Tourism Sample Clauses

Tourism. In this field, the objective of the cooperation will be to strengthen the promotion of the tourist potentialities of the Parties, as well as to facilitate the information exchange and the conservation of natural and cultural attractions.
TourismThe Parties shall increase and develop cooperation between them, which shall include: - Facilitating the tourist trade; - Increasing the flow of information; - Transferring know-how; - Studying the opportunities for joint operations; - Cooperation between official tourism bodies; - Training for tourism development.
Tourism. Priorities for cooperation shall be: – promoting investments in tourism; – improving the knowledge of the tourist industry and ensuring greater consistency of policies affecting tourism; – promoting a good seasonal spread of tourism; – promoting cooperation between regions and cities of neighbouring countries; – highlighting the importance of the cultural heritage for tourism; – ensuring that the interaction between tourism and the environment is suitably maintained; – making tourism more competitive through support for increased professionalism.
TourismCooperation between the Parties in the field of tourism shall be mainly aimed at strengthening the flow of information on tourism (through international networks, databanks, etc.); encouraging the development of infrastructure conducive to investment in the tourism sector, participation of Serbia in important European tourism organisations. It shall also aim at studying the opportunities for joint operations and strengthening cooperation between tourism enterprises, experts and governments and their competent agencies in the field of tourism, as well as transferring know-how (through training, exchanges, seminars). Cooperation shall take due account of Community acquis related to this sector. Cooperation may be integrated into a regional framework of cooperation.
TourismThe Parties shall cooperate in the field of tourism, with the aim of strengthening the development of a competitive and sustainable tourism industry as a generator of economic growth, empowerment, employment and foreign exchange.
Tourism. The aim of cooperation shall be to develop tourism, particularly with regard to: (a) catering management and quality of service in the various fields connected with catering; (b) development of marketing; (c) promotion of tourism for young people.
TourismCooperation between the Parties in the field of tourism shall be mainly aimed at strengthening the flow of information on tourism (through international networks, databanks, etc.), strengthening cooperation between tourism enterprises, experts and governments and their competent agencies in the field of tourism, and transferring know-how (through training, exchanges, seminars). Cooperation shall take due account of Community acquis related to this sector. Cooperation may be integrated into a regional framework of cooperation.
Tourism. Recognising the value of tourism in deepening mutual understanding and appreciation between the peoples of the Union and New Zealand and the economic benefits flowing from increased tourism, the Parties agree to cooperate with a view to increasing tourism in both directions between the Union and New Zealand.
Tourism. Recognising the value of tourism in deepening mutual understanding and appreciation between the peoples of the Union and Australia and the economic benefits flowing from increased tourism, the Parties agree to cooperate with a view to increasing tourism in both directions between the Union and Australia.
Tourism. Cooperation will aim at the sustainable development of the tourism industry in ACP countries and sub-regions, recognising its increasing importance to the growth of the services sector in ACP countries and to the expansion of their global trade, its ability to stimulate other sectors of economic activity, and the role it can play in poverty eradication. Cooperation programmes and projects will support the efforts of ACP countries to establish and improve the countries legal and institutional framework and resources for the development and implementation of sustainable tourism policies and programmes, as well as inter alia, improving the competitive position of the sector, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), investment support and promotion, product development including the development of indigenous cultures in ACP countries, and strengthening linkages between tourism and other sectors of economic activity.