Sick Leave Transfer Sample Clauses

Sick Leave Transfer. An employee may transfer their earned sick leave to a spouse, sister, brother, parent, child or any designated person employed by the District under the provisions of. Board Policy 3430.03—Sick Leave (c) (3) (4) and related procedures.
Sick Leave Transfer. The Board will honor written requests from a bargaining unit member to donate one or more sick leave days from the donor’s accumulated sick leave to a member under the following conditions: 1. The written request for donation of sick leave shall be forwarded to the Superintendent and the Association President who shall meet and confer if the request falls into the category of “catastrophic”. For purposes of this Section normal pregnancy shall not be considered a “catastrophic” illness. Any disagreement between the Association President and the Superintendent shall be resolved using expedited arbitration in accordance with the voluntary rules of the Federal Mediation Conciliation Services (FMCS). Expenses for the arbitrator’s services shall be equally shared by the parties. a. Should the Association President and the Superintendent agree that the request falls in the category of “catastrophic”, they will forward the request to the Sick Leave Transfer Committee. b. Should the Association President and the Superintendent agree that the request does not represent a catastrophic illness or injury, the request shall then be denied. The member will have the right to request expedited arbitration indicated in paragraph a. above. 2. Donated sick leave days may only be credited to a member who has, or is about to exhaust all of the members’ accumulated sick leave and personal leave due to a catastrophic illness or injury of the member or illness of child and/or spouse of the member. 3. Donated sick leave days may only be used for personal catastrophic illness/injury of the member, or illness of child and/or spouse of the member, and may not be used for the illness of other family members. 4. A sick leave donation form, authorizing the Treasurer to deduct donated sick leave days from the donor member’s accumulated sick leave and to credit the donated sick leave day(s) to the member will be sent to unit members for completion. Completed forms will be returned to the committee. The committee will provide the Treasurer with a form indicating the number of days to be transferred, from whom, and the name of the recipient. 5. Any request to donate sick leave days to a member must be submitted to the Treasurer not less than fifteen (15) days prior to any payroll that will include payment for the donated sick leave days. 6. Any member who has reached the maximum sick leave accumulation will have his accumulation reduced by the number of sick leave days donated. 7. Requests f...
Sick Leave Transfer. Any employee who wishes to donate (authorize transfer of) sick leave to another employee shall be able to do so within School Board Policy. Should there be a change in Florida Statutes and/or School Board Policy, both parties agree to impact bargain those potential changes. i. An employee may donate (i.e., authorize transfer of) any amount of their accrued sick leave to another Board employee. The authorizing employee must have at least ten (10) days of sick leave remaining after the donation is made. ii. Once approved, a donation cannot be retracted by the donor. iii. Any transferred sick leave that is not used as anticipated shall be returned to the authorizing employee upon the recipient’s return to work. iv. In the case of multiple donors, unused leave will be returned to each donor proportional to the amount donated to total amount donated. Donated sick leave will have no value for recipient’s terminal pay.
Sick Leave Transfer. In extraordinary circumstances, the Association may initiate a one-time transfer of Sick Leave from bargaining unit members to a named specific bargaining unit member who has exhausted or shortly will exhaust his/her accrued Sick Leave subject to Board approval. If a bargaining member’s spouse is also a Board employee, there may be a one-time sick leave transfer from the member’s spouse. Such transfer must also be initiated by the Association and approved by the Board. Any transfer of Sick Leave shall be accomplished on a form specifically approved and distributed for this purpose. The Sick Leave transfer is irrevocable and shall cause the contributing bargaining unit member to have his/her Sick Leave reduced within thirty (30) days by the amount equal to that contributed to the receiving bargaining unit member. The receiving bargaining unit member shall have accrued for use, Sick Leave totals equal to the aggregate total contributed by other members of the bargaining unit. The value of a donated day shall be equal to the length of the recipient’s workday.
Sick Leave Transfer. ‌ The City Manager may grant a sick leave transfer to an employee if it is determined to be in the best interests of the City and if the following conditions are met. 1. The request must be in writing and for an extended illness of three or more week’s duration. 2. The employee must first use all other available paid leave. 3. Employees recovering from a workers’ compensation injury or illness are not eligible. 4. Employees who wish to donate sick leave must still have 15 days left after the donation is made and may donate no more than 5 days in one year. 5. Donations are strictly voluntary and anonymous. 6. Donations of leave under this section do not affect eligibility for receipt of a personal day for not using sick leave in a twelve-month period.
Sick Leave Transfer. An employee who transfers from this Department to another Department of the Employer shall be allowed to transfer his accumulated sick leave to the new Department, providing that his amount of accumulated sick leave shall not exceed the accumulation limit in his new Department. Sick leave shall not be transferable to the City of Alliance from another public entity.
Sick Leave Transfer a. When a bargaining unit member has exhausted all of his/her accumulated sick leave (including any request for the District to advance him/her five
Sick Leave Transfer. Employees wishing to donate hours of sick leave to another employee may voluntarily do so by sending approval by his/her department director to the Human Resources office, naming the individual to receive the sick leave and the amount donated, with the following restrictions: (A) Employees who wish to transfer sick leave must retain a minimum of one-hundred-sixty (160) hours sick leave. (B) Transfer amounts shall be limited to the number of actual hours needed and used by the recipient. (C) Any donated sick leave hours unused by a recipient shall be returned to the donor. (D) The employee receiving the sick leave transfer must have zero (0) hours of accrued sick leave, vacation, and accrued compensatory time. (E) Employees may not buy or sell sick leave, only the time may be transferred. (F) Employees may not transfer sick leave upon separation of service. (G) Transfers shall only be allowed between all Units.
Sick Leave Transfer. For employees hired after November 1, 2011, sick leave earned with another governmental agency, entity, political subdivision, etc. shall not be transferable by newly hired bargaining unit members to the City of Xxxxxxx.
Sick Leave Transfer. When a bargaining unit member has exhausted all of his/her accumulated sick leave and additional days are still needed, then he/she may request through the Association that the additional days be transferred from other bargaining unit members' accumulated sick leave. The Association shall establish an internal policy to administer such a transfer. The Association shall notify, in writing, the Treasurer of the Board; the number of days to be deducted, from whom, and the person receiving the transferred days. Included in the notice shall be a signed statement by the bargaining unit member involved authorizing the Board Treasurer to transfer the days. Donation shall be limited to five (5) days per bargaining unit member per school year. Xxxx leave transferred to another member shall be counted as a day against sick leave in paragraph G. Xxxx leave days transferred then returned prior to the end of the current fiscal year will not be counted as a day against sick leave in paragraph G. Any teacher who has received sick leave transfer days under this provision agrees to be available for employment in the Xxxxx-Xxxxxxx Local School District for a period of two years thereafter. In the event the teacher resigns his or her employment prior to that time, the Board shall deduct the teacher’s per diem for the number of days transferred. Leaving the district for disability and/or any other reason directly related to the illness shall be the only exceptions.