Modes. If the vehicle has different modes according to the definition 2.
25.1. the stationary sound of the vehicle shall be determined for each mode, following the measurement and calculation principles above.
2.6.1. in case the vehicle has only a single test position (outlet) and according to in case of multiple test positions (outlets).
Modes. The First Party shall operate in either Opt-Out Option Mode or Service Provider Mode, but not both with respect to the same Covered Transaction.
Modes. We have conducted a study of approaches to complex critical systems development, and the requirements documents within DEPLOY, and arrived at the following: • Separation of concerns is a major approach to tackle the complexity of the systems development. • A large amount of critical systems are developed using a notion of operation modes. • All critical systems involve operations with important aspects of human activity (e.g. lives, finance) hence critical. And all of them inevitably have faults due to changing environmental conditions, hardware failures etc. A high percentage of requirements to such systems (up to 40% according to our study within DEPLOY) include fault tolerance as a way to mitigate the consequences of errors. • Requirements evolve, including FT. There were neither mode nor fault tolerance viewpoints in the state of the art Event-B development. The UML-B approach of statecharts is closely related to modal views. However, the statecharts drive the development by generating Event-B models as opposed to the mode views which facilitate the development by leaving the Event-B modelling activity with the user. On the fault tolerance side, we are aware of the work on ProR framework for tracing requirements, and we plan to integrate the tracing framework with our modelling approach. The Mode/FT Views approach is to assist the main Event-B development by an additional set of abstractions and a toolset to facilitate modal and fault tolerance development. We were motivated by the following stimuli: • Facilitate the modal and fault tolerance development in Event-B with a comprehensible modelling approach. • Stimulate the consideration of fault tolerance at the very first phases of development. • Explicitly covering mode and fault tolerance concerns, we wanted to improve the requirement traceability and fulfilment. • Help make planning decisions. Focusing the developer attention on specific aspects of development leads to better understanding of the problem and planning of the solution. • Provide consistent way of stepwise development of mode and FT aspects by a notion of views refinement.
Modes. Current status is version 1.0.0 for Rodin 2.0 In a long term we plan: • A few usability improvements • Integration with ProR requirements tracing framework • Event-B model generation and editing driven by FT patterns
Modes. Rewind arm function.
Modes. The main objective in the tool design was to make a simple to use environment that can be used by a non-Event-B user (e.g. requirements engineer, fault tolerance specialist), yet provides the necessary functionality for an Event-B modeller. The tool was designed to be as much an external environment to Event-B models as possible. • We decided not to extend the Rodin database with modal and fault tolerance elements and to keep them as separate models. This led to less platform dependencies and easier maintenance. • The static check is separated from the Rodin SC, and realized by the GMF validation since it does not logically belong to Rodin / Event-B. However, since the proofs are a part of the modelling process, we properly extended the Rodin proof obligation generator. • A modal/FT documents form a refinement chain that mimics the Event-B refinement. This allows our tool to be used with the existing types of decomposition / modularisation. • During the initial experiments we have identified a possible need for multiple views on a single model. The tool supports this by keeping the references to the models in the views and not the opposite.
Modes. There is a wiki page[10] with details of the plug-in functionality, installation guide, and a simple example. • Papers on modal specifications [11] and [12] , and fault tolerance [13] . • Also, we are working on a medium-scale case study
Modes. This instrument has five modes as shown in the table. When the power is turned ON, the instrument starts up in normal measurement mode. You can press the MEMORY key to transition from normal measurement mode into the other modes. When a USB cable is connected, the instrument switches to USB mode automatically. When the USB cable is removed, the instrument displays the screen that was last active when the cable was first connected. If the mode last active was absolute value measurement mode, then that mode is restored. If it was relative value measurement mode, then that mode is restored. Mode Functions Normal measurement mode Optical power measurement, absolute value measurement, relative value measurement, setting measurement conditions, and changing the displayed units. Memory measurement mode Saving measured data, saving measurement conditions, and displaying saved data (addresses and measured data only). Measurement continues even when data is being displayed. Detailed display mode Displaying saved data in detail1 (displaying not only measured data but also measurement conditions). Measurement using the saved measurement conditions2. Data clear mode Deleting data. You can choose to delete one, or all data items. USB mode Uploading saved data to a PC. All memory items can be deleted.
1. A value is displayed under REF, but no value is displayed under CAL (only enabled/disabled is indicated).
2. Including data being detailed-displayed, and excluding when the user calibration setting is active.
2-4-1 Normal Measurement Mode
Modes. Commented [A9]: The MSPA allows First Parties to operate in: