SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS. The OCO must tailor security requirements (both facility and employee), clauses, provisions, and other applicable terms and conditions specific to each task order’s solicitation and award. Only those Contractors that meet the required security clearance levels on individual task order solicitations are eligible to compete for such task orders. In general, all necessary facility and employee security clearances shall be at the expense of the Contractor. In some cases, Government offices that conduct background investigations do not have a means for accepting direct compensation from Contractors and instead charge customer agencies for the background investigations. In these cases, the Contractor shall be flexible in establishing ways of reimbursing the Government for these expenses. The individual task order should specify the terms and conditions for reimbursement, if any, for obtaining security clearances. The Contractor shall comply with all security requirements in task orders awarded under OASIS SB.
SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS. A. Background checks for the Contractor’s staff must be approved by the County prior to working in any County facility. All costs for background investigations shall be Contractor's responsibility. The County reserves the right to conduct its own investigation and request any additional investigative background information of any personnel assigned to perform the services. The Contractor shall furnish, in writing, such information to the extent allowed by law, prior to commencement of services.
B. Contractor shall comply with the different security requirements for each County facility, including but not limited to: • Orange County Courthouse (OCCH) • Orange County Corrections Department • Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) • Orange County Fire Rescue
C. Background checks and additional security requirements are addressed and detailed in the Scope of Service, Supplemental Information. The Contractor is responsible for reading, understanding, and the application of all contract terms.
SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS. The Contractor shall not involve in the performance of the Agreement a person convicted of an intentional criminal offense (employees, sub-contractors and/or any other person and personnel), regardless of the criminal record having been set aside or extinguished, and/or a person of whom there are known facts that give grounds to doubt his or her ability to retain restricted access and/or classified information, as well as a person who has or may have a conflict of interest by involving him in the performance of the obligations under this Agreement. In this respect: At the Company’s request, the Contractor shall submit to the Company a statement (certificate) from the relevant state penalty register regarding the criminal record of the natural person who will be involved in the performance of the Agreement. In order to assess the compliance of the natural person whom the Contractor intends to involve in the performance of the Agreement with the requirements specified in this Clause 6.4, the Company has the right to organize an additional security compliance check. The Contractor undertakes to inform the natural person involved in the performance of the Agreement about the processing of personal data performed by the Company when organizing a security compliance check. The Contractor shall submit to the Company in writing at least 10 (ten) business days prior to the involvement of any natural person in the performance of the Agreement the following information of the person: name, surname, personal identification code (or equivalent personal identification information), place of birth, position, company name (in case involved staff of sub-contractors), the country from which the person comes. At the Company’s request, the Contractor shall also submit a brief description of the role and responsibilities of the natural person in the performance of the Agreement. The Company has the right, at its own discretion, to prohibit a natural person specified by the Contractor from performing tasks related to the performance of the Agreement by notifying the Contractor thereof in writing if the requirements referred to in this section of the Agreement are not complied with. The Parties agree that such decision of the Company is incontestable.
SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS. A. Background checks for the Contractor’s staff shall be approved by the County prior to working in any County facility. All costs for background investigations shall be Contractor's responsibility. The County reserves the right to conduct its own investigation and request any additional investigative background information of any personnel assigned to perform the services. The Contractor shall furnish, in writing, such information to the extent allowed by law, prior to commencement of services.
B. Contractor shall comply with the different security requirements for each County facility, including but not limited to: Orange County Courthouse (OCCH) Orange County Correction Complex Orange County Fire Rescue
C. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to become familiar with access to each job site and the required security clearance and check-in procedures. The Contractor shall not calculate security clearance and check-in procedures time as billable time. The County will not reimburse for this time under any circumstances.
D. Background checks and additional security requirements are addressed in detail in the Scope of Service, Supplemental Information, attached herein. The Contractor is responsible for reading, understanding, and application of all contract terms.
SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS. The Contractor shall not involve in the performance of the Agreement a person convicted of an intentional criminal offense (employees, sub-contractors and/or any other person and personnel), regardless of the criminal record having been set aside or extinguished, and/or a person of whom there are known facts that give grounds to doubt his or her ability to retain restricted access and/or classified information, as well as a person who has or may have a conflict of interest by involving him in the performance of the obligations under this Agreement. The Company has the rights to request, and, upon such request, the Contractor shall without a delay submit to the Company the name, surname, personal code of a natural person involved in implementation of any Assignment and the Contractor should inform this person that his/her data will be provided to the Company for purpose of data processing by the Company for implementation of Assignment. The Company has a right to demand dismissal of such a natural person non-compliant with the security clearance requirements at the Company’s sole discretion based on the Company’s written request for dismissal.
SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS. A. Background checks for the Contractor’s staff must be approved by the County prior to working in any County facility. All costs for background investigations shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The County reserves the right to conduct its own investigation and request any additional investigative background information of any personnel assigned to perform the services. The Contractor shall furnish, in writing, such information to the extent allowed by law, prior to commencement of services.
B. Contractor shall comply with the different security requirements for each County facility, including but not limited to: • Orange County Courthouse (OCCH) • Orange County Corrections Department • Orange County Fire Rescue
C. Background checks and additional security requirements are addressed and detailed in the Scope of Service, Supplemental Information. The Contractor is responsible for reading, understanding, and the application of all contract terms.
SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS. The contractor shall maintain or exceed all required security clearances and submit updates, as applicable
SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS. The Employee shall forthwith comply with each and every security clearance requirement communicated by the Employer to the Employee. In particular, the Employee acknowledges and agrees that continued employment by the Employer may be conditional upon the Employee complying with such security clearance requirements.
SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS. Top Secret facility clearance level (FCL) is required at time of proposal submission. See Section C, Part for individual personnel security clearance requirements. This is NOT a Service Contract Labor Standards Contract The proposal due date is stated in Block 9 of the Standard Form (SF) 33. Offerors shall warrant that their proposals are valid for 180-calendar days after the Solicitation closes. Section B - Supplies or Services and Prices ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0001 1 Lot Labor-Admin/Ops Support CPFF USG funded. The Contractor shall provide labor support to fulfill the requirements outlined in the Statement of Work. FOB: Destination PSC CD: R408 ESTIMATED COST FIXED FEE TOTAL EST COST + FEE ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE 0002 1 Lot Labor-Israel Admin/Ops Support CPFF FMS funded. The Contractor shall provide labor support to fulfill the requirements outlined in the Statement of Work. FOB: Destination PSC CD: R408 ESTIMATED COST FIXED FEE TOTAL EST COST + FEE ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE 0003 1 Lot Labor-Japan Admin/Ops Support CPFF FMS funded. The Contractor shall provide labor support to fulfill the requirements outlined in the Statement of Work. FOB: Destination PSC CD: R408 ESTIMATED COST FIXED FEE TOTAL EST COST + FEE ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE 0004 1 Lot Labor-Singapore Admin/ Ops Support CPFF FMS funded. The Contractor shall provide labor support to fulfill the requirements outlined in the Statement of Work. FOB: Destination PSC CD: R408 ESTIMATED COST FIXED FEE TOTAL EST COST + FEE ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE 0005 1 Lot Labor-Korea Admin/Ops Support CPFF FMS funded. The Contractor shall provide labor support to fulfill the requirements outlined in the Statement of Work. FOB: Destination PSC CD: R408 ESTIMATED COST FIXED FEE TOTAL EST COST + FEE ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE 0006 1 Lot Labor-Belgium Admin/Ops Support CPFF FMS funded. The Contractor shall provide labor support to fulfill the requirements outlined in the Statement of Work. FOB: Destination PSC CD: R408 ESTIMATED COST FIXED FEE TOTAL EST COST + FEE ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE 0007 1 Lot Labor-Poland Admin/Ops Support CPFF FMS funded. The Contractor shall provide labor support to fulfill the requirements outlined in the Statement of Work. FOB: Destination PSC CD: R408 ESTIMATED COST FIXED FEE TOTAL EST COST + FEE I...
SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS. [Include requirements for security clearances or insert ‘Not Applicable’] Liability [The default liability cap is set out in clause 19. Specify if an alternate liability cap should apply. State any amendments to the exclusions to the liability cap, or other liability positions required]