Methodology and Timetable Sample Clauses

Methodology and Timetable a. Provide a timeline (list, table, or chart) with grant and match-funded tasks and major milestones. Your timeline may begin no earlier than July 1. TRAIL DESIGN, ENGINEERING AND BIDDING DOCUMENTS Design and creation of engineering and bidding documents for the proposed trail and site lighting– September/October 2020 Outcome #1: City Staff will design and create engineering documents for the proposed trail and site lighting (City Match) COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS
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Methodology and Timetable a. Provide a timeline (list, table, or chart) with grant and match-funded tasks and major milestones. Your timeline may begin no earlier than July 1.
Methodology and Timetable a. Provide a list and description of grant-funded project tasks, including a timeline and major milestones. Your timeline may begin July 1.

Related to Methodology and Timetable

  • Timetable In order to set a timetable and procedural framework within which the subcommittees will accomplish their tasks, the parties have further agreed to the following: The subcommittees referenced in Section 1 above will be appointed and have their first organizational meeting within six (6) weeks of the date of the MOU ratification. Each subcommittee shall provide to the Head of the affected Department a final report no later than thirty (30) weeks after the date of the MOU ratification. The Department Head who receives a final report will meet with the LMC to provide feedback on the report, indicating areas of acceptance and explaining the reasons for rejecting any of the recommendations in the report.

  • Methodology 1. The price at which the Assuming Institution sells or disposes of Qualified Financial Contracts will be deemed to be the fair market value of such contracts, if such sale or disposition occurs at prevailing market rates within a predefined timetable as agreed upon by the Assuming Institution and the Receiver.

  • Actions and timeframes The parties agree the following actions and timeframes will be used:

  • Drug Testing Procedures a. The testing procedures and safeguards provided in this policy shall be adhered to by any laboratory personnel administering departmental drug tests.

  • Minimum Shipping Requirements for TIPS Sales Vendor shall ship, deliver, or provide ordered goods and services within a commercially reasonable time after acceptance of the order. If a delay in delivery is anticipated, Vendor shall notify the TIPS Member as to why delivery is delayed and provide an updated estimated time for completion. The TIPS Member may cancel the order if the delay is not commercially acceptable or not consistent with the Supplemental Agreement applicable to the order.

  • Procedure and Time Limits Step Two 100 If the grievance is not adjusted at Step One, the Faculty Member or group of Faculty Members or the Association may, within five (5) working days of the Step One answer, which shall also be concurrently provided to the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, appeal the grievance, in writing, to the appropriate Xxxx or other designated administrative agent, setting forth his/her (their) objections to the Step One answer. Upon receipt of the written appeal or at the signed written notice when initiation is at Step Two, the Xxxx or other designated administrative agent shall promptly arrange a meeting through the EMU-AAUP office to discuss the grievance with the grievant(s), the Association’s Grievance Officer, and such other persons as he/she deems appropriate. It is not appropriate at this level for the grieved department head or other grieved administrative agent involved at the Step One grievance hearing to be present at a Step Two grievance hearing. This discussion shall be completed within seven (7) working days after the filing of the grievance at Step Two. If the grievance is adjusted at this Step to the satisfaction of the grievant(s), the Association’s Grievance Officer and the Xxxx or other designated administrative agent, the adjustment will be reduced to writing, signed by the parties, and a copy provided to each signatory, the EMU-AAUP office and the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs. If there is not adjustment, the Xxxx or other designated administrative agent must present his/her reasons in writing to the grievant(s) with a copy to the EMU-AAUP office and the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Xxxx or administrative agent shall reduce the adjustment to writing or provide the reasons for denial of the grievance in writing to the grievant(s) within five (5) working days following the Step Two meeting. If, within five (5) working days of receipt thereof, XXX’s Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, or his/her designee, serves the Association’s Grievance Officer with written notice of objection to the adjustment on the grounds that the adjustment adds to, subtracts from, or modifies the terms of this agreement, said adjustment shall be deemed null and void and the grievance remanded for further review at Step Two. Within seven (7) working days of notice of remand, the parties’ Step Two representatives and the grievant(s) shall complete their review. The grievance shall thereafter be processed, adjusted or appealed within the timelines and procedures as set forth in this Grievance Procedure.

  • Parameters In calculating the MtM Exposure for each Transaction, the following parameters are set on the Transaction Date: ▪ On-Peak Initial Xxxx Xxxxx ▪ Off-Peak/On-Peak Price Ratio ▪ Off-Peak Initial Xxxx Xxxxx ▪ MW-Measure: initial Capacity PLC Per Tranche ▪ On-Peak Estimated Energy Quantity Per MW-Measure for each of the twelve calendar months ▪ Off-Peak Estimated Energy Quantity Per MW-Measure for each of the twelve calendar months ▪ Number of awarded Tranches In calculating the MtM Exposure for each Transaction, the following parameters are set each Trading Day subsequent to the Transaction Date: ▪ On-Peak Forward Price ▪ Off-Peak Forward Price ▪ Current Capacity PLC Per Tranche ▪ On-Peak Estimated Energy Quantity ▪ Off-Peak Estimated Energy Quantity Process to Update the On-Peak Initial Mark Prices and Off-Peak Initial Mark Prices on a Daily Basis On each Trading Day subsequent to the Transaction Date, the Pricing Agent will contact four Reference Market-Makers to obtain price quotes for on-peak and off-peak energy for PJM Western Hub. The Pricing Agent may not rely upon quotes from Seller or any Affiliate of Seller. The updated mark for a month will be equal to the average mark for that month over all sources from which a quote is available. If a monthly quote is available from any source, only the monthly quote or monthly quotes shall be used. Where quotes provide a bid and ask, the average shall be used. Where a quote for an individual month is unavailable, but the month is quoted as part of a “packaged” quote (e.g., January 2011 is only available in the form of a January/February 2011 “packaged” quote or an annual quote): ▪ If the other month/months of the package quote is/are also unavailable, then the marks for all months of the package will be calculated by multiplying the packaged quote by the ratio of the corresponding month to the corresponding calculated package quote from the previous day. Example: There are no On-Peak quotes available on day X during the contract for July 2011 or August 2011. However, there is an On-Peak July/August 2011 packaged quote of $73.00/MWh available. The On-Peak marks from day X-1 for July 2011 and August 2011 were $73.50/MWh and $76.50/MWh respectively. The day X On-Peak mark for July 2011 is set at 73.00 * [73.50] / [( (73.50 * 352) + (76.50 * 336) ) / (352+336) ] = 73 * (73.50/ 74.97) = $71.57/MWh. The day X On-Peak mark for August 2011 is set at 73.00 * [76.50] / [( (73.50 * 352) + (76.50*336) ) / (352+336) ] = 73 * (76.50 / 74.97) = $74.49/MWh. ▪ If the other month/months of the package quote is/are available, then the mark for the month will be set such that the average of the month and the other month(s) (weighted for either the On-Peak Hours or Off-Peak Hours as applicable) equals the packaged quote (see calculation example below).

  • Technical Standards Applicable to a Wind Generating Plant i. Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) Capability A wind generating plant shall be able to remain online during voltage disturbances up to the time periods and associated voltage levels set forth in the standard below. The LVRT standard provides for a transition period standard and a post-transition period standard.

  • Testing Procedure A. For alcohol testing, the member shall be first given a breath test, at the collection site, followed by a confirmatory urine test only where the breath test reveals an initial positive alcohol level of .04 grams per 210 l. of breath. If the initial breath test results are below this level, testing shall be discontinued; if confirmatory urine tests results are below a level equivalent to .04 grams per 210 l. of breath, the confirmatory test shall be considered negative.


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