Minimum Monthly Fees. The initial Fees indicated in Quote for recurring services are the minimum monthly fees (“MMF”) that will be charged to you during the term. You agree that the amounts paid by you under the Quote will not drop below the MMF regardless of the number of users or devices to which the Services are directed or applied, unless we agree to the reduction. All modifications to the amount of hardware, devices, or authorized users under the Quote (as applicable) must be in writing and accepted by both parties.
Minimum Monthly Fees. A Monthly Minimum Processing Fee will be assessed immediately after the date Client’s Application is approved. (Refer to the Service Fee Schedule, if applicable.)
Minimum Monthly Fees. The minimum monthly fee will be $1,000 per Fund, excluding transaction charges and out-of-pocket and other charges. Out-of-Pocket and Other Charges: PFPC Trust's out-of-pocket and other charges, include, but are not limited to, global custody fees and charges, data warehouse access fees, federal express delivery, data transmissions, reproduction, conversion and deconversion amounts, check processing fees, tax processing and filing fees, $2 per month holdings charge per security, $50 per third party currency movement (unless foreign exchange is directed to PFPC Trust), segregated account charges ($100 per segregated account), proxy services, SWIFT charges, and federal reserve wire fees.
Minimum Monthly Fees. For Dormant Funds there is no minimum monthly fee, for all other Fund types the total minimum fee for Fund Operating and Application Processing is $400 USD per month once the Fund is open for grant applications or grant making.
Minimum Monthly Fees. The initial Fees indicated in Quote are the minimum monthly fees (“MMF”) that will be charged to you during the term. You agree that the amounts paid by you under the Quote will not drop below the MMF regardless of the number of users or devices to which the Services are directed or applied, unless we agree to the reduction. All modifications to the amount of hardware, devices, or authorized users under the Quote (as applicable) must be in writing and accepted by both parties.