Legislation Required Sample Clauses
Legislation Required. The Parties agree that the Agreement is contingent on the enactment of legislation to authorize specific aspects of the Agreement. The Parties agree that enactment of this legislation is material and essential to this Agreement and that if such legislation is not enacted into law by the Legislation Enactment Deadline, unless such date is mutually agreed by the Parties in writing to be extended, or is enacted with material changes, the Agreement shall automatically become null and void. In the event this Agreement becomes null and void, nothing in this Agreement may be used against any Party for any purpose.
Legislation Required. Yes Unknown Multilateral Transport The Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea (Rotterdam Rules) is a private international law convention that allocates financial and legal risk between the carrier and cargo interests and regulates for such matters as: • minimum obligations of the shipper and carrier • special rules for dangerous goods • electronic commerce, and • extension to non-negotiable instruments. The Rotterdam Rules apply to Contracts of Carriage, Bills of Lading and non-negotiable documents. New Zealand is currently a Party to the Hague-Visby Rules. The objectives of this new convention are to: (i) update the rules applicable to maritime carrier liability; and (ii) develop an instrument that will be widely adopted, thereby harmonising the international application of maritime carrier liability rules (there are currently three maritime carrier liability regimes in existence). The general scope-of-application provisions of the Rotterdam Rules mean that it will apply to shipments either to or from a State Party. The implication for New Zealand is that, depending on whether New Zealand’s trading partners adopt the Rules, New Zealand traders may find themselves subject to its rules regardless of whether New Zealand adopts them.
Legislation Required. No Unknown Bilateral/Plurilateral Transport Provide for air services between New Zealand and Kenya. Awaiting signature.
Legislation Required. The proposed amendment to the 28E agreement was developed with the assistance of legal counsel This review led to a finding that the amendment to the 28E agreement required modifying the original session law. That session law required the administration of contracts through the Iowa County Recorders Association, and it cannot be ignored. If the proposed legislation is enacted, the amendment to the 28E agreement itself would be initiated after July 1, 2021. If the amendment is approved by the requisite counties, the change would likely be effective January 1, 2022. Proposed Session Law to clarify Session Law enacted in Chapter 179 – Laws of the Eighty-First G.A., 2005 Session - Section 101, paragraph 1, Pages 818-819 (House File 882)
Legislation Required. No Unknown Bilateral/Plurilateral Transport An amendment to this existing Agreement to provide new opportunities for airlines. Awaiting final agreement of the text of the change, ahead of seeking Cabinet approval.
Legislation Required. No Yes Bilateral/Plurilateral Foreign Affairs and Trade Dependant Employment Agreement between New Zealand and Turkey. Negotiations have concluded.
Legislation Required. Yes Unknown Bilateral/Plurilateral Social Development Social Security Agreements modify domestic legislation to allow up to 100% of the rate of New Zealand pensions and benefits to be paid into agreement partner countries, and for applications for payments of New Zealand social security benefits to be made from Agreement partner countries. Social Security Agreements also enable people from agreement partner countries to count periods of residence or contribution in one country as periods of residence or contribution in the other, for the purposes of qualifying for social security benefits. The text of the agreement is mostly complete and is awaiting final agreement from Cyprus. An Order in Council will be required to bring the agreement into force.
Legislation Required. Unknown Unknown Multilateral Foreign Affairs and Trade The Rome Statute was adopted in 1998 and established the International Criminal Court. The Review Conference of the Rome Statute in Kampala, Uganda, held from 31 May to 11 June 2010 considered proposed amendments to the Statute.
Legislation Required. No Unknown Bilateral/Plurilateral Transport To provide for air services between New Zealand and Portugal, including code-share services. Awaiting signature.
Legislation Required. No Unknown Bilateral/Plurilateral Transport To provide for air services between New Zealand and Colombia. Signed, but awaiting entry into force. No particular impact on Māori, but Māori tourism interests could expect to benefit from any increase in visitor arrivals from Colombia. Consultation with interested private sector companies has already been undertaken. Yes