applicable to the transactions contemplated hereby, shall have expired or been terminated.

  • NASD Clearance By the Effective Date, the Representative shall have received clearance from the NASD as to the amount of compensation allowable or payable to the Underwriters as described in the Registration Statement.

  • Security Clearance 6.7.1 Where specified by the Authority or the Contract user, the Supplier shall be responsible for ensuring that all Staff are security cleared to the level required by the Security Requirements not less than 5 Working Days before such person begins to perform the Services. If the Authority is responsible for applying for security clearance for Staff pursuant to this Clause 6.7.1, the Supplier shall provide a completed security clearance application form for such members of Staff to the Authority not less than 30 days before such members of Staff begin to perform the Services. 6.7.2 The Authority shall issue a pass for all Staff who are security cleared to an appropriate level for the Premises in accordance with Clause 6.7.1 on or before the date when such member of Staff is required to enter onto the Premises in Order to perform the Services. Passes shall remain the property of the Authority and shall be surrendered on demand or on termination or expiry of this Contract. 6.7.3 A member of Staff not in possession of a pass who is required by the Supplier or any Sub-contractor to provide the services urgently shall be allowed temporary access to the Premises on condition that the Supplier ensures, or procures that any Sub- contractor shall ensure, that such individual is accompanied at all times while on the Premises by a member of Staff who has been issued with a pass in accordance with Clause 6.7.1. 6.7.4 Without prejudice to the provisions of Clauses 6.7.1 to 6.7.3 inclusive, the Authority may refuse any member of Staff Admission to the Premises or require the removal of any member of Staff from the Premises in accordance with Clause 3.3 if such member of Staff is not in possession of a pass pursuant to Clause 6.7.2 or accompanied in accordance with Clause 6.7.3.

  • Environmental Clearances The Authority represents and warrants that the environmental clearances required for construction of the Project shall be procured by the Authority prior to the date of issue of LOA. For the avoidance of doubt, the present status of environmental clearances is specified in Schedule-A.9

  • Customs Clearance 1. The Parties shall apply their respective customsprocedures in a predictable, consistent, and transparentmanner. 2. For prompt customs clearance of goods traded between theParties, each Party shall: (a) endeavor to make use of information and communications technology; (b) simplify its customs procedures; (c) harmonize its customs procedures, as far as possible,with relevant international standards and recommended practices such as those made under the auspices of theCustoms Co-operation Council; and (d) promote cooperation, wherever appropriate, betweenits customs authority and: (i) other national authorities of the Party; (ii) the trading communities of the Party; and (iii) the customs authorities of non- Parties. 3. Each Party shall provide affected parties with easilyaccessible processes of administrative and judicial review ofits administrative actions relating to customs matters.

  • Security Clearances A. The General Contractor is to supply the Court with names, dates of birth, and social security numbers of all employees who will be on site. This information must be submitted one (1) week prior to access to the site. The Court has final word on who will or who will not be allowed on the project premises.

  • Exchange Clearance On the Closing Date, the Firm Shares shall have been approved for listing on the Exchange, subject only to official notice of issuance. On the first Option Closing Date (if any), the Option Shares shall have been approved for listing on the Exchange, subject only to official notice of issuance.

  • SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS ‌ The OCO must tailor security requirements (both facility and employee), clauses, provisions, and other applicable terms and conditions specific to each task order’s solicitation and award. Only those Contractors that meet the required security clearance levels on individual task order solicitations are eligible to compete for such task orders. In general, all necessary facility and employee security clearances shall be at the expense of the Contractor. In some cases, Government offices that conduct background investigations do not have a means for accepting direct compensation from Contractors and instead charge customer agencies for the background investigations. In these cases, the Contractor shall be flexible in establishing ways of reimbursing the Government for these expenses. The individual task order should specify the terms and conditions for reimbursement, if any, for obtaining security clearances. The Contractor shall comply with all security requirements in task orders awarded under OASIS SB.