Recipient Obligations 2.1 The Recipient agrees to support the Project in accordance with this Agreement. 2.2 In supporting the Project, the Recipient must: (a) exercise reasonable diligence, care and skill; (b) administer the Funding in accordance with the Agreement to support the Fellow to complete the Project; (c) not replace the Fellow named in the Application with another person; (d) complete the Project Deliverables by the relevant Deliverable due dates. This includes the provision of the required Reports, Financial Acquittal Statements and valid tax invoices; (e) ensure that the Fellow completes the Project Milestones annually; (f) ensure it makes the Recipient Contribution to the Project as per the Application and summarised in Item 11 of Schedule 1; (g) ensure the Partners provide the Partner Contributions to the Project as per the Application and summarised in Item 12 of Schedule 1; (h) ensure that the Project expenditure is managed in accordance with the project expenditure table in the Application; (i) notify the Department within 20 Business Days of any matter that may affect the Fellow or Recipient’s eligibility for funding under the Guidelines, including but not limited to: (i) the Fellow ceasing employment with the Recipient; (ii) the Fellow moving residence to outside of Queensland; (iii) the Fellow travelling outside of Queensland for more than six weeks; (iv) the Fellow taking extended leave or being unable to undertake the Project for an extended period; (v) the Fellow changing the proportion of their time committed to the Project; (vi) the Recipient Contributions or Partner Contributions changing; (vii) the Project Partner organisations changing; and (viii) the Project expenditure changing. (j) ensure that (where relevant): (i) the Project complies with National Health and Medical Research Council Guidelines; (ii) the Project complies with the Code of Ethical Practice for Biotechnology in Queensland; (iii) the Project is cleared by all relevant ethical committees prescribed by the Recipient organisation’s research rules; and (iv) evidence of compliance with this clause is provided, if requested by the Department; (k) not assign, transfer or subcontract its obligations, without prior written consent of the Department; (l) notify the Department of any breach of these terms or any matter that may affect the performance of the Agreement; and (m) comply with all relevant laws.