SPECIAL CONFERENCES Special conferences for important matters may be arranged between the Union and the designated representative of the Board upon the request of either party.
Professional Conferences Professional conferences are those conferences sponsored by educational organizations, institutions of higher learning, and government and industry concerning teaching, learning and educational research. When a full-time or part-time faculty member’s attendance at a professional conference conflicts with his/her regular assignment, the faculty member must submit a request for attendance to the appropriate Xxxx, Director, or Supervisor. If granted, the attendance at the conference will be considered leave with pay, and a follow-up report of the conference shall be submitted to the appropriate Supervisor.
Conferences At the request of the State or the Engineer, conferences shall be provided at the Engineer's office, the office of the State, or at other locations designated by the State. These conferences shall also include evaluation of the Engineer's services and work when requested by the State.
PRE-JOB CONFERENCE a) The Employer shall notify the union that a project has been awarded to the Employer following the award. Prior to the start of each project, a pre-job conference shall be held to determine all site-specific issues as outlined in the Agreement. This conference may be conducted via telephone, through a scheduled meeting or by some other practical means as agreed to by the parties. b) A copy of the pre-job conference report shall be provided to the Employer, the Union and the Job Xxxxxxx (s). A copy shall also be posted on the bulletin board(s) at the jobsite.
Meetings and Conferences From time to time the Government may require attendance at Government conferences and meetings at no additional cost to the Government.
Parent-Teacher Conferences A. Unit member shall be available at mutually arranged times during the regular school day to confer with parents regarding learning difficulties, student progress and/or behavioral problems a student may be experiencing. Unit members are encouraged to arrange a meeting or conference with parents before or after the regular school day if both time and place are mutually agreeable. B. In the event that a bargaining unit member does not communicate with a parent on the established date for parent unit member conferences as per the calendar adopted by the Board, a reasonable attempt to contact that parent will be made. A reasonable attempt constitutes a phone call or email. If that contact is not returned, the bargaining unit member shall not be obligated to make further contact.
Conferences and Meetings Attend meetings with Contractor, such as preconstruction conferences, progress meetings, job conferences and other project-related meetings, and prepare and circulate copies of minutes thereof.
Communications and Operations Management a. Network Penetration Testing - DST shall, on approximately an annual basis, contract with an independent third party to conduct a network penetration test on its network having access to or holding or containing Fund Data. DST shall have a process to review and evaluate high risk findings resulting from this testing.
Telephone Services All telegraph, telephone, and communication connections which Tenant may desire outside the Premises shall be subject to Landlord’s prior written approval, in Landlord’s sole discretion, and the location of all wires and the work in connection therewith shall be performed by contractors approved by Landlord and shall be subject to the direction of Landlord, except that such approval is not required as to Tenant’s cabling from the Premises in a route designated by Landlord to any telephone cabinet or panel provided for Tenant’s connection to the telephone cable serving the Building, so long as Tenant’s equipment does not require connections different than or additional to those to the telephone cabinet or panel provided. As to any such connections or work outside the Premises requiring Landlord’s approval, Landlord reserves the right to designate and control the entity or entities providing telephone or other communication cable installation, removal, repair and maintenance outside the Premises and to restrict and control access to telephone cabinets or panels. In the event Landlord designates a particular vendor or vendors to provide such cable installation, removal, repair and maintenance for the Building, Tenant agrees to abide by and participate in such program. Tenant shall be responsible for and shall pay all costs incurred in connection with the installation of telephone cables and communication wiring in the Premises, including any hook-up, access and maintenance fees related to the installation of such wires and cables in the Premises and the commencement of service therein, and the maintenance thereafter of such wire and cables; and there shall be included in Operating Expenses for the Building all installation, removal, hook-up or maintenance costs incurred by Landlord in connection with telephone cables and communication wiring serving the Building which are not allocable to any individual users of such service but are allocable to the Building generally. If Tenant fails to maintain all telephone cables and communication wiring in the Premises and such failure affects or interferes with the operation or maintenance of any other telephone cables or communication wiring serving the Building, Landlord or any vendor hired by Landlord may enter into and upon the Premises forthwith and perform such repairs, restorations or alterations as Landlord deems necessary in order to eliminate any such interference (and Landlord may recover from Tenant all of Landlord’s costs in connection therewith). No later than the Termination Date, Tenant agrees to remove all telephone cables and communication wiring installed by Tenant for and during Tenant’s occupancy, which Landlord shall request Tenant to remove. Tenant agrees that neither Landlord nor any of its agents or employees shall be liable to Tenant, or any of Tenant’s employees, agents, customers or invitees or anyone claiming through, by or under Tenant, for any damages, injuries, losses, expenses, claims or causes of action because of any interruption, diminution, delay or discontinuance at any time for any reason in the furnishing of any telephone or other communication service to the Premises and the Building.
Conference Requirement and Procedure (i) The Employer, or the Employer’s representative, shall, when requested by the Employees or their Employee Representative/ Union Delegate, confer (within a reasonable period of time which should not exceed 1/2 hour) for the purpose of determining whether or not conditions are inclement. (ii) Provided that if the Employer or the Employers’ representative refuses to confer within such reasonable period, Employees shall be entitled to cease work for the rest of the day and be paid Inclement Weather.