Limitation on TRS Nonexempt Creditable Compensation. When a teacher is five (5) or less years from retirement eligibility under Section 16-132 of the Illinois Pension Code, the teacher’s nonexempt creditable TRS earnings from employment in the school district, irrespective of form and no matter how arising, and whether or not arising under this collective bargaining agreement, shall not exceed the amounts specified hereafter. No teacher’s nonexempt creditable TRS earnings from employment in this school district shall increase from one school year to the next by more than six percent (6%) or be otherwise increased so as to create liability on the part of the Board or district for any portion of a teacher’s retirement annuity, or result in any district or Board-paid penalty or fee to TRS.
Limitation on TRS Nonexempt Creditable Compensation. 14.1 When a Teacher has at least thirty (30) years of TRS creditable service and is five (5) or less years from retirement eligibility under Section 13-132 of the Illinois Pension Code, the Teacher’s nonexempt creditable TRS earnings from employment in the School District, irrespective of form and no matter how arising, and whether or not arising under this collective bargaining agreement, shall not exceed the amounts specified hereinafter. No Teacher’s nonexempt creditable TRS earnings from employment in this School District shall increase from one school year to the next by more than six percent (6%) or be otherwise increased so as to create liability on the party of the Board or District for any portion of a Teacher’s retirement annuity, or result in any District or Board-paid penalty or fee to TRS.
14.2 In the event of any legal action against the Association brought in a court or administrative agency because of this Article, the Employer agrees to defend such action, at its own expense and through its own counsel provided:
(a) The Association gives immediate notice of such action in writing to the Employer and permits the Employer intervention as a party if it so desires, and
(b) The Association gives full and complete cooperation to the Employer and its counsel in securing and giving evidence, obtaining witnesses and making relevant information available at both trial and all appellate levels. The Employer agrees that in any action so defended, it will indemnify and hold harmless the Association from any liability for damages and costs imposed by a final judgment of a court or administrative agency as a direct consequence of this Article.
Limitation on TRS Nonexempt Creditable Compensation. When an Employee has thirty (30) years of TRS creditable service, the Employee's nonexempt creditable TRS earnings, irrespective of form and no matter how arising, and whether or not arising under this collective bargaining agreement, shall not exceed the amounts specified hereinafter. No Employee's nonexempt creditable TRS earnings shall increase from one school year to the next by more than six percent (6%) or be otherwise increased so as to create liability on the part of the Board or District for any portion of an Employee's retirement annuity, or result in any District or Board-paid penalty or fee to TRS.
Limitation on TRS Nonexempt Creditable Compensation. When a teacher is five (5) or less years from retirement eligibility under Section 16-132 of the Illinois Pension Code, the teacher’s nonexempt creditable TRS earnings from employment in the school district, irrespective of form and no matter how arising, and whether or not arising under this collective bargaining agreement, shall not exceed the amounts specified hereafter. No teacher’s nonexempt creditable TRS earnings from employment in this school district shall increase from one school year to the next by more than six percent (6%), or the maximum amount which may be paid without the employer incurring an employer contribution to TRS, whichever is less, or be otherwise increased so as to create liability on the part of the Board or district for any portion of a teacher’s retirement annuity, or result in any district or Board-paid penalty or fee to TRS. Certified staff members at the following ages and years of experience fall under this provision: ● 51 years of age that will have 20 years of experience by the time they are 55 ● 56 years of age that will have between 10 and 20 years of experience by the time they are 60 ● 58 years of age that will have at least five years of experience but less than 10 when they turn 62
Limitation on TRS Nonexempt Creditable Compensation. When an Employee has thirty (30) years of TRS creditable service, the Employee's nonexempt creditable TRS earnings, irrespective of form and no matter how arising, and whether or not arising under this collective bargaining agreement, shall not exceed the amounts specified hereinafter. No Employee's nonexempt creditable TRS earnings shall increase from one school year to the next by more than six percent (6%) or be otherwise increased so as to create liability on the part of the Board or District for any portion of an Employee's retirement annuity, or result in any District or Board-paid penalty or fee to TRS. Year BS BS +12 BS+24 MS MS+12 MS+24 180 HRS 1 29,856 30,752 31,674 32,624 33,603 34,611 35,650 2 30,677 31,597 32,545 33,522 34,527 35,563 36,630 3 31,521 32,466 33,440 34,443 35,477 36,541 37,637 4 32,387 33,359 34,360 35,391 36,452 37,546 38,672 5 33,278 34,276 35,305 36,364 37,455 38,578 39,736 6 34,193 35,219 36,276 37,364 38,485 39,639 40,829 7 35,134 36,188 37,273 38,391 39,543 40,729 41,951 8 36,100 37,183 38,298 39,447 40,631 41,850 43,105 9 37,093 38,205 39,351 40,532 41,748 43,000 44,290 10 38,113 39,256 40,434 41,647 42,896 44,183 45,508 11 39,161 40,335 41,546 42,792 44,076 45,398 46,760 12 40,238 41,445 42,688 43,969 45,288 46,646 48,046 13 41,344 42,584 43,862 45,178 46,533 47,929 49,367 14 42,481 43,755 45,068 46,420 47,813 49,247 50,725 15 43,649 44,959 46,308 47,697 49,128 50,601 52,120 16 44,850 46,195 47,581 49,008 50,479 51,993 53,553 17 46,083 47,466 48,889 50,356 51,867 53,423 55,026 18 48,771 50,234 51,741 53,293 54,892 56,539 19 53,164 54,759 56,402 58,094 20 56,265 57,953 59,691 21 61,333 Year BS BS +12 BS+24 MS MS+12 MS+24 180 HRS 1 30,005 30,905 31,832 32,787 33,771 34,784 35,828 2 30,830 31,755 32,708 33,689 34,700 35,741 36,813 3 31,678 32,628 33,607 34,615 35,654 36,723 37,825 4 32,549 33,526 34,531 35,567 36,634 37,733 38,865 5 33,444 34,448 35,481 36,545 37,642 38,771 39,934 6 34,364 35,395 36,457 37,550 38,677 39,837 41,032 7 35,309 36,368 37,459 38,583 39,741 40,933 42,161 8 36,280 37,368 38,489 39,644 40,833 42,058 43,320 9 37,278 38,396 39,548 40,734 41,956 43,215 44,511 10 38,303 39,452 40,635 41,854 43,110 44,403 45,736 11 39,356 40,537 41,753 43,005 44,296 45,624 46,993 12 40,438 41,652 42,901 44,188 45,514 46,879 48,286 13 41,550 42,797 44,081 45,403 46,765 48,168 49,613 14 42,693 43,974 45,293 46,652 48,051 49,493 50,978 15 43,867 45,183 46,539 47,935 49,373 50,854 52,380 16 45,073 46,426 47,818 49,253 50,731 ...
Limitation on TRS Nonexempt Creditable Compensation. 14.1 When a Teacher has at least thirty (30) years of TRS creditable service and is five (5) or less years from retirement eligibility under Section 13-132 of the Illinois Pension Code, the Teacher’s
14.2 In the event of any legal action against the Association brought in a court or administrative agency because of this Article, the Employer agrees to defend such action, at its own expense and through its own counsel provided:
(a) The Association gives immediate notice of such action in writing to the Employer and permits the Employer intervention as a party if it so desires, and
(b) The Association gives full and complete cooperation to the Employer and its counsel in securing and giving evidence, obtaining witnesses and making relevant information available at both trial and all appellate levels. The Employer agrees that in any action so defended, it will indemnify and hold harmless the Association from any liability for damages and costs imposed by a final judgment of a court or administrative agency as a direct consequence of this Article.
Limitation on TRS Nonexempt Creditable Compensation. 14.1 When a Teacher has at least thirty (30) years of TRS creditable service and is five (5) or less years from retirement eligibility under Section 13-132 of the Illinois Pension Code, the Teacher’s nonexempt creditable TRS earnings from employment in the School District, irrespective of form and no matter how arising, and whether or not arising under this collective bargaining agreement, shall not exceed the amounts specified hereinafter.
14.2 In the event of any legal action against the Association brought in a court or administrative agency because of this Article, the Employer agrees to defend such action, at its own expense and through its own counsel provided:
(a) The Association gives immediate notice of such action in writing to the Employer and permits the Employer intervention as a party if it so desires, and
(b) The Association gives full and complete cooperation to the Employer and its counsel in securing and giving evidence, obtaining witnesses and making relevant information available at both trial and all appellate levels. The Employer agrees that in any action so defended, it will indemnify and hold harmless the Association from any liability for damages and costs imposed by a final judgment of a court or administrative agency as a direct consequence of this Article.
Limitation on TRS Nonexempt Creditable Compensation. When an Employee has thirty (30) years of TRS creditable service, the Employee's nonexempt creditable TRS earnings, irrespective of form and no matter how arising, and whether or not arising under this collective bargaining agreement, shall not exceed the amounts specified hereinafter. No Employee's nonexempt creditable TRS earnings shall increase from one school year to the next by more than six percent (6%) or be otherwise increased so as to create liability on the part of the Board or District for any portion of an Employee's retirement annuity, or result in any District or Board-paid penalty or fee to TRS. 7 36,373 37,464 38,588 39,745 40,938 42,166 43,431 Longevity 49,020.31 51,879.42 53,435.80 56,552.45 59,850.87 61,646.40 65,241.92
Limitation on TRS Nonexempt Creditable Compensation. When an Employee has thirty (30) years of TRS creditable service, the Employee's nonexempt creditable TRS earnings, irrespective of form and no matter how arising, and whether or not arising under this collective bargaining agreement, shall not exceed the amounts specified hereinaGer.