Authorization and Application of Overtime An employee who is required to work overtime shall be entitled to overtime compensation when the overtime worked is authorized in advance.
Mobile Application If Red Hat offers products and services through applications available on your wireless or other mobile Device (such as a mobile phone) (the "Mobile Application Services"), these Mobile Application Services are governed by the applicable additional terms governing such Mobile Application Service. Red Hat does not charge for these Mobile Application Services unless otherwise provided in the applicable additional terms. However, your wireless carrier's standard messaging rates and other messaging, data and other rates and charges will apply to certain Mobile Application Services. You should check with your carrier to find out what plans your carrier offers and how much the plans cost. In addition, the use or availability of certain Mobile Application Services may be prohibited or restricted by your wireless carrier, and not all Mobile Application Services may work with all wireless carriers or Devices. Therefore, you should check with your wireless carrier to find out if the Mobile Application Services are available for your wireless Device, and what restrictions, if any, may be applicable to your use of such Mobile Application Services.
New Application for Licensure Any time after the three-month period has lapsed from the Effective Date of this Agreement and Respondent has paid the Administrative Penalty set forth in Section III, Paragraph 1 of this Order, Respondent may apply for a new mortgage loan originator license or, as applicable, petition for the reinstatement of an MLO Activity Endorsement in any or all of the Participating States with the understanding that each State Mortgage Regulator reserves the rights to fully investigate such application for licensure or petition for reinstatement of an MLO Activity Endorsement and may either approve or deny such application or petition pursuant to the normal process for such licensing or endorsement investigations. No license application or petition described in this paragraph will be denied solely based on the facts, circumstances, or consensual resolution provided for in this Agreement. Respondent further agrees that Respondent must satisfy the Administrative Penalty provision prior to submitting an application for a new mortgage loan originator license or, as applicable, petition for the reinstatement of an MLO Activity Endorsement.
Provisional Application Upon signature of this Compact, and until this Compact has entered into force in accordance with Section 7.3, the Parties will provisionally apply the terms of this Compact; provided that, no MCC Funding, other than Compact Implementation Funding, will be made available or disbursed before this Compact enters into force.
Commercial Driver’s License As a result of recent Federal statutory requirements, the State of Michigan enacted Act 346 of 1988. The parties agree that as a result of these statutory requirements some employees within the Technical Bargaining Unit may be required to obtain and retain a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) to continue to perform certain duties for the State. Whenever a CDL is referred to in this Section, it is understood to mean the CDL and any required endorsements. In order to implement this provision, the parties agree to the following: A. The Employer will reimburse the cost of obtaining and renewing the required CDL group license and endorsements for those employees in positions where such license and endorsements are required. B. The Employer will reimburse, on a one time basis, the fee for the skills test, if required, provided the skills test is not being required because of the employee's poor driving record. In that case, the employee is responsible for the cost of the skills test. Where a skills test is required, the employee will be permitted to utilize the appropriate state vehicle. C. Employees shall be eligible for one grant of administrative leave to take the test to obtain or renew the CDL. Should the employee fail the test initially, the employee shall complete the necessary requirements on non-work time. D. Employees reassigned to a position requiring a CDL shall be eligible for reimbursement and administrative leave in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of this Section. E. Employees desiring to transfer, promote, bump or be recalled to a position requiring a CDL are not eligible for reimbursement for obtaining the initial CDL but shall be eligible for reimbursement for renewals. F. Employees who fail to obtain, or retain, a CDL may be subject to removal from their positions. Employees who fail required tests may seek a 90 day extension of their current license, during which the Employer will retain the employee in his or her current or equivalent position. The Employer shall not be responsible for any fees associated with such extensions. At the end of the 90 day extension, if the employee fails to pass all required tests, the employee may be reassigned at the Employer's discretion, in accordance with applicable contractual provisions, to an available position not requiring a CDL for which the employee is qualified, or, if no position is available the employee will be laid off without bumping rights and will be placed on the Departmental Recall List, subject to recall in accordance with this Agreement. Those employees not choosing to extend their license for the 90 day period will be removed from their positions at the expiration of their current license and may be reassigned at the Employer's discretion, in accordance with applicable contractual provisions, to an available position not requiring a CDL for which the employee qualifies, or if no position is available, he or she will be laid off without bumping rights and will be placed on the Departmental Recall list. G. Employees required to obtain a medical certification of fitness shall have the "Examination to Determine Physical Condition of Drivers" form filed in their medical file. A copy of the medical "Examiners Certificate" shall be placed in their personnel file. The Employer agrees to pay for the examination and to grant administrative leave for the time necessary to complete the examination. The fitness standards for a CDL are unchanged from current Federal Department of Transportation Standards and Michigan Motor Carrier Standards. H. Employees who do not meet the required physical standards but who are otherwise qualified for a CDL may apply for a waiver to the Motor Carrier Appeal Board. I. Those employees employed by the State as intra-state drivers prior to June 10, 1984 shall be grandparented into the process and thereby be exempt from the medical certification requirement.
General Application The rules set forth below in this Article VI shall apply for the purposes of determining each Member’s allocable share of the items of income, gain, loss and expense of the Company comprising Net Income or Net Loss for each Fiscal Year, determining special allocations of other items of income, gain, loss and expense, and adjusting the balance of each Member’s Capital Account to reflect the aforementioned general and special allocations. For each Fiscal Year, the special allocations in Section 6.03 hereof shall be made immediately prior to the general allocations of Section 6.02 hereof.
Governing Law, Regulatory Authority, and Rules The validity, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement and each of its provisions shall be governed by the laws of the state of New York, without regard to its conflicts of law principles. This Agreement is subject to all Applicable Laws and Regulations. Each Party expressly reserves the right to seek changes in, appeal, or otherwise contest any laws, orders, or regulations of a Governmental Authority.
Specific Provisions for Access Rights to Software For the avoidance of doubt, the general provisions for Access Rights provided for in this Section 9 are applicable also to Software. Parties’ Access Rights to Software do not include any right to receive source code or object code ported to a certain hardware platform or any right to receive respective Software documentation in any particular form or detail, but only as available from the Party granting the Access Rights.
DRUG ABUSE DETECTION AND DETERRENCE 2.18.1 It is the policy of the City to achieve a drug-free workforce and workplace. The manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, sale, or use of illegal drugs or alcohol by contractors while on City Premises is prohibited. Contractor shall comply with all the requirements and procedures set forth in the Mayor’s Drug Abuse Detection and Deterrence Procedures for Contractors, Executive Order No. 1-31 (the “Executive Order”), which is incorporated into this Agreement and is on file in the City Secretary’s Office. 2.18.2 Before the City signs this Agreement, Contractor shall file with the Contract Compliance Officer for Drug Testing (“CCODT”): a copy of its drug-free workplace policy; the Drug Policy Compliance Agreement substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit “C”, together with a written designation of all safety impact positions; and if applicable (e.g., no safety impact positions), the Certification of No Safety Impact Positions, substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit “D”. 2.18.3 If Contractor files a written designation of safety impact positions with its Drug Policy Compliance Agreement, it also shall file every 6 months during the performance of this Agreement or on completion of this Agreement if performance is less than 6 months, a Drug Policy Compliance Declaration in a form substantially similar to Exhibit “E”. Contractor shall submit the Drug Policy Compliance Declaration to the CCODT within 30 days of the expiration of each 6-month period of performance and within 30 days of completion of this Agreement. The first 6- month period begins to run on the date the City issues its Notice to Proceed or, if no Notice to Proceed is issued, on the first day Contractor begins work under this Agreement. 2.18.4 Contractor also shall file updated designations of safety impact positions with the CCODT if additional safety impact positions are added to Contractor’s employee work force. 2.18.5 Contractor shall require that its subcontractors comply with the Executive Order, and Contractor shall secure and maintain the required documents for City inspection.