Method of Study. Every course syllabus outlines the study expectations for the course. The syllabus will include course objectives and expectations, due dates, grading policy, teacher contact information, academic support, and other information necessary for student success in the course.
Method of Study. Specific methods of study will be designated in assignments from the teacher and the Attendance Record. Examples of methods of study for the student will include but are not limited to: independent reading, textbook activities, problem solving, study projects, drill & practice, experiential learning, computerized curriculum, web/internet research, library research, field trips, on-campus courses, other .
Method of Study. Specific methods of study will be designated on the Student Assignment Sheet and Attendance Record incorporated herein. Examples of methods of study for the student will include but are not limited to: Independent Reading Textbook Activities Problem Solving Study Projects Drill & Practice Experiential Learning Computerized Curriculum Web/Internet Research Library Research Field Trips Learning Center Courses Other _.
Method of Study. Method of Study/Educational Activities: (e.g., independent reading, textbook activities, problem solving, study projects, drill & practice, experiential learning, computerized curriculum, web/internet research, library research, field trips, learning center courses, other)
Method of Study. Child reads ο answers questions ο completes worksheets ο takes quizzes or tests
Method of Study. Specific Method of Study for 7-12, will be standards-based Mastery learning. The GradPoint curriculum is web-based and delivers courses built from instructional design best practices that incorporate video, interactive activities, immediate feedback, and assessments to ensure mastery and authentic work. Curriculum modifications will be made for Special Education students based on Method of Evaluation: Academics evaluations will be determined by student Post-testing through the assigned curriculum. Each designated subject will have a minimum number of Post-tests that must be completed at 60%, in order to receive term credit for the class. Individual letter grades will be based on amount of lessons completed and Post-testing percentages earned. Exceptions in evaluation methods for Special Education students will be determined by case-manager and IS administrator.
Method of Study. Specific Method of Study for K-8, will be standards-based Mastery learning. The Edmentum curriculum is web-based and delivers courses built from instructional design best practices that incorporate video, interactive activities, immediate feedback, project base learning and assessments to ensure mastery and authentic work. Daily minimum of minutes required by grade level: Kindergarten- 180 minutes, 1st- 3rd grade- 230 minutes and 4-8th grade- 240 minutes. Curriculum modifications will be made for Special Education students based on their Individual Education Plan (IEP). In-person prevention and intervention are required for students scoring below grade level.
Method of Study. Specific methods of study will be designated on the Learning Log incorporated herein. Examples of methods of study for the student will include but are not limited to: □ Independent Reading □ Textbook Activities □ Problem Solving □ Study Projects □ Drill & Practice □ Experiential Learning □ Computerized Curriculum □ Web/Internet Research □ Library Research □ Field Trips □ Learning Center Courses □ Other .
Method of Study. Specific methods of study will be designated on the Learning Log incorporated herein. Examples of methods of study for the student willinclude but are not limited to:
Method of Study. Specific methods of study will include but are not limited to Independent Reading, Textbook Activities, Problem Solving, Projects, Drill & Practice, Experiential Learning, Computerized Curriculum, Web/Internet Research, Library Research, Field Trips, Synchronous Instruction.