Ministry. The Ministry is responsible for the following with respect to child welfare services:
(a) developing the legislative, regulatory and policy framework, and setting strategic directions;
Ministry. As ccTLDs have a strong link with the identity of a country and its internet users, the Ministry is, as defined in RFC1591, a significantly interested party when it comes to the management of the .nz ccTLD. This is consistent with the Ministry's commitment to multistakeholder governance of the Internet.
Ministry. Such courses are offered on a cost recovery basis, with separate pay scales for instruction. Such work is not covered by this Collective Agreement. At the request of the Union, the Employer NIC/NICFA Collective Agreement 80 and Union shall meet to determine whether specific courses rightfully belong to community education. Faculty may teach community education courses, provided this does not conflict with a normal teaching assignment. Faculty will not be assigned community education courses as part of a teaching assignment except by mutual agreement, and shall retain the normal salaries and benefits set out in this Agreement.
Ministry. The procedures of the relevant Participating Denominations shall be followed in the appointment/call of ministers. Recognising, however, the importance of continuity, the LEP expects that those responsible for the appointment/call of ministers shall select persons who will respect and develop the ecumenical character of the LEP. To that end, when it is expected that an Appointed Minister may leave, or before any major changes in the responsibility of an Appointed Minister are considered, or if additional Appointed Ministers are being contemplated, a procedure agreed by the Participating Denominations in consultation with each other shall be followed. Where possible, ministry should be provided by a variety of Participating Denominations, either concurrently or in sequence.
Ministry. In accordance with Budget and Financial Reports a. Prepares b. Approves c. Provides to Minister applicable TB/MBC and Ministry of Finance directives a. CEO b. Board c. Chair and/or as required by the Minister At a date set by Compliance attestation a. Attests b. Approves c. Submits to Minister annual instructions a. CEO b. Board c. Chair See Guide to Chair/CEO Attestation for Board Governed Agencies for further details As required by Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act Salary Disclosure Information Agency
Ministry. Ministry of Health, in the capacity of the highest supervisory authority in the health sector.
Ministry. The Council of Ministers shall carry out the following duties and responsibilities:
Ministry. The Sovereign in right of New Zealand, acting by and through the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (Ministry).
Ministry. (i) Church-Related Community Work is part of the ministry of the whole people of God and it is exercised by Church-Related Community Workers, ministers of Word and Sacraments elders and congregations.
(ii) A Church-Related Community Worker is called by God, trained and commissioned to a specific situation (the Church-in-Community project) and recognised by the wider Church.
(iii) A Church-Related Community Worker’s task is to enable the Church-in Community to engage with community development in the neighbourhood, to reflect on and develop that work, and to develop community development work goals and processes within its own life – its order, outreach, worship, spirituality, theology and mission.
Ministry. This Partnership celebrates the truth that all members of the church, by virtue of baptism, are called to ministry in Xxxxxx. We recognize that lay and ordained ministries requiring authorization are full and valid ministries and we will seek to discover ordered ways by which the ministers of one church may serve effectively, when invited, in the partner church. We covenant to extend honor and respect to those our partner church has authorized for lay and ordained ministry. This Partnership celebrates the truth that our two churches share a common faith. We have received the faith of the Apostles through diverse histories, cultures and traditions. We each claim the responsibility to make this historic faith our own in our differing historical and cultural contexts. Through this rich variety of theological expression, liturgical style and church governance, we recognize in our Partnership that the faith that has nurtured, sustained, and challenged each of our churches is one faith in Xxxxx Xxxxxx. We believe that God intends our differences to be enriching rather than dividing. We covenant to share in teaching and dialogue to encourage mutual enrichment, nurture and growth with full regard for the self-determination of our churches.