Measurement method Sample Clauses
Measurement method. An isolation resistance test instrument is connected between the live parts and the electrical chassis. The isolation resistance is subsequently measured by applying a DC voltage at least half of the working voltage of the high voltage bus. If the system has several voltage ranges (e.g. because of boost converter) in conductively connected circuit and some of the components cannot withstand the working voltage of the entire circuit, the isolation resistance between those components and the electrical chassis can be measured separately by applying at least half of their own working voltage with those components disconnected.
Measurement method. The isolation resistance measurement is conducted by selecting an appropriate measurement method from among those listed in paragraphs 5.2.1. to 5.2.2. of this Annex, depending on the electrical charge of the live parts or the isolation resistance. The range of the electrical circuit to be measured is clarified in advance, using electrical circuit diagrams. If the high voltage buses are conductively isolated from each other, isolation resistance shall be measured for each electrical circuit. Moreover, modifications necessary for measuring the isolation resistance may be carried out, such as removal of the cover in order to reach the live parts, drawing of measurement lines and change in software. In cases where the measured values are not stable due to the operation of the on-board isolation resistance monitoring system, necessary modifications for conducting the measurement may be carried out by stopping the operation of the device concerned or by removing it. Furthermore, when the device is removed, a set of drawings will be used to prove that the isolation resistance between the live parts and the electrical chassis remains unchanged. These modifications shall not influence the test results. Utmost care shall be exercised to avoid short circuit and electric shock since this confirmation might require direct operations of the high-voltage circuit.
5.2.1. Measurement method using DC voltage from external sources.
Measurement method. First step. The voltage is measured as shown in Figure 1 and the high voltage bus voltage (Ub) is recorded. Ub shall be equal to or greater than the nominal operating voltage of the REESS and/or energy conversion system as specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
Measurement method. 3.1. Measurement instruments and condition of measurements Unless otherwise specified, the measurement instruments, the conditions of the measurements and the condition of the vehicle are equivalent to those specified in Annex 3, paragraphs 1. and 2.
Measurement method. The vehicle shall be measured according to paragraph 3. of Annex 7 of this Regulation.
Measurement method. An insulation resistance test instrument shall be connected between the live parts and the ground connection. Then, the isolation resistance shall be measured. If the system has several voltage ranges (e.g. because of boost converter) in a galvanically connected circuit and some of the components cannot withstand the working voltage of the entire circuit, the isolation resistance between those components and the ground connection can be measured separately by applying at least half of their own working voltage with those component disconnected.
Measurement method. First step The voltage is measured as shown in Figure 1 and the operating voltage of the Tested-Device (Ub, Figure 1) is recorded. Ub shall be equal to or greater than the nominal operating voltage of the Tested-Device. Figure 1
Measurement method. The NEO’s score is determined by calculating the percent achievement for each of the Corporate Performance and Individual Performance factors.
Measurement method. Usable square feet is calculated by measurement from the inside finished surface of exterior walls to the inside finished surface of Building corridor and other permanent walls or to the center of walls demising the Leased Premises from adjacent tenant space. Measurement is taken from the exterior wall glass line only if more than fifty percent (50%) of the wall is glass.
Measurement method. The isolation resistance measurement shall be conducted by selecting an appropriate measurement method from among those listed in paragraphs 2.1. through 2.2. of this annex, depending on the electrical charge of the live parts or the isolation resistance, etc. The range of the electrical circuit to be measured shall be clarified in advance, using electrical circuit diagrams, etc. Moreover, modification necessary for measuring the isolation resistance may be carried out, such as removal of the cover in order to reach the live parts, drawing of measurement lines, change in software, etc. In cases where the measured values are not stable due to the operation of the on-board isolation resistance monitoring system, etc., necessary modification for conducting the measurement may be carried out, such as stopping of the operation of the device concerned or removing it. Furthermore, when the device is removed, it shall be proven, using drawings, etc., that it will not change the isolation resistance between the live parts and the electrical chassis. Utmost care shall be exercised as to short circuit, electric shock, etc., for this confirmation might require direct operations of the high-voltage circuit.
2.1. Measurement method using voltage from off-vehicle sources
2.1.1. Measurement instrument An isolation resistance test instrument capable of applying a DC voltage higher than the working voltage of the high voltage bus shall be used.