Solution Sample Clauses
Solution. The Supplier’s contractually committed technical approach for solving an information technology business objective and associated Requirements as defined and authorized by the scope of the Contract or any order or Statement of Work issued under the Contract. Solution means all Supplier and Supplier’s third-party providers’ components making up the Solution, including but not limited to Software, Product, configuration design, implementation, Supplier-developed interfaces, Services and Work Product.
Solution either of the following outcomes:
Solution. Forward Networks warrants to End User that for a period of thirty (30) days from delivery, the initial Solution provided hereunder, as made available to End User and when used as permitted hereunder, will perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation. If during this period, End User notifies Forward Networks of a non-conformity, Forward Networks will, at its own expense and as its sole obligation and End User’s exclusive remedy (a) examine the Solution for such non-conformity, and if the non-conformity is reproducible, (b) use commercially reasonable efforts to correct the non- conformity or provide a work-around within ten (10) days of notice of non-conformity, or, if Forward Networks is unable to do so, refund to End User a pro rata portion of the subscription fees actually paid for the non-conforming item of the Solution, pro- rated to the end of the initial Subscription Term. In the event of a refund remedy, End User’s Licenses and right to receive the Solution and all affected Services will end. Forward Networks uses commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Solution and any media upon which any of the foregoing is delivered, will not contain any virus, trap door, worm or any other device that is injurious or damaging to any hardware or software, or End User systems. THIS SECTION 3.2 STATES FORWARD NETWORKS’ ENTIRE LIABILITY AND CUSTOMER’S SOLE REMEDY FOR ANY NON-CONFORMITY OR OTHER PERFORMANCE MALFUNCTION IN THE SOLUTION.
Solution. The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (XXXX) establishes a state-level reciprocity process that will support the nation in its efforts to increase the educational attainment of its people by making state authorization:
Solution. “Solution” means the Precinct Central ePollbook system provided by Tenex, under the Agreement, inclusive of all hardware, Software and services required to make the Precinct Central ePollbook system fully functional
Solution. The Recipient will deploy and evaluate APMDs on a mass scale (~55,000 units) at multiple California community college district campuses in electric investor-owned utility (IOU) service territories throughout California. The Recipient will provide outreach and individual education programs to the Community College Districts, working closely with the Districts, equipment manufacturers and installation partner to advise the Districts of the benefits and features of APMD technologies. Following installation, the Recipient will also gather satisfaction information from District facilities and Information Technology (IT) staff, as well as APMD end-users. The deployment of these devices on a mass scale will result in the generation of extensive and detailed performance dataset that will be used to evaluate the devices’ energy and cost savings potential and cost effectiveness, identify any issues with mass deployment, compare and contrast multiple vendor offerings, and fully investigate the devices’ energy information system capabilities and plug load management and control strategies.
Solution. Engineering The Services operated by Launchmetrics employees to help brands evaluate technical integration and hardware options for the Samples services and conduct set-up configuration of the integration and/or specified hardware option.
Solution. The Customer agrees and accept that the Solution is the Intellectual Property of CES and the Customer further warrants that by using the Solution the Customer will not: copy the Solution or the services that it provides for the Customer’s own commercial purposes; and directly or indirectly copy, recreate, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise obtain, modify or use any source or object code, architecture, algorithms contained in the Solution or any documentation associated with it.
Solution. The Supplier’s contractually committed technical approach for solving an information technology business objective and associated Requirements as defined and authorized by the scope of the Contract. Solution means all Supplier and Supplier’s third-party providers’ components making up the Solution, including but not limited to Software, Product, configuration design, implementation, Supplier-developed interfaces, Services and Work Product. Statement of Work (“SOW”) Any document in substantially the form of Exhibit C (describing the deliverables, due dates, assignment duration, Acceptance criteria, and payment obligations for a specific project, engagement, or assignment that Supplier commits to provide to VDOT), which, upon signing by both Parties, is made a part of the Contract. Subcontractor Any group or person that furnishes supplies or services to VDOT on behalf of Supplier or another Subcontractor in performance of this Contract.
Solution. The value of a forward contract is ft = (Ft − F0)d(t, T ) according to Equation (2). Using the spot rates sk, we first calculate the discount factors from time 0 to times k = 1, 2, where k is the number of 6-month periods. d(0, 1) = 1 + s1/2