Case Study. Upon Surgi-Vision’s prior written consent in each Instance, Cedara may devise a case-study of any Custom Engineering Services Projects, and may use such case-study for marketing of its engineering services to third parties.
Case Study. In this section, we illustrate the proposed model by means of a simple case study. The scenario we use involves five different agents: Anna, John, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx and Xxxxx participating within an organisation. In this organisation agents can buy and sell items, so the action space of agents is composed of actions such as, buy- item-x, sell-item-x, where x is whatever object they want to sell/buy. Besides, agents joined the organisation playing the following roles: Xxxx - buyer, Xxxx - buyer, Xxxxxxx - buyer, Xxxxxx - seller and Xxxxx - seller. The situations in which an agent is involved in that organisation are regulated by organisational norms [5], some examples of such norms are: ON
Case Study. The Tenderer shall prepare a short and high-level legal opinion regarding the legal issue mention below. The case study shall be based on EU legislations, EU case law and national (Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian) legislation. Length of an analysis shall not exceed one A4 page, font size 11 pt.
Case Study. 2.1 Provide CCS with a Case Study, to be publically available, relating to the Suppliers first Call-Off under the DPS and at least one further Case Study annually, where at least one further Call-Off is entered into and the contract is not subject to any restrictions regarding publicity 1 case study for first Call Off Confirmation of Case study received for first Call Off, and if further Call Offs are awarded then an additional Case Study each year to be provided.
Case Study. Customer agrees, in due course, to collaborate with Xxxx’s marketing team to create a case study of the Customer’s use of the Platform. (13.5)
Case Study. Recovery of the Eurasian Spoonbill in France The Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia leucorodia disappeared from France as a breeding bird in the 16th century but started reappearing sporadically between 1973 and 1981 and regularly in the Grand-Lieu Lake (Loire Atlantique). In the mid-20th century, the species was once again endangered because of pollution, hunting and loss of breeding sites as a result of agricultural and hydroelectric developments. Their wetland habitat has been disturbed by the draining of feeding areas and transforming them into intensive agricultural zones as well as by water contamination from agricultural activities. Since the 1990s, national and regional governments have been implementing conservation measures for the Eurasian Spoonbill. Recovery has been facilitated by the development of a major international conservation plan, including measures such as targeted control of water levels, protecting flood plains, and monitoring the development of vegetation and siltation. In France, conservation measures have included wetland protection, restoration and management, which has been supported by research, monitoring and awareness-raising activities. Of particular importance has been the Grand Lieu LIFE project, which is implemented at a key site for the Spoonbill. Specific measures in the project included acquiring adjacent land to carry out restoration operations such as desilting and dredging to remove a silt bank that had built up at the lake′s outlet. The project also included a series of scientific studies to monitor multiple environmental parameters. To raise public awareness, the former hunting lodge of the Guerlain family was refurbished as a visitor centre hosting educational exhibits on the lake’s fauna and flora. The project has improved the habitat for waterbirds, including the Spoonbill, resulting in its breeding population increasing from around 20 to almost 200 pairs. As a result of such diverse measures in France and elsewhere in Europe, most Eurasian Spoonbill populations are recovering (especially in north-west Europe, Hungary and the Netherlands), but some populations remain vulnerable. Source: Xxxxxx et al. (2019) and European Environment Agency (2020). Further information: International Single Species Action Plan for Spoonbill Target 13: Maintain genetic diversity. “By 2020, the genetic diversity of cultivated plants (1) and farmed and domesticated animals (2) and of wild relatives (3), including other socio-ec...
Case Study. Can you offer advice on how we could proceed, please? A friend and I raised concerns re: a member of staff's behaviour at our group. This was based around bullying-type behaviours to manipulate an outcome and included false accusations. Our concerns, raised to the leader in January, were ignored. In December, we received a letter from the leader and board, claiming that we had made the accusations verbally, in emails to the perpetrator and others, and we were excluded from all group activities. We disputed this and requested evidence to support these false accusations - there will not be any - but the situation hasn't changed, and it has been suggested we leave our faith community. Our situation has reached the denominational leaders who have issued a mandate to our area leaders to investigate 'thoroughly and fairly to our satisfaction’, but we’re still waiting. Our Church family are unaware of our plight, and we can’t speak openly about it. The situation is taking its toll emotionally on both of us. Who are the perpetrators? When does it become harmful? Is this spiritual abuse, psychological abuse or neither? Breakout Room – Finance How should we manage teaching, guidance, and policies around financial giving* within our charities and faith communities? * You can interchange this topic with dating, or attendance at events, or parenting styles.
Case Study. Deltablue Benchmark For a final case study, we tested the Deltablue benchmark which is also taken from the V8 benchmark suite.6 It implements a constraint-solving algorithm for a hierarchy of objects. As a par- ticularity, the constraint model is built by side-effects from con- structors. The code implements 59 functions in 670 LOC. A per- son without prior knowledge of the code under test provided the contracts and implemented custom generators in about 4 hours. operation was not reachable in the heap with time stamp u. Thus, it is safe to remove the path from the map. For a more formal approach to completeness see Sec. D.
Case Study. If Customer has received a marketing discount, Customer agrees to participate in press releases, video and text webinars, Supplier’s website, blog posts, social media, case studies, event and exhibition marketing collateral, internal communication documents and sales collateral. Supplier shall provide Customer with a draft of the proposed marketing material for Customer’s approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Customer acknowledges that it is a condition of any marketing discount that permission under this Clause shall continue for the Term.
Case Study. Interactions in the Virtual Control Room Our prototype infrastructure and services were put to the test in the virtual control room experiment at SC03 illustrating how Grids can be used in fusion science experiments. Fusion experiments operate in a pulsed mode producing plasmas of up to 10 seconds duration every 15 to 20 minutes, with multiple pulses per experiment. Decisions for changes to the next plasma pulse are made by analyzing measurements from the previous plasma pulse (hundreds of megabytes of data) within roughly 15 minutes between pulses. This mode of operation could be made more efficient by the ability to leverage Grid resources to do more analysis and simulation in the short time between pulses. Hence, the ability to do time-bounded execution in the Grids is of critical importance. The virtual control room experiment followed the script of typical experiment preparation and interaction. Before an experiment, a scientist can negotiate an agreement for the execution of a remote fusion code and request for data to be delivered to a specific location. This process allows the scientist to experiment with, and fine-tune the parameters for the execution of the code. Thus the agreement-based system is used not only to perform management actions but also to structure and automate experimental process that has grown more complex with the use of Grids. The agreement formed in this way promises to deliver an end-to-end QoS on execution time of the service as long as the execution is requested within a certain availability window. Delivering the QoS entails combining data transfers with application execution and CPU management. At the time of the experiment, the client can request service execution against a previously formed agreement and expect it to be satisfied with the agreed on QoS. In the experiment our implementation and services discussed earlier were used to obtain agreements and claim execution of an end-to-end EFIT application service. The agreement based execution was triggered form the SC03 show floor in Phoenix Arizona when experimental data became ready. The execution comprised: (1) reservation-based remote execution of EFIT at Princeton Plasma Physics Lab (PPPL), and (2) data transfer to the control room team at General Atomics in California. Servers of each site executed on Pentium 4 1.5GHz CPU under Red Hat Linux 7.1. application service data transfer service end-to-end execution Measured 95 (92-99) sec 54 (52-57) sec 173 (167-180) sec ...