Long-Term Obligations. For this restoration project, the Sponsor’s long-term obligations for the project area shall be for a minimum of ten (10) years, or more as specified in the Landowner Agreement, beginning at project completion, unless otherwise identified in the Agreement or as approved by the funding board or RCO.
Long-Term Obligations. No acceptance by Owner of any or all of the Work or any other obligations of Contractor under this Agreement, including acceptance of Substantial Completion or Final Completion of the Project, nor any payment made hereunder, whether an interim or final payment, shall in any way release Contractor or any surety of Contractor from any obligations or liability pursuant to this Agreement. Nothing in this Article 11 shall in any way modify or alter Contractor’s obligations under Article 12 and Article 13.
Long-Term Obligations. For this acquisition project, the Sponsor’s long-term obligations for the project area shall be in perpetuity, beginning at project completion, unless otherwise identified in the Agreement or as approved by the funding board or RCO.
Long-Term Obligations. It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties that nothing in this Article XI shall in any way modify or alter GEC’s obligations under Articles XII and XIII. LIMA/GEC/EPC 47 Confidential Business Information
Long-Term Obligations. No acceptance by Owner of any or all of the Work or any other obligations of Contractor under this Agreement, including acceptance of any Mechanical Completion, RFSU, Substantial Completion, or Final Completion, nor any payment made hereunder, whether an interim or final payment, shall in any way release Contractor or any surety of Contractor from any obligations or liability pursuant to this Agreement, including Warranty obligations, any liabilities for which insurance is required or any other responsibility of Contractor, including the payment of any and all fines and penalties assessed to the extent caused by Contractor’s failure to comply with any Applicable Law. It is expressly understood and agreed by the Parties that nothing in this ARTICLE 11 shall in any way modify or alter Contractor’s obligations under ARTICLE 12 and ARTICLE 13 hereof.
Long-Term Obligations. A. With the written consent of RPOSD, Grantee may transfer property acquired with funds granted under this Agreement to another public agency; to a nonprofit organization authorized to acquire real property for park, wildlife, recreation, community, open space, or gang prevention and intervention purposes; or to the California Department of Parks and Recreation, National Park Service, or the US Forest Service, at de minimis cost, provided that approval by RPOSD is obtained prior to the change and any such successor to the recipient assumes the obligations imposed under the Measure and to accept assignment of this Agreement. Under these conditions, Grantee shall not be required to reimburse RPOSD. Any such transfer must require the nonprofit or public entity acquiring the property to enter into a written contract with RPOSD and agree to comply with the terms of Measure A and this Agreement.
B. Grantee agrees to provide for reasonable public access to lands acquired in fee with grant monies, including the provision of parking and public restrooms, except when that access may interfere with resource protection.
C. All facilities shall be open to members of the public generally, as noted in the GAM. Grantee agrees that property and facilities acquired or developed with Measure A funds as per this Agreement shall be available for inspection upon RPOSD’s request, in perpetuity.
D. Grantee agrees to maintain and operate in perpetuity the property acquired, developed, rehabilitated or restored with grant monies, subject to the provisions of Measure A and this Agreement.
E. Grantee agrees to take all reasonable measures to actively oppose, at its sole expense, any proposal or attempt to act upon, exercise, or assert claims as to reserved rights to the grant funded property that are contrary to the purposes of Measure A, GAM and/ or this Agreement, including but not limited to oil, gas, and other hydrocarbon substances; minerals; water; and/or riparian resources. The above notwithstanding, Xxxxxxx has no obligation hereunder to initiate litigation challenging any project or proposal based on a reserved right lawfully recorded against the grant funded property in real property records maintained by the Los Angeles County Recorder’s Office.
Long-Term Obligations. With the written consent of RPOSD, the Grantee may transfer property acquired with funds granted under this Agreement to another public agency; to a nonprofit organization authorized to acquire real property for park, wildlife, recreation, community, open space, or gang prevention and intervention purposes; or to the California Department of Parks and Recreation, National Park Service, or the US Forest Service, provided that approval by the District is obtained prior to the change and any such successor to the recipient assumes the obligations imposed under the Measure and to accept assignment of this Agreement. Under these conditions, the Grantee shall not be required to reimburse RPOSD. Any such transfer must require the nonprofit or public entity acquiring the property to enter into a written Contract with the RPOSD and agreed to comply with the terms of Measure A and this Agreement. (See Grant Administration Manual for details.) The Grantee agrees to provide for reasonable public access to lands acquired in fee with grant monies, including the provision of parking and public restrooms, except that access may interfere with resource protection.
Long-Term Obligations. Long-term obligations is comprised of revenue bonds and related bond premium, loans and notes payable, lease obligations, and subscription liabilities. Long-term obligations activity was as follows: *As Adjusted Balance, September 30, Balance, September 30, Due Within Revenue Bonds 2019 Series A Bonds $ 441,053 $ - $ (8,413) $ 432,640 $ 5,420 2019 Series B Bonds 50,315 - - 50,315 - 2010 Series A Bonds 42,000 - - 42,000 - Total Revenue Bonds 533,368 - (8,413) 524,955 5,420 Loans and Notes Payable 2023 TD Bank revolving line of credit - 50,000 (50,000) - - 2022 TD Bank loan 75,000 - (1,700) 73,300 1,740 0000 XP Xxxxan Chase Loan 75,000 - (1,700) 73,300 1,740 2020 TD Bank Loan 97,300 - (2,400) 94,900 2,500 0000 XP Xxxxan Chase Loan 43,333 - (4,333) 39,000 4,333 2016 BAPCC Loan 2,810 - (2,810) - - 2015 BAPCC Loan 16,045 - (5,244) 10,801 5,347 2015 Bank of America Loan 30,390 - (15,425) 14,965 14,965 Other direct borrowings 58,428 - (8,979) 49,449 5,896 Total Loans and Notes Payable 398,306 50,000 (92,591) 355,715 36,521 Right-of-Use Lease Obligations 115,266 40,530 (32,125) 123,671 15,631 Subscription Liabilities 25,290 32,877 (17,763) 40,404 17,758 Total $ 1,072,230 $ 123,407 $ (150,892) $ 1,044,745 $ 75,330 * Balances as of September 30, 2022 were adjusted for the adoption of GASB 96 (see Note 1). The remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Balance, September 30, *As Adjusted Balance, September 30, Due Within 2021 Increases Decreases 2022 One Year Revenue Bonds 2019 Series A Bonds $ 453,650 $ - $ (12,597) $ 441,053 $ 4,710 2019 Series B Bonds 50,315 - - 50,315 - 2010 Series A Bonds 42,000 - - 42,000 - Total Revenue Bonds 545,965 - (12,597) 533,368 4,710 Loans and Notes Payable 2022 TD Bank loan - 75,000 - 75,000 1,700 0000 XP Xxxxan Chase Loan - 75,000 - 75,000 1,700 2020 TD Bank Loan 99,700 - (2,400) 97,300 2,400 0000 XP Xxxxan Chase Loan 47,667 - (4,334) 43,333 4,333 2016 BAPCC Loan 6,506 - (3,696) 2,810 2,810 2015 BAPCC Loan 21,186 - (5,141) 16,045 5,243 2015 Bank of America Loan 40,010 - (9,620) 30,390 15,425 Other direct borrowings 64,332 2,930 (8,834) 58,428 8,980 Total Loans and Notes Payable 279,401 152,930 (34,025) 398,306 42,591 Right-of-Use Lease Obligations 107,862 17,862 (10,458) 115,266 13,613 Subscription Liabilities - 37,066 (11,776) 25,290 12,280 Total $ 933,228 $ 207,858 $ (68,856) $ 1,072,230 $ 73,194 * Balances and activity for the year ended September 30, 2022 were adjusted for the adoption of GASB 96 (see Note 1). Maturities of...
Long-Term Obligations. (This is a custom section based on project, program, and sponsor type. See attached spreadsheet of those that may apply.)
Long-Term Obligations. All of the supplies and equipment purchased with project funds under this Agreement shall be retained by sponsor and used for similar uses, or otherwise disposed of per the TREATMENT OF EQUIPMENT AND ASSETS section, or as approved by RCO. This obligation shall survive the completion/termination of this Project Agreement unless otherwise identified in the Agreement or as approved by the RCO.