LOCAL CONTENT OBLIGATIONS. 13.1 In terms of Annexure A (SBD 6.2) and Annexure C of the RFP, the Supplier has undertaken to implement the local content and production requirements set by National Treasury for the …………………………………………………… designated sector (“local content undertaking”). It is recorded that the local content undertaking was a prequalification criterion of the RFP and it is therefore mandatory for the Supplier to comply with Annexures A and C in order for it to fulfil its local content obligations. 13.2 The Supplier is required to note that Transnet, the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition [DTIC] and/or the body appointed by the DTIC as the verification authority for local content may conduct compliance audits with regard to the local content requirements as prescribed in Regulation 9 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 issued in terms of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act. 13.3 The Supplier is required to continuously update Declarations C, D and E of the Local Content Declaration templates with the actual local content values for the duration of the contract. 13.4 Breach of Local Content obligations also provides Transnet cause to terminate the contract in certain cases where material non compliance with Local Content requirements are not achieved.
LOCAL CONTENT OBLIGATIONS. 10.1 In terms of Annexure A (SBD 6.2) and Annexure C of the RFP, the Supplier has undertaken to implement the local content and production requirements set by National Treasury for the Rail Rolling Stock designated sector (“local content undertaking”). It is recorded that the local content undertaking was a prequalification criterion of the RFP and it is therefore mandatory for the Supplier to comply with Annexures A and C in order for it to fulfil its local content obligations. 10.2 The Supplier is required to note that Transnet, the Department of Trade and Industry [DTI] and/or the body appointed by the DTI as the verification authority for local content may conduct compliance audits with regard to the local content requirements as prescribed in Regulation 9 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 issued in terms of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act. 10.3 The Supplier is required to continuously update Declarations C, D and E of the Local Content Declaration templates with the actual local content values for the duration of the contract.
LOCAL CONTENT OBLIGATIONS. 14.1 In terms of Annexure A (SBD 6.2) and Annexure C of the RFP, the Supplier has undertaken to implement the local content and production requirements set by National Treasury for the Steel/Aluminium products (bolts and nuts) designated sector (“local content undertaking”). It is recorded that the local content undertaking was a prequalification criterion of the RFP and it is therefore mandatory for the Supplier to comply with Annexures A and C in order for it to fulfil its local content obligations. 14.2 The Supplier is required to note that Transnet, the Department of Trade and Industry [DTI] and/or the body appointed by the DTI as the verification authority for local content may conduct compliance audits with regard to the local content requirements as prescribed in Regulation 9 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 issued in terms of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act. 14.3 The Supplier is required to continuously update Declarations C, D and E of the Local Content Declaration templates with the actual local content values for the duration of the contract. 14.4 Breach of Local Content obligations also provides Transnet cause to terminate the contract in certain cases where material non compliance with Local Content requirements are not achieved.
LOCAL CONTENT OBLIGATIONS. Respondents are to note that the Local Content commitments made by the successful Respondent(s) will be incorporated as a term of the contract and monitored for compliance. Should the successful Respondent fail to meet its Local obligations, non-compliance penalties shall be applicable as per the contract or Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract. Breach of Local Content obligations also provide Transnet cause to terminate the contract in certain cases where material non-compliance with Local Content requirements are not achieved.
LOCAL CONTENT OBLIGATIONS. 14.1 In terms of Annexure A (SBD 6.2) and Annexure C of the RFP, the Supplier has undertaken to implement the local content and production requirements set by National Treasury for the Repairs/Maintenance of Pilot 7 Work Boat Tristan Tern During Dry Docking designated sector (“local content undertaking”). It is recorded that the local content undertaking was a prequalification criterion of the RFP and it is therefore mandatory for the Supplier to comply with Annexures A and C in order for it to fulfil its local content obligations. 14.2 The Supplier is required to note that Transnet, the Department of Trade and Industry [DTI] and/or the body appointed by the DTI as the verification authority for local content may conduct compliance audits with regard to the local content requirements as prescribed in Regulation 9 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 issued in terms of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act. 14.3 The Supplier is required to continuously update Declarations C, D and E of the Local Content Declaration templates with the actual local content values for the duration of the contract.
LOCAL CONTENT OBLIGATIONS. (a) The Operator shall hire, retain and train, or procure the hiring, retaining and training of, all Personnel required to perform the Operating Services (the "Crew"), giving priority to the recruitment of qualified Mauritanian and Senegalese personnel, to the extent that the necessary expertise is locally available. (b) The Owner and Operator shall comply with the Localisation Plan. The Lessee shall provide such reasonable assistance to the Operator to comply with the Localisation Plan as is requested by the Operator from time to time.


  • Recipient Obligations 2.1 The Recipient agrees to support the Project in accordance with this Agreement. 2.2 In supporting the Project, the Recipient must: (a) exercise reasonable diligence, care and skill; (b) administer the Funding in accordance with the Agreement to support the Fellow to complete the Project; (c) not replace the Fellow named in the Application with another person; (d) complete the Project Deliverables by the relevant Deliverable due dates. This includes the provision of the required Reports, Financial Acquittal Statements and valid tax invoices; (e) ensure that the Fellow completes the Project Milestones annually; (f) ensure it makes the Recipient Contribution to the Project as per the Application and summarised in Item 11 of Schedule 1; (g) ensure the Partners provide the Partner Contributions to the Project as per the Application and summarised in Item 12 of Schedule 1; (h) ensure that the Project expenditure is managed in accordance with the project expenditure table in the Application; (i) notify the Department within 20 Business Days of any matter that may affect the Fellow or Recipient’s eligibility for funding under the Guidelines, including but not limited to: (i) the Fellow ceasing employment with the Recipient; (ii) the Fellow moving residence to outside of Queensland; (iii) the Fellow travelling outside of Queensland for more than six weeks; (iv) the Fellow taking extended leave or being unable to undertake the Project for an extended period; (v) the Fellow changing the proportion of their time committed to the Project; (vi) the Recipient Contributions or Partner Contributions changing; (vii) the Project Partner organisations changing; and (viii) the Project expenditure changing. (j) ensure that (where relevant): (i) the Project complies with National Health and Medical Research Council Guidelines; (ii) the Project complies with the Code of Ethical Practice for Biotechnology in Queensland; (iii) the Project is cleared by all relevant ethical committees prescribed by the Recipient organisation’s research rules; and (iv) evidence of compliance with this clause is provided, if requested by the Department; (k) not assign, transfer or subcontract its obligations, without prior written consent of the Department; (l) notify the Department of any breach of these terms or any matter that may affect the performance of the Agreement; and (m) comply with all relevant laws.